Do you feel you’re doing everything correctly, but the money isn’t coming in? There are several possible explanations for this.
In this interview, Julie Foucht, a certified coach, business expert, and entrepreneur, discussed the factors that can keep us stuck in a cycle of lack and offered advice on breaking free!
Julie teaches female coaches, teachers and healers who are frustrated with traditional marketing to build 6-figure businesses through the Art of Feminine Marketing.
– Julie Foucht

Topics covered in the interview
Art of feminine marketing
Finding a mentor
Who shouldn’t start a business
Money and energy
Limited supply concept
Julie Foucht’s Bio
When Julie Foucht decided she needed to take her coaching business seriously, she hired a high end coach and learned to ‘market like a man.’ She doubled, then tripled her income in less than a year, but felt drained, uninspired and restless.
Urged by Spirit, she embraced her essential ‘Womaness’ and birthed a new way, The Art of Feminine Marketing.
Today, Julie teaches female coaches, teachers and healers who are frustrated with traditional marketing, how to build 6-figure businesses through the Art of Feminine Marketing.
Julie’s clients report having clearer vision of their divine purpose, greater passion for their work, the skills to be attracting the perfect clients, and are being paid well for their gifts.
Julie received her coach certification in 2006 from The Coaches Training Institute. She has served on the boards of numerous non-profits, and was named Woman of the Year by the Professional Women’s Network of the Monterey Peninsula in 2013.
She is married to the love of her life, has 4 children, 2 stepchildren, 2 furry babies and 7 spoiled grandchildren.
Follow Julie Foucht
Show Notes
Julie Foucht 00:00
Money is the root of all evil. And what happens if you said to your girlfriend, you know, I really love you, I love when you're around, but you're the root of all evil. Like, really, if you just showed up more, my problems would be solved.
Welcome to the Susan Sly Project where entrepreneurs rule, startups launch, and the side hustle becomes the main hustle. Ladies and gentlemen, your host, Susan Sly.
Susan Sly 00:31
So I have a question for you. This is the question, Do you struggle energetically with money? A lot of people do you know, and I see it in the startup world all the time where you have someone who has a great idea, they're building a team, but they really have a hard time. They have a hard time when it comes to raising money, pitching investors, asking for a sale. And it's an essential skill that there is an energy around it. And so we're going to talk about that today because my guest is an expert in this area. We're going to also have a lot of fun. And if you haven't already, I want you to head over to, we have an amazing event coming up, The Ultimate Marketing experience, and our keynote speaker this year is none other than my dear friend, Glenn Stearns from Undercover Billionaire. It is a day and a half, it is live, it is virtual. You can be in your pajamas, you can have a glass of wine, a Martini, a Perrier, whatever it is you want to do. And tickets are only $77. How cool is that? And they are tax write off. So go to and I would love to see you there. That is happening in January 2020. So with that, my guest today knew she needed to take her business seriously. And don't we all, my goodness. So she hired a high end coach and learn to market like a man which you know, I want to hear what that's like. She doubled then she tripled her income in less than a year. But she felt drained, uninspired and restless. And I know that many of you can relate to that. She eventually embraced her womaness, her femininity. She aligned with herself and who she was meant to be. And she birthed the art of feminine marketing. And so it doesn't matter a man or a woman, whoever you are, if you are struggling with that alignment, if you're struggling with money, this is the episode for you. So whatever you're doing, you know, grab a pen, take notes, unless you're like, you know, driving, don't do that or on a treadmill or something. But my guest today is certified coach, business expert and entrepreneur, Julie Foucht. So Julie, welcome to the show.
Julie Foucht 02:41
Thank you. I'm so excited to be here.
Susan Sly 02:44
We're state neighbors. Julie's in California, and I'm in Arizona, it's all good. So Julie, I want to jump in right now. We are in a very interesting crisis right now, the great resignation. We have people who are making decisions like crazy to leave jobs. And it doesn't matter what someone's belief is, politically. We're talking, we've never seen this. Millions and millions of people who are saying, No, I don't want to work in an office. No, I don't want to be told what to do with my life, with my body, with whatever. And so they're looking at starting a business and maybe they're not experienced. So what advice would you give to someone who says, I want to start a business, and I've never started one before, but I feel like I have to.
