Sam Crowley is the OG of podcasting with over 20 million downloads. He is the king of simplicity and in this episode you will learn how to start your podcast right now and get your message to the world. No studio? No worries! Sam teaches you how to podcast from your car.
Sam has worked with Tony Robbins, Les Brown, and many others to help them get their messages out. His show is called Everyday a Saturday and yes, he records it from his car.

Topics covered on the interview
How to start a podcast
Impostor Syndrome
Who should and should not launch a podcast
Equipment to use in a podcast
Editing a podcast
Podcast Intro and Outro
Sam Crowley’s big break
Promoting a podcast
How to title a podcast
Monetizing a podcast
Sam Crowley’s Bio
Sam Crowley is a global speaker, author of three books and podcaster.
One of the original pioneers of podcasting, Sam launched his first online audio in 2005.
Currently Sam has over 20 million downloads of his daily podcast “Every Day Is Saturday,” One of the top motivational podcasts on iTunes.
Sam has shared the stage with a Who’s Who of famous speakers: Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Bob Proctor, Robert Kiyosaki, Janet Attwood, just to name a few.
He has personally trained all of the coaches of Tony Robbins’ organization on the power of podcasting and monetizing their message.
A Former Fortune 500 executive who left a six-figure job because his daughter wanted “every day to be Saturday” with her dad, Sam went for his dream to create a lifetime of Saturday for his wife Angela and their four daughters.
Sam has personally trained over 4000 podcasters and helped launch hundreds of online entrepreneurs who wanted to create their ‘Million Dollar Message.’
Follow Sam Crowley
Show Notes
Susan Sly (00:00):
All right. What's up everyone? So, question for you. Have you ever wanted to start your own podcast? Have you wondered if you have something that people want to listen to? Are you struggling with imposter syndrome? Okay, it happens to everyone. My guest today is the OG of podcasting. Yes, OG. If you don't know what that means, then you might be an OG yourself in something. It means the original gangster. He started in audio back in 2005. I know some of y'all weren't even born then. Get this, he currently has over 20 million downloads of his daily podcast. Every Day is Saturday, which is one of the top motivational podcasts on iTunes. Check it out. He has worked with Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Bob Proctor, Robert Kiyosaki, Janet Atwood, just to name a few, but we're not flexing over him or anything at all. He is a former Fortune 500 executive who left a six-figure job because his daughter wanted every day to be a Saturday. And on top of it all, he is the father of four amazing daughters. With that, my guest today is Sam Crowley. Sam, it's so great to have you.
Sam Crowley (01:07):
Wow, that's the greatest... I was looking around, who are you introducing? Because that... I was like, wow, what a great introduction.
Susan Sly (01:15):
How would your daughter introduce you?
Sam Crowley (01:18):
How would my daughter... What's for dinner? You've got any money? Where's the keys to the car? That's how she would say it. That's the only three reactions I think I get on her. Having four daughters, as we were mentioning off site here, is a little bit tricky. No shortage of drama in the Crowley household, Susan, put it to you that way.
Susan Sly (01:38):
Well, I think if one of my daughters introduced me it would just be depending on which one it was, so I totally hear you. And it would be like, no, I don't want to clean my room and no, I don't have your Lululemon workout clothes in my drawer. All right.
Sam Crowley (01:55):
Yeah, exactly. I feel it.
Susan Sly (01:57):
Let's get into it. We're at 121 countries right now with the show. We've got people listening all over the world and I want to give a shout out to Finland, which has reached the top five in our downloads, so shout out. I've never been to Finland, if you want me to come to Finland do a speaking event on the other side of travel, just DM me. I'd love to come to Finland. I want to ask you, Sam. There are lots of people launching podcasts. Who should launch a show and maybe who shouldn't launch a show?
Sam Crowley (02:24):
Well, I think men should have a podcast, I believe women should have a podcast. And I think anybody that can fog a mirror should have a podcast, Susan. Because if you've got a pulse, I think everybody's got a message. I mean, I'm biased, but I'm an ex stutter, was told that I couldn't talk, called stupid and all those different things that people get when you've got that speech impediment. I finally kicked that, and the last person that should ever be on a stage or have a podcast is me. Every day I go to a Dunkin' Donuts parking lot, I podcast from my car, I upload it, and that is the extent of my studio. That's all I do.
