All right everyone. Well my question for you this Monday and welcome to another episode of Bulletproof Monday. If you are here live, I want to acknowledge you. If you are listening on iTunes or Spotify or watching on YouTube or wherever it is you are seeing this, I just want to acknowledge you. I know many of you carve out this time. If you are here live, we have a special guest special time today, it’s all awesome. And my question for you today is do you know what the calling is on your life? You know, or maybe you don’t. Maybe you’re a little uncertain. You’ve heard, you know Simon Sinek Start With Why. Maybe you’re one of these people who’s at an event or gotten on a webinar and thought ‘I don’t know what my why is, I don’t know what my calling is. Susan, I don’t even know. You know, I’m trying to juggle this, maybe work, life, entrepreneurship, kids and I’m just going through the motions. I don’t know.’.
My guest here today, he’s going to share with you the calling on his life and the calling on his life and how he is helping so many other people figure out what it is that is going to allow them to have passion and purpose and he’s just a remarkable person and I’ll be bringing him out in a minute. A couple of quick announcements. Number one, Only Four Days is coming up April 16th to 19th and this is my annual signature event. It is for people who want to learn social media marketing strategies for their small to mid size business, branding strategies, podcasting, how to optimize video marketing, and you’re going to learn about sales and business strategy and team building. I bring in some of the top people in the entire world. We’ve got Casey Adams, he’s got the number one podcast for gen Z on iTunes. We have, Oh my gosh, the list goes on and on and on. We have Jay, our garage, Jeffery who is monetizing on TikTok and YouTube and if you really want to truly build your business and your brand, you’ve got to be there.
Tickets are only $797 right now. The price does go up on March 17th, you can check it out on If you want the show notes, what I do is I have all the shows transcribed. Get on my list, go to, that is going to allow you to get today’s show notes. I know you are going to be so inspired, but those only go out to the list, so go over there and get on the list. I will not spam you. I promise that you definitely want to check it out.
All right, so my guest today is an incredible, incredible person. He is a passionate, passionate ambassador of Christ. He is a dad of two amazing children. He has been an entrepreneur for years, even in the construction industry. We are going to hear more about that. He has built a film and production company that has filled over 300 hours of network television, he’s produced feature films for Netflix and Walmart. And he is the CEO, which he says is the Chief Evangelist Officer for Called Higher Studios. So Jason Brown, I want to welcome you to Bulletproof Monday, welcome you to the show. Thank you so much for being here.
Yeah. Hey Susan. Thank you guys so much for having me and thank you for all the fans that are tuning into your show. It’s such a great opportunity and appreciate you even being willing to let me come and talk to you.
Well Jason, for people who don’t know you, I always love to start with just a couple of rapid fire questions. Are you ready? All right, so first thing, 2020 you know, here we are. It’s the beginning of March, the first eight weeks of the year. If you could look back, what is something that you feel really good about achieving this year so far, outside of work?
Oh, outside of work. That’s a good one. You know what? I’m trying to build more community. I’m trying to build deeper relationships and you know, I’m trying to really work on me. And so I joined a group called the Symphony Six Group, which is an entrepreneurship group and we really started studying Six Sigma. And I kind of pulled it out and applied it to my life in saying, what do I want my outputs to be? And you know, mine were a better marriage, to be a better father. And when you really start looking at the inputs that are going into that, it was pretty eye opening for me. And so my big things that I’m trying to work on in 2020 are, letting my guard down and being a little more vulnerable, building relationships with people because that’s really the quality… I found that that’s kind of the quality of your life. And sometimes that’s hard for me, and really just looking at the inputs that are going into my life and really focusing on those so that my outputs can be better for other people. So, yeah, that’s it.
That’s beautiful. And let’s talk about letting your guard down. Because it’s interesting, especially from a man’s perspective, right? And there’s this whole concept of vulnerability and weakness. And a coach told me once, many years ago, Susan, you never let your guard down and you’ve told yourself this story that if you’re vulnerable it means you’re weak. And he went on to say that actually vulnerability would be my strength. So what about for you? Like what does taking your guard off look like for you and why is it maybe scary or daunting at times?