Julie Foucht 03:30
Well, this is gonna sound a little self serving, but it's to find a mentor, whether that be a coach, or, you know, maybe a previous boss, or a girlfriend who's done it, or boyfriend, who's done it before you and really find somebody who has walked the pathway. And I think for me, that's been the greatest. One of the greatest things that have led to my success is I have chosen mentors who have been where I am and who are where I want to be. And I just don't jump in with a mentor but being really careful. Most of the time, excuse me. Little allergy season here. We're having a second summer or something with this little allergy but um, you know, I have interviewed coaches and, and I will honestly tell the coach, I'm interviewing three people. And I'm gonna see which one is right for me. And I don't just jump into the first one, but I really take my time and I find the right mentor. And I think that's super important because I, a lot of people get sucked in, you know, they get sucked in. I saw an ad the other day. That was, you know, I made $100,000 just from these two emails I sent. Join my program, I'll teach you how. And what the ad didn't say is, and I've been in business for 15 years, and I've had lots of failures, and I have a list of 100,000 people I'm sending it to, and I have really high credibility in the world. And if you have all those things, then two emails will do it. And people will buy into that, because they just don't know where to start. I think podcasts like yours is a great way to start to get to know the business world, and it's free, you know, you can listen, you can get a feel for people, you'd be like, Oh, that person is really nuts and crazy. I'm not going anywhere near them. But I really feel attracted to this person. And then to take it out of a head decision. You know, our heads aren't designed to make decisions. Our heads are designed to gather and store data. And so that's what you're doing when you first start. You're you're storing data you're looking for who can help me, you're looking for which path is right. And then your body is designed to make the decisions for you. Your emotions, how it feels, what your gut says. Different people have different parts of their body that speak differently. And really start to utilize your body and your decision making.
Susan Sly 06:27
I love that. Julie, the you know, getting a mentor, getting a coach. So the, over the years, we were, before Julie and I started you know, the the recording, we're talking about, you know, as many of the listeners know, unless you're new, this will be new to you. I was a certified coach and I was an executive coach for women, high achieving women. And even as a coach, I don't do private coaching anymore. I have people like Julie who I feature and you should go check her out. The, even a coach has a coach, right? And that's a question, ask your coach, do you have a coach? Because the, when Dave Asprey, Julie was on the show, the founder of Bulletproof, everything Bulletproof coffee, Bulletproof you know, bars everyday, I love Dave. And Dave, you know, Dave is very successful, his companies are approaching combined billion dollars in annual revenue. And he was saying, you know, every executive needs to have a coach. And that's the thing. Your, if you and I, were, Julie and I are both grandmothers, by the way. So we have Julie and I, were about to, I'm just gonna pick, I don't know, maybe you do know how, but let's say Julie and I were on a girls vacation. And we were in Tahiti, and we're like, we want to learn how to surf. But we had never surfed. Do you think we just get surfboards and go out there? No, we'd hire a surf instructor. Right. And it's the same thing. If you've never had a business, like Julie said, podcasts, get a coach, read books. Julie, is there, this is raw and real entrepreneurship. We're not afraid to have this conversation? Is there anyone who shouldn't be starting a business? Maybe they're, it's the wrong reasons, they don't have the right personality for it.
Julie Foucht 08:14
Sure, I think that it's really a personal decision. And I think there are some people who are better suited to it. You know, my, my husband is a government worker, don't tell people. But he's the assistant city manager to small, small community around here. And he had his own business for a while. But he so much enjoys public work, that is more fulfilling for him. So I think there's this place for people of having that discernment. And you know what, you're not stuck forever, say you start your business now. And two years down the road, the perfect job comes along that you never thought you'd be offered. But you always wanted with the perfect company, then make the change. It's not a failure. But I think that you have to follow your, it's like your inner mission, your sole mission. Can you do work that you love, that fuels you, that feeds you, that really allows you to express all of who you are in the job or the business? And, you know, like, my husband loves public service. When he had his own business, he started a community organization because he needed to have some of that too. And so you just have to look at what's right for me, and it's really a personal decision. But I think, I think the key is, can I live my personal mission in this organization, or am I better suited to do it in my own business?