Sam Crowley (03:02):
If I can get 20 million downloads from a Dunkin' Donuts parking lot, anybody listening to this can go out and broadcast your message. You already know, you've been in the business for a long, long time. It's confidence and it's getting out of your own head thinking, who wants to hear my message? And would this be... Yeah, anybody would. We are conversationalists. How much now do we need human interaction and to listen to people and to hear a voice that makes sense. I think everybody should have one. Sure, the answer is everybody.
Susan Sly (03:34):
Everybody, that means-
Sam Crowley (03:37):
Susan Sly (03:38):
you and your body, if you're watching and listening. Okay, let's get a little bit technical. You do a show from a Dunkin' Donuts parking lot. What equipment do people need? I know there's a good, better, best, but let's say someone just wants to start a show, what is the MVP for the gear?
Sam Crowley (03:59):
Well, look, my gear is... I know we're on video right now, and this is also audio, but your iPhone. Then I've got a microphone, it's called Shure MV88, as in M, Michael, V, Victor, MV88. And it plugs into your iPhone, it's 130 bucks on Amazon, and that's it. You just record it, because the microphone gives you the good sound. Cars are an amazing place for acoustics to record, so that gives you that. If there's an ambulance going by, you simply pause it. No big deal. Cop cars, I have many of those go by, but you're good. Grip it and rip it. Mine's eight to 10 minutes every day, been doing it every day. I do mine just in one take. I'm not a smart... You're not going to be challenged intellectually on this interview, okay. So, anybody looking for some real... I've got 20 college credits, most are gym and health class.
Sam Crowley (04:47):
I'm just a real simple guy, and my motto is, do simple, better. Do something simple and do it better than anybody else out there. So, if you want to know the base gear, you could get away with just your phone, because anybody can record on the phone. If you want to get fancy, get fancy. You can get any kind of studio mic, Blue Snowball or Yeti, but here's the deal, so many people let that get in the way of getting going. Having the best mic or best equipment and thinking you're going to have a great podcast is equivalent to saying, "I'm going to go buy a $5,000 set of golf clubs and beat tiger woods tomorrow." It's not the equipment. It's the message. It's the passion that you have inside of you. So, I would definitely say bare minimum, don't spend a lot, and get your message up and running and people will start downloading it immediately.
Susan Sly (05:35):
I love that. You've got this Shure mic, you are in your car. What are you recording it into? Is it a special program or an app on your phone, or just to the voice notes?
Sam Crowley (05:50):
When you buy the Shure mic, for example, it comes with an app, free download, and it's called a MOTIV. M, as in Michael, O-T-I-V as in Victor. And that app is what allows... Again, I just use it only because they gave me the app. I was just going to... I was happy just to record in the memo section. I didn't care, but they gave me the app, I said, "I'll use that." Then you've got this audio on your phone, now, you've got to get it on your computer so you can bring in your intro and your extro music if you want to do that. I just send it to Dropbox from Dunkin' Donuts. When I get back in front of my laptop in a half hour, I edit it on my computer inside of Audacity for just a few minutes. And that's it.
Susan Sly (06:31):
You edit your own show. I want everyone to lean in right now. If you're watching just lean in to Sam and I. Or if you're, listening don't fall off the treadmill you all or whatever it is you're doing, you heard it. We've got a mic. We're in a car in a parking lot. And if you're somewhere in the world, you don't know what Dunkin' Donuts is, just Google obesity in America and you'll find it. No, I just... I said that, I said that for real. But my viewers and listeners know-
Sam Crowley (06:58):
You went there.
Susan Sly (06:59):
... I did go there and they know, I meant it. I was a holistic nutritionist for years and taught at the college level. So, everyone knows I'm super about health.
Sam Crowley (07:10):
Let's just say this about the joke going and the elephant in the room, I didn't even have a microphone for this interview. Is that a true statement?
Susan Sly (07:15):
That is a true statement.
Sam Crowley (07:17):
I had to go borrow beats from my 20 year old college student just to do this interview. And this is a guy with 20 million podcasts download. So, I'm telling you, I walk the walk of simplistic almost to a point of fault to a fault that Susan's wondering, who the hell is this guy? Where did we get this guy from? Oh my God, a guy comes to an interview without a microphone. Anyway, I don't want to hijack the story, but that's as simple as it gets to a fault of not having a microphone for a podcast interview.
