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Entrepreneur Tips: Facebook Live

It seems like everyone is doing it. Right? Business owners and brands themselves, large and small alike, are clamoring to “Go Live” on Facebook.

Yet, is this Facebook Live for business social marketing strategy effective for all entrepreneurs and all businesses?

If done properly, going live on Facebook – Facebook Live as most call it – can help you engage customers and generate positive buzz for your company.

Video content is great for marketing. Numerous studies show a strong video strategy is much more effective for attracting and moving clients through the sales cycle than written content. And Facebook Live for business is the hottest video option going right now.

There’s several reasons why you should consider going Live Facebook-style—and just as many ways to make it work for your business.

Facebook Live lets you stream video straight to your Facebook fan page and your followers see your company shine in real-time. This helps create a more personal and direct relationship with current and potential customers.

Imagine – wouldn’t it be more exciting and engaging for them to watch – live – as you describe your new product or service? Instead of just showing them a photo or some write up?

Or how enticing it would be for them to get to watch you work on their specific project or product? DOING the work instead of just talking about it or describing it?

Most people don’t fully understand the effort and detail that goes into producing an excellent product or service. And it’s always better to show rather than tell whenever possible. Facebook Live lets you do that.

Moreover, it’s more believable and helps to build trust and authenticity than mere words on paper.

Furthermore, “transparency,” is a big buzzword these days. That’s because transparency is attractive. It’s real and it makes everything you do and say more believable. Facebook Live presentations give a ton of transparency and “speak volumes without you having to directly sell (and thus, encounter sales resistance).

Even better, going Facebook Live is less expensive and less time-consuming than nearly any other marketing strategy.

Even though the above mean it’s likely to be much more effective than merely spouting product or service benefits in writing and expecting your potential clients to trust you because you say so.

So how do you go live on Facebook effectively?

With Facebook Live, you really just “go for it”. And then you post it, share it, tweet it, and share it again. You get tons of leverage from just a few minutes of effort.

Consider this… According to Advanced Web Ranking, “Social video generates 1,200% more engagement (Likes and Shares) than images and text combined.”

On the other hand, there are some important tips you should remember too:

  • While a little transparency is good, a lot is not. DO remember that this is LIVE. Just as in live TV, there is no rewind or edit option. And with Facebook Live, there isn’t the safeguard of a time delay.
  • Therefore, DO set up your shot(s) before you start shooting. Know – and control – who is around and what they’re doing. Likewise, make sure they know you are shooting too. Minimize risk.
  • Similarly, make sure if you are going to go live with just-turned-customers, they DO know your intentions and that they are good with it. So long as they are, DO make sure they share the live feed with their fans and followers too!
  • DO consider going Facebook Live in “spurts” – short, micro-videos. This gives you more content to promote and share!

Have you gone Facebook Live? Personally or professionally?

If so, what were your results? If you have recorded some Facebook Live video, we’d love it if you’d share the recording below—and of course, any tips you might have for others!



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