Susan Sly 09:56
Yeah. And there's the, it's so different to being an employee or owning a business. I started my first business when I was 11. And even at times when I've been an employee, I always had a business. So I haven't, like for 40 years, I haven't been without having a business. I think that the biggest advice I would give and I bet Julie would second that is, if you have a business, you need to show up as the employee of your own business. Because if you treat it like a hobby, you will make a hobby income. And if you're one of those people that says, I'm a flight attendant, I'm you know, whatever and I need to replace this income, the moment you start putting that energy around, need have to, that's almost like you put a chokehold on your business. And that's where I want to talk about, let's talk about money. Yeah, let's talk about money. It's like salt and pepper. Let's talk about them, no. Anyway, I want to keep my non e rating on iTunes. So the, the question I have for you is the, one of the, one of the startups I advise, they have just a beautiful soul mission about what they want to achieve in the world. And there's this a lot of dialogue going on around fundraising and raising investment capital. And there's different energies around it. So there's the, I'm, I'm kind of like Julie, the lawyer, let's go in, let's raise the money, let's get this company capitalized. Let's go, let's go. And then there are different energies there. Like, if the person's not the right investor, we don't want them and you know, and it's just, it's so, there's so much energy around this concept of money and around the concept of receiving. So the first question I have for you around this is money and energy. And especially when people have that struggle, mindset. Let's, let's diagnose it first. What are some of the symptoms of that? How does someone know that they have an issue energetically with money?
Julie Foucht 12:04
Well, the first symptom is that they're not bringing in what they want. Maybe they've hit an income ceiling, and it's not coming in, or it comes in, and then it flies out instantly. Like, you know, I just brought in an extra $500, and my car broke down. Right, that kind of exchange. I think it's really important to understand where our money mindset comes from. And in our society, especially think as women, but in our society, there's this underlying thing that money is evil. Right? Like, money is the root of all evil. And what happens if you said to your girlfriend, you know, I really love you, I love when you're around, but you're the root of all evil. Like, really, if you just showed up more, my problems would be solved. And, but you know, I don't really want to look at you, I don't want to like, look at my bank account. I just want you there when I need you. So could you come sit in the back room, try not to be too evil, because I don't want a lot of evil around. Right? If you were saying those things to a friend, you would lose the friendship. And yet that's the underlying thoughts that go through our head around money, right? There's this very Protestant money is the root of all evil. If I'm a good person, then I won't have too much of it. And I won't pursue it too hard. And it just filters into everything. And so we've got to do that mindset work, we've got to dig out those beliefs and separate them out. And the real quote is not money is the root of all evil. I don't think it's the love of money. It is. But I love-- Love of
Susan Sly 14:00
money is the root of all evil. And if what, and I'm going to just go well weird and geeky, so I might as well do that. And so and you know, my daughter's cat is make-- if you're watching on YouTube, the cat is making an appearance in the video. So I just don't know what to tell you if you're listening. He's a white Balinese cat named Theo. And so he's decided he needs to be a star in the, in the video. So what the, in the, in the Hebrew the original, when that was originally written, what it said was if you put money, the love of money above God, then that is evil, but money itself is not evil. And so to your point, the Protestantism, I grew up in the Presbyterian Church, that concept was so mismessaged, right? And so it became like, Oh to be, It's glorious to be poor, it actually doesn't say that anywhere in the original translation of the Bible. So I just wanted to say that that's, that's where that came from. You know, I've had, you know, so many different thought leaders on the show, Julie, I've never had anyone explain money the way you just did about being your girlfriend, and how you would treat your girlfriend. And I love how you broke down the symptoms. So you know, you, you get a bonus. And then suddenly your car breaks down or there's, you know, it's, it's this in, out. So once, anyone listening, they're like, oh, no, she she knows me. She's seen that. So what can someone do? What are, how does someone begin to fix this?