Susan Sly (07:47):
I love this, Sam. And I've always said that perfection is a form of procrastination. I know so many people are getting ready to get ready and getting ready to get ready, they're so worried. And ladies, it's like, okay, does your hair look good? Does your makeup look good? All of this stuff. And that's the beauty of audio. That's why Clubhouse is on fire because no one has to show up, done up, made up. It's just your voice, your intention, your passion. Let's talk about editing in Audacity. I know this is like 101. We're probably going to title this episode podcasting 101, people want to know. So, when you're editing in Audacity, what are your best tips for someone, especially if they're new?
Sam Crowley (08:30):
Well, your goal is not to be an audio engineer, so keep the main thing the main thing.
Susan Sly (08:36):
Thank God.
Sam Crowley (08:38):
I mean, you're a podcaster, you're a messenger. Did you know 82% of the podcasts on iTunes haven't even been updated in the last 90 days? 18% of the podcast on iTunes, 1.5 million episodes and only 18% of those have been updated in the last 90 days. So, anybody with a fresh voice message, fresh face, unique perspective. You can talk about your cats, you can talk about lighting studio, audio, mowing your lawn. It doesn't matter. Just start talking. So, inside of audacity, you bring that audio in. I don't know if people are going to think I'm serious. I don't edit it. I don't do any editing. I bring in my intro and extro, it takes probably 45 seconds to get the show out the door. I'm just not a big sound engineer guy, I don't spend a lot of time on that.
Susan Sly (09:30):
Let's talk about the intro and outro. For me, my vision, and I could be totally wrong because it's... My point for this show is, how can I help that person who's just at the precipice of greatness? They're scared to launch their podcast, to launch their blog, to launch their startup. It's just, they're terrified to launch. Let's lovingly just kind of... Just like parenting, okay, let's go. You can do it. So, the intro, outro for me was I want to get people pumped up and I was very... I outsourced it. It didn't cost me very much money. I wanted some clips from different guests I'd had, like Jesse Itzler, Greg Williams and different people, but you don't have to get that fancy. Where do you suggest people get an intro, outro?
Sam Crowley (10:20):
Well, there's two avenues you can go down. Music, because people say, "Hey, I want Sinatra or Michael Jackson or Madonna." I'm like, yeah, that's great. If you don't mind being sued by the estate of Frank Sinatra or Michael Jackson or Madonna, go ahead and use it. Or Van Halen or whatever you want to do, but you're going to get sued at some point. Here's the safe way, royalty free. Royalty free music. Go to You can go to, there's literally over 1 million music samples you can choose from. You pay some freelancer seven bucks, and now you can use their music. You can chop that into a 22nd intro and extro. That's the bare minimum. Coming in and going out, play a little toe-tapping music or some hard rock, whatever your genre is. That's how you would bring that into Audacity, that would be the bumper.
Sam Crowley (11:06):
You want to get a little bit fancier without spending a lot of money. 50 bucks tops you go to Fiverr, F-I-V-E-R-R, and get somebody who can do a customized intro and extro like what you've just described. Mix in different audio sounds and clips like mine sounds. The Every Day is Saturday podcast is an ungodly obnoxious intro that nobody should ever mirror, but it's a minute long. I didn't have mine done on Fiverr, but it's the same concept. That's more of a customized, and mine's upbeat as well. You've got to just match your audience. If I were a financial planner, I wouldn't have Van Halen playing at the beginning of my podcast. I'd probably want something a little more cerebral, maybe classical or something like that. But it just has to match the mood and genre. I'm an upbeat motivational guy, so it's got to an upbeat motivational intro and extro. Even with that, Susan, you shouldn't be spending more than 50 bucks tops on intro and extro music. And it will sound like you spent 500 bucks. This is 2021, you get stuff done real cheap in 2021, and good.
