Ready to discover the revolutionary power of AI and ChatGPT? Let Susan Sly take you on a journey through generative A.I.’s potential for inspiring marketing, crafting content, optimizing customer service, and enhancing operational efficiency on this episode.
– Susan Sly

Topics covered in the interview
Generative AI
Generative AI Opportunities
Kremer’s O ring theory
Susan Sly’s Bio
Susan Sly is a tech investor, co-founder, best-selling author, keynote speaker, entrepreneur and podcast host of Raw and Real Entrepreneurship. She has appeared on CNN, CNBC, Fox, Lifetime Television, The CBN, The Morning Show in Australia and been quoted in MarketWatch, Yahoo Finance, Forbes, and more. Susan is also a member of the Forbes Business Counsel. Susan holds an Advanced Certificate for Executives in Management, Innovation, and Technology from MIT and is the author of 7 books. As a highly acclaimed keynote speaker, Susan has spoken for MIT, NVIDIA, Intel, Lenovo, and shared the stage with Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Robert Kiosaki, and more. She has been a featured guest speaker for the National Restaurant Association, Executives Next Practices Institute, Forbes Roundtable, Corenet Global and the Edge AI Summit.
In 2022 Susan was honored to receive the Rosalind Franklin Society Award in Science and nomination for the Rising Star in AI from Venture Beat.
Susan is the Co-CEO, and Co-founder, of RadiusAI – an award-winning artificial intelligence company with offices on three continents.
Susan has completed the Boston Marathon 6X and placed Top 10 in the Pro Division of the Ironman Triathlon in Malaysia. Susan is passionate about philanthropy and has dedicated a significant amount of time and money working to liberate girls from trafficking and invest in education to support women and girls who have survived trauma and abuse both domestically and overseas.
Susan is the mother of four children and resides with her husband in Scottsdale, Arizona. Find out more about Susan at
Follow Susan Sly
Show Notes
Hey, what is up Raw and Real entrepreneurs wherever you are in the world, I hope you are having an incredible day. And I have a question for you. What would you do if you had more time? And I mean, you could free up time from arduous tasks, you
had that perhaps an hour extra two hours in the day to do whatever it is you wanted to do? What would you do? Would you spend more time with your kids? Maybe you're feeling guilty at times, that you're not present as a parent? Would you exercise more or start to exercise? Would you finally write that novel you've been thinking about writing? Would you start a side hustle? What would you do? And that's how I want to start this episode, because I'm going to be talking about generative AI, I'm going to be talking about ChatGPT. And you candidly, ChatGPT saved me about two hours preparing for this episode. And I am super grateful. So in that, chat GPT helped me prepare today's show. And I'm going to just begin with a little bit of a story. So I've been up since 2am, my youngest daughter, Emery, she had a field trip, and the class is flying to Washington, DC. And for some reason, the school want the kids at the airport at three in the morning. And my husband and I are like, oh my goodness, that is just crazy. And so we did go to bed early. But at 2am I hear the shuffling around and Emery likes to get up early, she's the kid we have that always likes to be prepared. So she gets up. And of course, I'm awake now and make some coffee. And then off we go to the airport. And in my mind as we're there and the kids are getting checked in and I'm thinking of all the things I've got to do, and I'm currently, as you're listening to this, I'm studying in another course at MIT, this one is on AI, and pharma and biotech. So I've got an assignment due, I have a group chat due. I have some work stuff to do, and it's also a Sunday that I'm recording. So I want to get a workout in, we have church and my friend Donna, you'll hear the bonus episode has her book launch this afternoon. So there's been lots of things happening. And in my mind, I start thinking about how many hours it's going to take to get everything done plus this podcast because I've been traveling so much for Radius. We are just inundated with all of these customers who want to work with us. So I've been traveling and traveling. And this show is a passion project. For some of you, you might know or not know, back in the 90s, I used to be on radio. And so I was on radio every Sunday, and I was on television five days a week. And I love media. And I love to be able to contribute to all of you and take what it is I'm learning as an entrepreneur and growing and give it back to you. And so I get to interview amazing entrepreneurs and I get to share the wisdom with you. And it's just such a joy. And at the same time because this is a free show and it's a passion project for me, I have to figure out where it fits in my travel schedule and as a CEO of an AI company and is growing rapidly with offices on three continents, and all of the things that I do in my week to week. So I haven't been able to record a show. So the team is like Susan, you've got to record a solo show. And I'm you know, I'm going What am I going to record it on? And I'm getting asked a lot about generative AI because I'm in the AI space. And I thought okay, I'll do a show on generative AI and I start to research and you know, my normal pattern is it's going to be researching and looking for all these reference points and the key points to give to all of you. And I got back from the airport, then I thought, Hmm, what if I use ChatGPT to help me create the show? And so this is all me, these are my musings about this application. But the key points that I'm going to share about how tools like Chat GPT can help you as an entrepreneur. They're all from ChatGPT. And so I want you to know that we're living in this time right now, where there's a lot of information about AI but there's a lot of misinformation about AI and there are people gosh, I see it all the time, who are spouting out nonsense about AI, then Elon Musk came out and and hey, I'm a huge fan of Elon but he's like let's pause AI development for six months. I mean, that is the most ridiculous thing in my opinion, because we may pause AI development for six months but do you think that other countries are going to pause their AI