Julie Foucht 15:43
So the first thing is, we need to change our mindset, always. Right, we always go inward first. And I'm going to use the word Source, Source energy being God, energy, the universe, whatever resonates for you. And it's understanding that money is an energy of source. Money is an energy of appreciation. We give it to people in exchange for products and services that we want. And so it's an energy of appreciation. And when you begin to understand about money being this energy of appreciation, it switches the neural pathways that say, money is bad, run. And so we begin to open up the pathway for more money to come. Now, there's some really cool tricks that you can well, I don't know if they're tricks, but universal laws that you can then employ in order to open up for more money. And there's super simple and, and people will look at me like, really? But when you try it, you begin to see. And the first thing is to understand what your desires are. Not the surface desires, not the Oh, my neighbor got a new car. Now I need a new car, kind of, like competitive stuff we do. Or the, oh, I'm gonna go buy shoes, because I got in a fight with my husband, and that'll make me feel better, but the really deep desires, because the deep desires are things we're meant to have. We're talking about this is people. You know, I am meant to make a difference in the world. I am meant to take my clients on retreat to Bali. And if that's something that is your true deep desire, you've got to open up for source to source it. For source to bring the income so that you can do that. Okay, so here's how we're going to do it. Number one, learn to receive. How often does somebody give you a compliment, you go, no, it's just good genes. Now this, dad had this forever, right? We downplay. So you've got to learn to receive that. I was, my granddaughter's 10. The other day, and she's now dyed her hair, teal. I was like, Maddie, your hair is so beautiful. And she was like, whatever, Grammy, and I stopped her. And I said, No, no, receive it. Just receive that. So you've got to learn to receive. When you go to the grocery store, and they say, Can I help you out? Do you say no, no, I've got this, I'm strong. Or do you say thank you, I receive that gift, right? You've got to start learning to receive even with your partner, your, or your spouse, or your kids like, Honey, thank you for giving me the glass of water, I really received that and really being open to it. And that opens your channels. It opens the flow so that more money can come to you. That's, that's one trick. Okay. Another one is the art of gratitude, and gratitude, the more we can be in gratitude for what we have, the more of that we will attract. I track my money daily. When money comes in, I have a little spreadsheet here on my desk, and I write it down. And I'm like, Oh my gosh, I'm so grateful. Such a miracle. That's so awesome. Thank you money for coming. And whether it comes from a client, a high end client, you know, giving me their debit card or their credit card number and you know, a big chunk of money or whether it's, I find 10 cents on the ground. I have that same attitude of I love you money, thank you so much for coming, and opening to more money coming. And then that was what oh, here's the other one. This is a ninja mind trick that I love, is the art of giving. So if you're feeling broke, if you're feeling like you just don't have enough, give to a cause you believe in and give completely without strings. It's the most amazing thing because the brain releases, the brain opens up and goes, Oh, we can breathe. And when you know, if you've got the money to give away,
Julie Foucht 20:23
maybe we don't have to stress so much about paying the bills. And when that happens, when that release happens, when we open up, then that allows things to come. When we're in the state of, oh my god, how am I gonna pay my bills? What's gonna happen? What is this? What if that, then we get all tight, and you can even like, imagine it in your body and think about how your body feels. And when you tighten up, then you create a wall, like nothing gets in. Imagine if you went to your spouse and went, Okay, try loving me now. Right? They'd be like, get your attitude together, and then come back to me. And money the same way. So we can release the fear, and one of the ways of doing that is to choose a charity and give to your charity. And I've got a couple of charities that I love. I've got one that I've been giving to regularly for, oh my gosh, I don't know, years, six, seven years. And they actually call me now. I get phone calls from them. Thank you for being a supporter for so long, right? It's really great. Um, but if I'm ever feeling really nervous or tight about money, I just shoot some extra money off to them. You know, I know that I've already got them picked out. I know, they're doing good work. I know where their money goes. And I don't have to think about how, where do I send it? And that's really, you'll be amazed what happens when you start doing that.
Susan Sly 22:04
Those are three great steps, Julie, because it's, you know, I know a lot of people and even myself at times, it's like, I do these things, and I get into flow. And then whatever happens, and I get out of flow, like to your point, I tracked my money every single day. And it's like I write down, you know, and I'm thankful for it. And I'm grateful for it. But sometimes I forget to literally say out loud, thank you. And I say God, Thank you God for you know, whatever money is coming in. And those simple things, and doing them from that place of openness. And let's talk about this. This concept that there is a limited supply. So a lot of entrepreneurs are walking around with a concept that there's limited number of clients out there. And you know, if their competitor gets a bunch of them, they're like, well, there's none left for me, or there's a limited number of good employees. So there's a limited number of, you know, sales contracts available. Let's talk about that. Because that is another, let's call it a pathology of belief. That's a pathology that is like a cancer for the soul. Because when you feel limited in one area, you're going to be limited everywhere, right?