Susan Sly (12:08):
I love it. Let the music reflect your persona, who you are. Sam, this is just me, but I love James Earl Jones, like this is CNN or Luke, I'm your father. Oh my gosh. If I had an audio of James Earl Jones just before I went to bed, like Susan, you can do that. So, my vision for my show is, I wanted that style of voice. And I just asked them, I said, "listen, this is what I want." I'm mixed race, I just wanted it to reflect who I am, what I like, that kind of energy. If you're a financial planner and you love classic rock, shout out to you. I was born in the early seventies. Absolutely make it... Do what feels good, because if you... The thing I'm going to say is, if you can't stand that intro, you have to listen to your show. Let's talk about that. This is where the imposter syndrome comes in. I listen to every show I do, because I want to get better. For me, because I used to do rodeo. I'd never used to do rodeo.
Sam Crowley (13:23):
Rodeo, congratulations. That's awesome.
Susan Sly (13:25):
Actually, I don't edit the show either, so if I say something, I just said it. I never did rodeo, so let's not hashtag Susan did rodeo, because that's not a true statement. That's fake news. I used to radio. So, I listen to my voice and I want to hear, I want to listen to some different things the audience might not pick up. But let's talk about imposter syndrome. So, that person who's watching, listening, going, Sam, you know what? This all sounds good. I can do what you said, but I don't know what I'm going to say.
Sam Crowley (13:58):
I sounded like porky pig on a meth trip, when I first started. All right. Keep in mind, I'm an ex stutter, so I don't know what I was even saying. I was using the built-in microphone on a Sony laptop in my kitchen, this cavernous kitchen in a great room. It sounded like it was just in a wind tunnel. It was horrible. And I got one star. I had one guy, the greatest review I've ever gotten in my life. There is something the guy said, and it had nothing to do with the quality of the sound. But it was because I was so crazy sounding that he said, "there is something seriously wrong with this man." Still, it was a one-star review. That's the lowest you can get. And it was the greatest... He was so right, because he was dead on.
Sam Crowley (14:41):
I knew what he meant, and I received it that way. I wanted to be, because I was 15 years in the corporate world. My daughter Melanie used to ask me, daddy is tomorrow Saturday when she was three years old? And I was just stressed out. My dad left my mom to raise eight kids by herself. And I'm like, this kid wants a dad and I'm not being a dad, but I've got this corporate gig. I said, "someday soon, every day will be Saturday." I'm like, Hey, let's see what we can do with that. Quit my job, went bankrupt, lost everything. Laughing stock of Ohio. Everybody knew me, laughed at me. Every day's
Monday now. So, I Googled, how to make money with no money. That's exactly what I typed into Google, how to make money with no money. And it was just like-
Susan Sly (15:28):
I can only imagined what came up in that search. Selling organs.
Sam Crowley (15:28):
Exactly right. I went down the rabbit hole because I had nothing but time, because I had no job. I had no money. Just sit there and... Three kids under the age of five, this is going really well. So, somehow podcasting came up, I went down the rabbit hole and I just fired up. I'm like, wow, podcast, because iPhones weren't around, nothing like that was happening. Nobody knew what a podcast was in 2005. I mean, that's the dinosaur age. Long story short, I just started tinkering around with it, and I had major imposter syndrome. My family wanted to have an intervention with me. My brothers and sisters, I'm the youngest of eight. It was like, Hey man, what's going on with Sam? He was making a hundred grand a year, now he's calling everybody a champion, he's screaming into a microphone by himself in the master bedroom closet. This guy lost his mind.
Sam Crowley (16:15):
I'm like, Hey, just keep going with it. Then my big break came, two years. Some people aren't willing to give their dream 20 minutes. I mean, if you're not willing to give it two years... I mean, I was going to get my job, my boss, 40, so I figured I'd give this thing a few years maybe. By the way, to wrap a bowl around that story. I quit my job, then went bankrupt, and in 90 days had to go back after 15 years, and worked for everybody who used to report to me. Because I had to go back to the lowest rung on the ladder. So, I was running the show, then they put me in a cubicle making 30 grand or whatever it was. 39,000 base salary.
Sam Crowley (16:52):
But I then quit 18 months after that. Through the whole time though, I kept doing this podcasting thing, just trying to plow through this imposter syndrome, who would ever want to hear me? And I got a call from a lady in July of 2008 or June of 2008 to speak at an event in Hawaii. I thought it was a prank phone call, that's because where my mindset was at, I had like $40 in my checking account. Like, Hey, it's you and this guy. I don't know if you remember The Secret. The movie, The Secret, was the rage in 2008, 2007. It's you and this guy, [Lee Brower 00:17:24], we'd like to have you. Lee's from The Secret. I'm like, I'm from nothing. That sounds like which one of these doesn't go with the other.