development? No. So what would that serve to do? It would only leave people in America and you know, Western nations, it would only leave them further behind. And AI development is not something that's necessarily linear. It is more exponential. So the better the AI gets, the faster it learns, the faster it grows. And so six months of ceasing development could ultimately put us behind by years. And so that doesn't make sense. What makes sense, is the responsible governance of AI and using AI in a way that helps to enhance humanity. And so you can be sitting there thinking, Well, you know, Susan, the world's going to end and I need to stock up on food and all of these things. And depending on how old you are, I wanted you back in the time machine, to 1999. You see, a huge percentage of people thought the world was going to end and people had signs in the streets, I was 28 years old, the world is going to end and people were stocking up on food, they were stocking up on gold. They were you know, all the things people do. They were freaking out in fear. And this was before social media. So this was more so in newspapers and people talking to each other. And what was going on, if you don't know is that there was this phenomenon called y2k. And the hypothesis was that computers could not handle when the clock turned from 1999 to 2000. And people thought aeroplanes were going to fall out of the sky, that nuclear bombs were going to be accidentally launched, that there would be, you know, mass power outages. And so there was a lot of paranoia, and a lot of fear. And it's very similar history tends to repeat itself. It's very similar to this sense we have over artificial intelligence now. And so, and you might be saying, well, Susan, what
were you doing on New Year's Eve in 1999? Well, I was at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto, with Canada's iconic rock band, The Tragically Hip, because back in those days, I was preparing them for tours, I owned a health club. And that's when I was on radio, television, and so forth. And I, you know, I would have been like a, you know, an OG kind of influencer, personal trainer, fitness person, nutritionist. Anyway, so, I had been invited to their New Year's Eve concert. And so we had the concert, and then we went backstage, and it turns from 1999 to 2000. And we're drinking champagne and celebrating on the world. And here we are 23 years later and we're having the same kinds of conversations. And it's not rational to be quite candid, because if you look at all of the tools that have been generated to really give humans a quantum leap, in terms of support, you can think about things like the airplane, the airplane was designed to help us travel from one place to another faster. The same thing with cars, the same thing with cell phones, to be able to communicate.
Even the kitchen gadgets you would have. I thank God every time, I'm baking, or something that I have a stay on mixer because I used to do that stuff by hand. I mean, it's great for your biceps, but it's not the most time efficient, or even think about the oven versus cooking over, you know, trying to bake without one. So you think about all these things. AI is
this invention that has been designed to accelerate the human mind. And so, you know,
a lot of the fear mongering, the ridiculousness, a lot of that is coming from people who actually don't have a clue about AI and about its limitations. And then people get their information from TikToks. And I would say, you know, really, that's where you're getting your AI information? That's the same place where recently a group of boys decided to do a TikTok challenge and they put a bucket over a young mom's head, I believe it was in a Target. And she passed out because she suffers from epilepsy. And so people who are so concerned about AI need to be concerned about things like TikTok and TikTok challenges and in our ability to be able to work together as a society. And so I think, at the end of the day, when we're looking at AI and we're looking at what AI can do to enhance our lives, we have to, I recommend and I wrote this on LinkedIn and If you follow me on LinkedIn at Susansly, I will actually, if you are commenting on something, I will come back to you. It's me not one of my staff, same thing with Twitter, it's me, commenting back to you at SusanSlyLive. If you think about AI, and you think about it for, you know, just a moment,
as opposed to pausing development, what we need to do is pause and have a sanity check. And will AI destroy the world? Here's what I have to say much like the saying money doesn't change who you are, it only amplifies what's already there. That if you're a good person, and you get money, you're going to do good things. If you're a bad person, and you get money, you're going to do bad things. At the same time, technology, good people create good technology, bad people will always use technology or any other tool for nefarious means. So what we want to focus on, is using technology for good. We want to focus on using technology in a way that really helps us as entrepreneurs, and helps humanity. And if you've seen any of my videos on LinkedIn, one of the videos I did was about how AI is helping humans with things like sustainable AI, it's for large companies in the fashion industry, there's so much waste, even just how a pair of jeans is created, that they're using models to have more efficiency, AI models, not you know, fashion models, but AI models to have more efficiency. And what that's essentially doing is reducing waste. At Radius, we have computer vision models that help to reduce food waste in areas like convenience and quick serve restaurants so that there's a tremendous amount of food waste that happens. And then there are, in sustainable farming, there's AI that helps to monitor weather patterns, and is helping farmers discern the best time to plant and the best time to harvest and the list goes on and on and on. And in the medical field, Oh my goodness, we're seeing tremendous gains where one example is at Mass General a study, a case study that I looked at, at MIT,
where you had just, you know, humans reading scans to determine if there was cancer, and then the AI and both had, you know, significant degrees of error. But when the humans and the the AI work together, the degree of error was so small, and I'd rather have a more accurate diagnosis personally.