Julie Foucht 23:19
Absolutely. So if we believe that money is the energy of appreciation, and the money is a part of source, God, the universe, and if we believe that God source, the universe is unlimited, then money therefore must be unlimited. When we get into competition, competition shuts us down, it tightens the flow. When we are in collaboration, community connection, we open up, also raises our vibration, makes us more attractive, so that more clients come. And if we just look at the numbers, how many millions of people, somebody told me this yesterday, I can't remember, how many millions of people are on the planet? How many of those you actually need to be your client in order to be successful? Now there's another piece of this we have to remember as well. And that is that clients are not responsible for our financial success. Clients do not make our financial success. Your spouse's income doesn't make your financial success. They're not the source of your success. Source is The Source, God is the source. And when I remember that, and I don't always remember that but I'll tell you it's on the wall behind me here. It sits there so I can see it. I've got a plaque on me that says source is my source. When I remember that source is my source, I can let go. I can write copy without having desperation, because the more desperation you put in your copy, the more you'll repel people. I can have sales calls where I can let people be in their process of deciding, versus me being in the process of pressuring, and manipulating, which is a horrible place to start a relationship anyway. Yeah. Because source has got my back. And you have to remember that source, God, the universe, wants you to have a good life, wants you to have a good experience here on the planet, wants you to feel loved and supported. And we'll do everything that you will allow. It's all up to you, you have to allow, and source will do everything it can to support you. And it's unlimited. You know, source is unlimited, source is love, love is unlimited. So, it's another, it's a mindset shift. And I will tell you, when I made that shift, not only did my income grow, and my business grew, and my credibility grew, but life just got easier. Like, it feels better. I don't have to be on a sales call going, I need this person to sign up, I need this person Oh, right? Like, I can be like I can, I can honor this person, let them be in their process. And, and they'll say yes or no, depending on whether it's right for them. It also has helped me in making sales, because occasionally, I'll be in the space of oh, this is not the right client for me. This is not somebody I'm meant to serve. And I'm able to say that because I don't need the sale. That has nothing to do with what my income is that month, it has to do with the fact that I know that source is going to take care of me.
Susan Sly 27:01
And that's powerful, because it's, it's so easy for people to get caught up in that lack mentality. And, and so many things affect us, what you know, when we're hungry, when we're tired, when we're maybe feeling alone, or maybe we've gone online and watched a bunch of stuff or listen to a bunch of stuff that's, you know, really designed to scare us. And we find ourselves so closed up. And one of the things I do is sometimes I'll just like, open my arms. And this helps me like remember not to be so wound up, just open my arms, and take a deep breath and say thank you. And it's, sometimes it's not even Julie, for anything in particular is, just thank you. Okay, and now move on. And as you said, open up that energy, because from that place, you know, when we started this conversation with the great resignation with all of these people who are, we never seen a climate like this before, with people switching jobs, walking away from jobs. I mean, in my five decades, I've never observed this. And the biggest thing, and I hope you're getting this loud and clear from Julie and I is that if you're wound up, if you're in that lack mentality, if you're in the half, two months need to, that's the wrong energy to start a business, to grow your business, but you don't need to spend months and months unwinding that stuff. You might just need to listen to the show again. Right? And, and you know, honestly, Julie, I love that, that place of the reminders, they, even you, a highly respected, highly credentialed coach, have a reminder that you see all the time that source is your source, right. And we do need those reminders. And my final question for you is that this concept of when someone has had a string of frustration, let's say they, they're pitching their startup, and they've had close friends and family who said, No, I'm not investing in you. But they, they've just, you know, I can think of someone I know and they've just had, you know, no after no, after no, and this has been going on for months. What do you say to that person who says Julie, what do I do? I just feel like I've lost my, my, my my, you know, ability to attract?