Sam Crowley (17:35):
She goes, we'd like to fly you to Hawaii, all expenses paid. I'm like, yeah, [inaudible 00:17:40]. She goes, well... I thought that was it, because they heard a podcast. That's where I was going with this. They heard a 15 minute podcast that I did on the side of the road, yelling into my laptop in my car. They said, "what's your fee?" I was like, what's my fee? I have a fee? I'm broke, there's no fee. And I said, "what's your budget?" She said, "well, it's 25,000, but it's negotiable." I go, Hey, there's no need to negotiate this, I'm in. So, I went to Hawaii, spoke, and the long story short, I asked her at that Luau that... No speaker has ever gone to the Luau after they speak, they just all fly away on their jet or whatever. I'm sitting there, I get free bud lights and burger, this is great.
Sam Crowley (18:22):
And I go, how did you hear about me? How did I end up here? This doesn't even make any sense. She goes, we heard your podcast. I was like, oh my God, you listen... And this is what I said. I had a couple beers in me, so I think the truth serum was coming. I go, really? You listen to my podcast? She goes, oh yeah, it's amazing. I go, really? That's crazy that you think it's amazing. So, imposter syndrome, I tell you all of that to say, "if you just stay with it, your realness, the way you speak, who you are and people vibe with that." There's so many imposters out there, if you can just show up like you normally do at the grocery store, at church, mowing your lawn, hanging out and just be normal, whatever that is. Just do that, you'll be fine.
Susan Sly (19:10):
I love that. I want to commend you for going to the Luau, because-
Sam Crowley (19:13):
Nobody goes to the Luau.
Susan Sly (19:15):
... a lot of speakers don't go to the luau. There've been many speaking events where I was the only speaker who went in the audience after, stood there and signed copies of stuff. Did all those things. And I'm a big believer that you don't take it for granted. You just do not take it for granted. Because look at what happened to all our friends who are speakers last year. And my friends who are speakers, who, and I'm sure the same thing happened for you. We're good friends with Mark Victor Hansen, the ones who do go to the luau that did go in the audience last year, they hustled and no, they didn't get, 25, 45 minutes. Some of the speaking they did for free, but guess whose calendars are booked solid right now?
Sam Crowley (20:00):
You're exactly right.
Susan Sly (20:00):
Because they were memorable.
Sam Crowley (20:02):
You're exactly right. You can't take anything for granted. I think that's really... Some people would say, geez, that's cliche. I don't think so at all. I don't take one day for granted in this business. You could be out of this thing tomorrow. That's why I podcast every day, to stay relevant and to keep myself sharp.
Susan Sly (20:21):
Let me ask you this, two more quick questions. One is, promoting your podcast. 20 million downloads is no joke, it's a significant amount of downloads. How do you promote your show?
Sam Crowley (20:33):
I don't.
Susan Sly (20:34):
Sam Crowley (20:35):
I don't, and I've never have. I'll tell you why I've never have, and this is the secret in this. I don't, is the short answer. The long answer is, you are rewarded for staying in the game. How you title-
Sam Crowley (20:49):
How you title your podcast matter. Mine is not titled. If you go to iTunes, it does not say Every Day is Saturday. It says, "motivation, inspiration, success with entrepreneur Sam Crowley." So, if you search motivation on iTunes out of 1.5 million podcasts, mine's in the top five. If you search inspiration mine's in the top five. All of my coaching clients, referrals and everything come from those keywords that are in the title. Most recent subscribers, ratings of your show, and the title of your podcast episodes. There's a lot of people out there who say, "Hey, I've got the SEO." They're not being honest.
Sam Crowley (21:24):
iTunes doesn't let anybody know how they rank podcast. I'm just telling you how people find my podcast. I'm not here saying I've got an in on the inside of Apple that tells me this stuff. But after doing it for 15 years, one of the longest running motivational shows on the planet, I can tell you that's how I bring in new business by not promoting my show. Now, appearing on podcasts is a great way to promote your show. Because now, for example, I'm tapping into an audience that I would never have the opportunity to tap into, which is Susan. So, of course, telling people about it, getting on other podcasts and things like that. But let me put it to you this way, I've never paid a dime to advertise my podcast on the internet. And I did this as a badge of honor.