So we're also seeing AI in things like new drug discovery, we're seeing it in our ability to optimize time and be more efficient and all sorts of things. So today, I want to talk to you, take a breath, about common sense when it comes to AI and thinking about how it might be able to save you time as an entrepreneur. And I'll tell you that some of the most successful entrepreneurs, people's names we haven't even heard of yet, are using AI or thinking about ways to use AI to solve problems in the world. And I really feel that AI is going to enable us
to help solve a lot of issues, whether it's cleaning up oceans, whether it's optimizing Food Integrity, whether it's even, you know, figuring out ways to optimize the locations and decrease crime. And there's so many things I know, the things we're working on at Radius in computer vision. And I have to tell you, that it's really, really exciting. And so I as entrepreneurs, this is Raw and Real Entrepreneurship, and I want to have this raw and real conversation. If you're getting your entrepreneurial information from TikTok influencers from you know, fear mongers from mainstream media who has clickbait, then you're not really an entrepreneur, because entrepreneurs, it's our job to define a problem, to look at facts to do our research, to decide, you know, what
is the market share? What is the viability of an idea? Are we equipped to be able to execute on it? Do
we need a team of people? And AI is just a tool that can help with many of those different areas. And so, I want to jump right in and I want to talk about five ways, Thank you, ChatGPT that generative AI can help us as entrepreneurs. And so the first one is around product design. So when you Have an idea and you're thinking, okay, gosh, you know, how am I going to take this idea and turn it into a product? We can put different parameters, we can put class function, we can put materials, we can put timelines, and then the generative AI can help us be able to figure out how to productize those particular ideas. And so, in doing that, when you think about it in the past, we might have, you know, sat around and had workshops and done a lot of research. And this could save a significant amount of time. So I believe as entrepreneurs, we're going to start to see, more and more products come to the market
a lot faster. And that's going to be with AI helping us as humans. The second way is marketing. And I have used ChatGPT to help with marketing. I had to create some marketing content and I had so many meetings that day, and it was like, my brain was tired. And I'm a morning person, I think if you've been listening to show for a while, you know, I like to get up early, like 4:30 in the morning. And then by two or three in the afternoon, I'm just like, mentally, I'm grading a meeting, but creating something, writing copy, that kind of thing, it's just, I couldn't come up with it. And we really needed to get our webpages updated. So I used ChatGPT just to give me some ideas and some key points and, and it was great. I think I saved myself, I'm gonna guess in the neighborhood of five to six hours. And and then I want to tell you, from my heart, Emery had a track meet and it was great because I was able to be at her track meet, be present, because I didn't have this deadline looming over me, I have to create this content, I have to create this copy, and how am I going to do it. And thank you, ChatGPT, because it really helped and I want to clash and, and pause. What you don't want to do when you're using a tool like ChatGPT, and full disclaimer, I use the paid version. And I also use Jasper AI. And you can find out more about that. The agency that I, one of the businesses I own is Agency8. So you can go to, you can see Jasper and you can sign up for a free trial. It's awesome. It is incredible at creating content. You don't want to copy it verbatim, because firstly the Google's AI is going to scrub that it's going to rank those pages lower. But what you do want to do is utilize it to get some ideas to get some key points. And to really help in that regard. I do have a funny story. So one of our employees at Radius was telling me that her friend is in a university class, and that this particular friend had used Chat GPT to write an essay. And anyway she admitted it and the professor got really mad. And then the professor said, by show of hands, how many of you used ChatGPT to write your essay, 60% of the class did. So we're gonna start to see this shift in terms of you know, some of you might be saying, well, does this mean people will learn you know, stop being able to write? Well one of the things I will tell you is that there is going to be a shift. In terms generative AI is going to shift professions and the Wall Street Journal came out with an article talking about which professions are most at risk. One is accounting, writers is another one. Bloggers, content creators in that regard. Any sort of menial tasks like data entry, that kind of thing, that is going to be really impacted by generative AI, but new professions aren't going to be born out of this time. And if you think about 20 years ago, there wasn't something called a social media marketing manager. Today that is something people go to school for. Right? And