Julie Foucht 29:28
Yeah, I think the first thing would be to pause. Right, really pause. Come back to what your mission is, come back to the reason that you started this and start to rebuild your passion for that. And that would be the first thing. You're going to get NOs, you're going to have failures, you're going to have people say no to you, you're going to have launches that fail. That's part of being an entrepreneur. I've been doing this since 2003. And I've had massive failures. And the people who are successful are the people who learn to fail forward. So the first thing is to pause, to really get re centered in what your purpose is and what excited you in the first place. And then go back. There's this great book by Daniel Coyle, I think is his name, called the Talent Code. And he talks about how genius is made? Yeah, same thing in business, go back and go through the process. And where did you get off? Maybe it's that your, your pitch wasn't strong enough in the beginning. So you look at that, and you make the tweak there and you try again. And you see if that works better. Maybe you're asking the wrong people. Right? Are you going to the wrong people? Maybe there's something that happens to your voice, when you're making your pitch, or when you're making the sale. I know that because I do live events in front of the room. And there's this thing that can happen when you move into sales, where all of a sudden your heart tightens and your voice will shift. And it's very subtle, and people will hear it. And so it's, where did you get off track? And there's some, some techniques you can use to keep that from happening, but it's, where did you get off track? Go back to that place, practice that place until it's perfect. If it's you're asking the wrong people, go back and say, Okay, who are the right people? Let's define that first, then let's go make another Ask. If it's that your voice gets all tightened, twingy when you're doing it, then practice stopping and breathing at this moments where you start to get, if you're in the middle of a pitch, if you're in the middle of a sale, and you're feeling that tightness, stop. Don't try and play through it, stop and take three breaths, nobody will care. And you'll be able to finish the pitch in your power. So really do the dissecting where it's not happening, and then practice that and keep failing forward. If you go from failure to failure, you will continue to grow your business, improving each time until the the number of failures become fewer and fewer and fewer. I've been at this a long time. Like you, my first business was when I was 12. Actually still running in the town I grew up in.
Julie Foucht 30:25
What is the business? We all have to know this now.
Julie Foucht 32:42
I, I was a little smartass. I saw, I grew up in this little town, touristy town in the mountains of Southern California. And I saw somebody dump a bag of trash on the ground. And I picked it up, dumped it back in their car, course upside down, right, because I was a little smart aleck. And so one of the guys in town told me he would give me a dumpster. And I could sit on Sunday afternoons, I would sit in front of the dumpster, and people would pay me to dump their trash. So they didn't have to haul it home with them. people who'd been there for the weekend. And I made quite a bit of money that summer, collecting trash. And if you go back to that town now, there's a big permanent dumpster, that on Sundays, you can go down there and pay somebody to dump your trash. So it was a great idea that took off. I don't even know where we were going.
Susan Sly 33:36
I, Well, Julie you know what, this is so perfect. Because generally, you know, with the show, I start with the question, What was your first business and I didn't ask you that. Because there was so much I wanted to ask you and it was so perfect that you told the story because now it's like, what a great way to end the show. And I just, you know, I want to say to you in front of the 1000s of people who will listen to the show is you know, thank you. Thank you. And I would encourage as a, you know, Julie coaches high achieving women, and go to her website. And we were laughing before the show because originally being Canadian, I want to make everyone's last name French, but it's, it's Foucht, not Foucht. But if you're, if you are in France, which we have listeners in France, if you're in France or Canada, it would be FOUCHT you'll want to say Foucht too, but it's Foucht. So go to And on Twitter, it's @Juliefoutch and on Instagram, it's the Art of Feminine Marketing. And so Julie and I would love, if this show has been helpful, please share it on your social tag us. We'd love a five star review. If you're on YouTube, drop a comment below because I'm the one who responds to all your comments. I love to hear your comment. And I'm, Julie, I'm gonna do a special shout out. This is really funny. So my number one fan of the show is my dad. So we know there's at least one person, and he sends an email to all his friends. His name is Joe, every single week to all of these people. And so they, he, he just sends an email, This is Susan's latest show. So if you would like to say a special message to my dad's friends, including Chris Gravelle is one of them. If you would like to say a special message to my dad's friends, I would love that.
Julie Foucht 35:33
Oh, I just get chills all over. So to your dad's friends, Thank you so much for being such a blessing supporting the work of women in the world and supporting Susan's work. We appreciate you all. Thank you, Dad.
Susan Sly 35:50
Thanks, Julie. I've actually never asked anyone to do that. But they always message me every week. So I'm so grateful. So anyway, Julie, thank you so much for being here. Thank you for the work that you do. If you are looking for a coach, go to Julie's website, we all need a coach. And with that, check out our other episodes on money and mindset and entrepreneurship and do a deep dive if you're interested in starting a business. Head on over to, I have a great free resource that's going to give you the steps on how to start your business. And with that, God bless. Go rock your day and we'll see you on a future episode of Raw and Real Entrepreneurship.