Sam Crowley (22:06):
If it sounds like I'm bragging, I'm not bragging. I'm just saying you get rewarded for staying in the game, because iTunes is going to reward you, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, all these different platforms, they're not idiots. They need people staying on their platform. They don't need some Johnny come lately or Susie come lately to show up for 90 days like 82% of the podcasts are, then go and leave and leave a desert wasteland of audio sitting on their platform. So, title your podcast, title your episodes, ask for subscribers, ask for ratings, those four components. There's no guarantee in anything ever, but they... I believe my opinion will position you to rise up and you will continue to get that compound effect of downloads as you stay in the game. Then look, if you want to do paid ads and promotion, I'm not that guy.
Sam Crowley (22:50):
I pay people to do that. I don't know that game. I don't do my own paid Facebook ads or anything like that. You can certainly do that, absolutely. But if you're just getting started, like I said at the very beginning of this interview, Susan, don't spend money. You don't even know if you're going to be doing this thing a year from now. But if you're really passionate about it, then you can throw some money at it. But right now, you can be the big fish in the small pond just by getting your message out and doing a few things smart. That's it. Few, free, inexpensive things very smart.
Susan Sly (23:18):
I love it. I don't think anyone would mistake you for being someone who's bragging or arrogant, so I don't even...
Sam Crowley (23:27):
Well, I just didn't want to come across as a know-it-all. That's not my style. I want to encourage people to get going though, because like you, you got to where you are today because you just kept going. Look, I don't know. I don't want to take your time. I get so fired up about this stuff because it's just... I told you about my daughter born at one pound. I was podcasting in a parking garage at children's hospital every day. We can all make excuses about our lives. My daughter was born at one pound, spent 221 days at children's hospital crying out loud. If anybody had a reason not to show up in life, it would have been first my wife, who had to go through holy hell and back just to... We had three older daughters. We had to get bus, bedtime and get them to school every day. I still did the 10 minute podcast every day though, every day. You've got to show up, man, it's just, you've got to show up.
Susan Sly (24:15):
Sam, you're absolutely incredible. You've given real tips for real people, and Sam and I would love for you to hit the subscribe button. We would love a five star review. Last question I have for you, monetizing your show. When should someone attempt to monetize? Is there a mystical recipe like, I have this many downloads, I have this many this or this? How does that all work?
Sam Crowley (24:41):
Well, I think right out of the gate, you can start thinking about it. I don't think that's wrong to. I just think like anything, expectations. That old adage, replace expectations with gratitude and you'll be just where you need to be. So, be happy that you're able to get this message out that you've always wanted to share, number one. Don't have any expectations. With that being said, let's say you start getting some downloads. Well, you've heard that maybe you can get advertisers and sponsors for your show. Yeah, I mean the John Lee Dumases of the world have incredible followings and they get millions of dollars in podcast revenue. That's not where you're at right now. John had to start back in 2013 somewhere. And he was very smart. Look at how he titled his podcast back in 2013, the Tim Ferriss, Gary V. was all the title of his podcast.
Sam Crowley (25:21):
How do I know? I bought his course. I'm a student as much as I am the guy. I cheered guys like John on. I cheer these people on, I'm not jealous of any of these individuals. I am so happy. I paid John a 1000 dollars for his course when everybody would have been like, who are you? No, that's the difference, man. We cheer people up, we're happy for their success. You're in the corporate world, we're all jealous of your success because you're... It's a zero sum game out there. So, guys like John are able to monetize, or Pat Flynn or somebody like that, through advertisers and sponsors. You're not at that level. So, just don't have that expectation. Do you have a calendar that you can get somebody on, help them, solve a problem and sell coaching one-on-one? Okay. That's a very fast, effective...