if you think about 60 years ago, there wasn't a job called a personal trainer and yet people do go and get all the certifications to become a personal trainer because our jobs are more sentry and people sometimes need someone to be able to help them to work out. So we have jobs that exist today, like data scientists, that wasn't a huge profession, if you look, you know, 60, 70 years ago, that have evolved because technology has evolved. The third way generative AI can help you as an entrepreneur, is content creation. So when you're thinking about your content, and that goes back to what I was saying about that, you know website update, blog post, even a press release for your business that you can use generative AI to either get some ideas or to help you with some of the content, especially if it's not your forte, if you're stuck. As an entrepreneur, you want to focus on what your zone of genius is, what are you really, really good at? And if copywriting is not your thing, generative AI says, Hey, you don't have to pay a copywriter anymore, you can use this tool to help assist you so you can get the word out about what it is you do. The fourth way generative AI is going to help entrepreneurs that already is, is customer service. And we're going to start to see more engagement with the chat bots. So for chat bots have been around for a while. And at different times, I've had them on the Susan Sly site. And generative AI is going to allow people who are engaging with your product or service, your website to have a more polished conversation. And as the AI learns, and as the AI as with Jasper AI, you can have Jasper speak in different tones. So it can be professional, it can be more lighthearted, but what we're going to begin to see is a more elegant customer service focus with generative AI and the engagement on your website. And you know, voice has come a long way too, just as a sidebar, with natural language processing. And even for some of the videos that I've created, we've used AI voiceover, it doesn't sound perfect yet, believe me, it's got a little way to go. But that voice engagement and being able to have the conversation, the dialogue, down the road, we will see that the customer service experience, you will be having voice conversations with an AI. The AI never gets tired. The AI generally should treat you really well in a customer experience, it's going to allow large companies to have better customer service. And so, but at the end of the day, that AI experience and the customer service, especially if you're a new entrepreneur, and you can't afford to have a full customer service team, how powerful is it going to be for people engaging with your product and service online to have more customized experience and feel to get their questions answered. So that will convert to more sales, which is going to be great. And the fifth way generative AI can help is with your operations. So that's data analysis, recommendations for operational efficiency, you could have the generative AI analyze your data and suggest you know, these are ways we can reduce waste at the company. These are the ways we can improve efficiency. And my big piece around all these five recommendations is there's a theory called Kremer's O ring theory. And that is if you want to look it up it's Kremer with a K, that humans and machines will always function better together as opposed to humans by themselves or machines by themselves. And so when you listen to all these five ways, what I want to ask you is what is something you can incorporate from this? Is there a way you can use a tool like ChaGPT to help you become more efficient, produce more content that is going to increase the SEO for your website? Or is it just an idea? Maybe you have an amazing idea and you're trying to figure out like, how do you get it to market, What are those next steps? Whatever it is, I encourage you to go in, play with it. Have fun with it. As I said, I use the paid version of ChatGPT just because it's a better UI. It's just a better experience altogether. And whether it's two in the morning, and I am taking my daughter to the airport, or whatever time of day it is, the Ai doesn't get tired. And I firmly believe we are living at an incredible time in history. And we have the opportunity to use AI to help us in so many ways. And I think that you know, regardless of your opinions and beliefs, you can sit on the sideline, and you can watch but we're gonna start to see things like AI rapidly advancing. We're already seeing it things like cures for cancer. Again, reducing food waste, so the Food Integrity. All sorts of different things that are going to help us live in a way that is much better. And so I would encourage you to dig in, to play with generative AI to learn more. And if this episode has been helpful, please go on iTunes, leave a five star review. I really appreciate that. And you can go ahead tweet at me @Susanslylive or follow Rawand Real Entrepreneurship on Twitter or follow it on Instagram.
Interact with me over on LinkedIn. And if you have an idea for a show go to Please submit your idea because I would love to hear from you. So with that, God bless, go rock your day. Have fun playing with generative AI and I will see you in the next episode.