Stop Procrastination: Limit the Destruction Caused By Procrastination With 10 Easy Tips
Researchers at the University of Sheffield, in England, recently began studying the effects of procrastination on coping with chronic illness. They have found that habitual procrastinators have higher rates of depression and anxiety. Furthermore, procrastinators struggled with poorer physical health and well-being.
Here are some simple tips for helping you stop the pain involved with procrastinating and stop procrastination once and for all…
- Lists. Making to-do lists are valuable for anybody, especially the more busy you get. Don’t get concerned if you don’t accomplish ALL of the tasks. The key is to continue to make progress and complete the more pressing tasks first.
- Write down everything you need to do tomorrow each night before you go to sleep. This is a great one, and I learned this several years ago from Jim Rohn. Write down tomorrow’s tasks before going to sleep so that your brain can begin to focus. Therefore, when you wake up you will be prepared to rock your day.
- Determine which tasks are the most critical and need immediate attention. Properly prioritizing tasks is crucial for success. Also, balance out your priorities based on time restrictions, importance, and difficulty.
- Ask yourself what happens if you don’t complete all the tasks on your list. Are there certain things on the list that would not have negative consequences if they don’t get done?
- Be realistic about how long it takes to complete a task and how much time you have available. Many people underestimate how long things take and also overestimate how much time they have available. A good exercise is to occasionally time some of your activities so you have a realistic idea of time frames.
- Complete your hardest tasks first. On a daily basis, work on getting done the things first that are either difficult or tasks that you don’t enjoy doing. Otherwise those tough tasks might never get done.
- Determine whether the work on your to-do list is actually yours to complete. As you get busier and busier, you might find that you’ll need to delegate specific tasks to other people. Maybe housework, yard work or taxes, are among the many tasks that could be delegated.
- Establish a routine. Routines are very important to productivity. Many top achievers and business people have strict routines that they follow, especially in the morning and at night.
- Don’t try to be perfect. When you strive to be perfect, you just might be chasing your tail. Focus rather on being great, as perfection is impossible and time consuming.
- Consider breaking up big tasks into smaller ones. Sometimes really big projects can be frustrating because it doesn’t seem like real progress is being made. Split up a big task into several smaller ones, and as a result, you will see the progress and have the fortitude to keep going.
Susan Sly is a best selling author, work life balance expert, speaker and entrepreneur. She has appeared on CNN, CNBC, Fox, Lifetime Television and the CBN. Susan is the mother of four children and resides in Scottsdale, Arizona.