Sam Crowley (26:06):
I'm trying to think of the word. Expectations would be in line for that. I'll give you an example. I launched a podcast for a guy, [Luke Madeias 00:26:13], He is a Haitian immigrant, slept on a dirt floor until he was four years old, came over here from Haiti. He wants to teach people how to wholesale real estate. So, he hired me to launch his podcast for him. We worked together. He sold $30,000 his first month with no podcast, nothing. Just because he got people on a calendar. He had maybe a thousand downloads, I don't even know, 2000 downloads. Got them on the calendar, called them on the phone. He had to call them on the phone, and gave them an opportunity to learn how to wholesale real estate, and started selling 5,000 a pop, sold six his first month.
Susan Sly (26:45):
Sam Crowley (26:45):
Can you do it? Sure. But it's just, the message has to be congruent with the marketing. I teach people on top of how to create a podcast, how to really create their million dollar message. Go on my calendar and I'll call you. It will really be Sam, it's really me. I still call people all the time, that's how I make money. That's it. There's no mystical way to do it. I'm not smart enough to have all these different funnels, upsells, cross-sells and down-sells. I don't even want that. I want to help individuals that are where I were 16 years ago. That's all I want.
Sam Crowley (27:21):
And if I'm able to do that through one-on-one coaching, that's great. That's awesome. So, absolutely you can monetize it. You've got to have something for somebody to buy and you've got to have a download. You've got a download, that means somebody listened to your show. What's your call to action. What is that? Where are you going to send them? You're going to send them to a calendar, you're going to send them to a lead magnet. You're going to send them to an affiliate page where you can get paid 50%. You've got to have someplace to send that person when they're listening to your show.
Susan Sly (27:44):
Just preach it, brother. Just preach it. For the viewers and listeners, if you didn't hear John on my show, I don't know what episode he is, 198 or something like that. Check out John's show, because you'll hear John sell. You'll hear John be raw and real. I remember seeing John speak almost 10 years ago when he was just kind of like the entrepreneur on fire movement and everything. And he was saying... He was one of the first people to say, "I'm going to do a daily show." That's a commitment. Even doing a weekly show, and I'm going to preach a little bit here. Committing to a weekly show when I'm running three companies, five kids, one of the companies that I co-founded is an AI company.
Susan Sly (28:29):
So, we only do enterprise deals. I get off my show and it's like, hi, will you give me $50 million for our services? But I still find a way. Why? Because achievers find a way. And let your message be at the forefront and the monetization at the back, because people will get that you're slimy creepy if it's just all about the money on the forefront. You've got to show up with service. I'm preaching a little bit. Everyone should check out your website though, You have some free resources there. Could you tell everyone?, you've got... I was on there. Do you want to share what's on it?
Sam Crowley (29:08):
Yeah, sure. There's a 20 minute video there that you can watch. It gives the whole story about what we just talked a little bit about today. About who am I? What is the Every Day is Saturday movement and why it matters to you? If you enjoy the mindset, if you enjoy the champion and the underdog combined with real specific... I am not a fan of sleazy, schmoozy stuff that doesn't work. As you could probably tell, I give everything away for free. And that's another lesson, Susan, just for two seconds, because you mentioned it. Give your best stuff away for free. That's what the podcast is for, because what's going to inevitably is that trust factor is going to go through the roof. I've had so many people say, "dude, why did you give all that good content?"
Sam Crowley (29:47):
Why wouldn't I give it away? Because it's not like someone's going to be like, oh, I'm going to go create my own million dollar... Eventually they're going to ask for your help. And your trust is through the roof, because you're the only one that's ever been showing up all the time in front of them, giving them unfiltered, real stuff that they can tangibly sink their teeth into. So, if they go to, you can watch the video. And I do it all for you, A to B. I launch your entire podcast for you. Come up with the concept, the name, everything. You don't even lift a finger. All you need to do is speak. That's what's waiting for you there, full disclosure. Then you get on my calendar and I call you, or you don't, and that's fine too. But that's what I do.
Susan Sly (30:31):
I love it, Sam. Thank you so much. If this episode has been helpful, give Sam and I a shout out. Go @susansly on Instagram, @everydayissaturday on Instagram, that's Sam. Tag us, comment, share, subscribe. Do it all, because this is amazing as we look at all the things that are going on in the world, you guys know my belief is that the future of our society depends on small business owners and entrepreneurs who are going to solve problems. Not only problems we have now, problems that don't even exist yet. With that, Sam, thanks so much for being here. God bless. Go rock your day. This has been another episode of the Susan Sly Project.