Yeah. Wow. Mine’s a little different in the sense that, well, I’m probably not different than many males. You know, we’re taught that we’re fixers and you know, you don’t cry and you know, you just, you know, you suck it up and go, right? And that’s really ingrained in us in sports. And I played sports my entire life and all through college. And so for me, you know, I came from a military background and military family. My father was in the military for 33 years. You know, he brought my mom over from the war in Vietnam. And so, you know, we had an interesting dynamic because of a lot of the PTSD and things that he suffered being in that war. We had some family dynamics that, you know, were verbal abuse and physical abuse and things of that nature.
You know, my parents got divorced when I was six years old. And so from that standpoint, some other people came into my life. My mom’s new boyfriend and things of that nature. And so I really had a lot of struggles just in my young life that set me on a pattern of just being an introvert and not really relating to people in the sense of letting my guard down and having relationships. And so for me it’s been a very active and not difficult, but it’s something I’ve had to work on, right? To let my guard down and trust people and really just to be in a relationship. And so as a man, it’s been a great journey, but more and more what I’ve seen is, you know, God puts people in my life that really want to help you. Right? And I’ve started to learn that life happens for you and not to you. And so when you take it from that standpoint, you can really start to begin to trust that things are going to happen and turn out well, and that life is going to be good for you if you just kind of do the right things and give and contribute and help other people along the way. And so, yeah, that’s kind of my take on it.
I love that you have such a positive attitude. You know, people often when they’ve had maybe traumatic childhoods, they hold on to it, right? And you can’t be a victim and a victor at the same time. So I guess my question for you is, two lessons your dad taught you. People either teach us how to be or how not to be. I’d love two of them, so what was something he did that taught you how not to be because I can see the photo of your beautiful family in the back, your little girl and your little boy. And what was something that he… What was a gift he gave you that helped you become a better man and a better father?
Oh wow. So my dad, he passed on and went to heaven about six years ago, but I’ll get to see him again very soon sometime. But two things that he passed on to me, I remember my dad got to be in the room with a lot of people, very high up people either in the government or in the department of security, things of that nature. And so one of the things that he always taught me is Jason, everybody out there puts their pants on the same as you. You belong in every room. You belong in any relationship or any situation that you want to be in. And so what he was really saying was, you’re good enough, right? That other people may be out there but never, never feel like you don’t belong at the table. Never feeling like you don’t have something to contribute. And so I think that really instilled in me something that said, okay, I can go out and conquer the world. You know, he instilled me with confidence.
And I think one of the things that he gave me that I still pass on to my kids today is my dad never missed an opportunity to give me the biggest bear hugs in the world. And he was a big military guy, just huge. But that, you know it’s funny, is that’s what I missed today. I miss getting hugged from that man simply because it wasn’t a pansy hug. I mean he would grab you up and give you a hug because you know, he loves you, right? And he knew, I think coming from his background and being in the war, I think he knew that life was very precious and that if you had a moment, you better live in it and take advantage of it.
Yeah, that’s beautiful. I mean at the end of the day, you know, I heard once, and I can’t remember who said it, but the only difference between all of us is really 1/18th of an inch. And that’s our skin color other than, you know, gender. But our skin color is 1/18th of an inch. And so often I love what your father said. You know, everyone puts their pants on the same way or you know, whatever they’re wearing, we all get dressed. You know, we all go out there in the world. And I think fundamentally, one of the things I love that you’re doing, and we’ll get to that in a moment with Called Higher, is bringing people together in different ways. Not just from the vantage point of viewing the works that are coming out of the studio, but also the ability to create that community.
I want to ask you, so many people who watch the show or listen, they’re either in one of a couple of camps. One, they are full blown entrepreneurs, so they might be a small business owner, a solopreneur, the show goes all over the world. I think 95 countries. We have people who are doctors who run their own practices. We have people who are selling stuff online. We have all sorts of different people. And then there are people who watch and listen who are working, but they’re thinking of becoming an entrepreneur or they’re working and they have a side hustle. Jason, when did you catch the entrepreneurial spirit and when did you know that that was a moment for you that you just said there’s no going back, right?
Yeah, absolutely. Well, first off, if they’re in either one of those camps and they’re listening to this podcast and they found your website, then they’re in good company and they still need to keep listening to you. So for me, wow, see, I came from a family of entrepreneurs. So to give you an example, so when my mother came over from Vietnam, she was 17 years old and she did not know any English. So she came here when she was 17. A few years later, my parents got divorced. My mom actually started selling jewelry out of the back of her car. And so she would buy gold chain. She would go and sell it to someone, but she wouldn’t let you actually buy it. She would talk you into putting it on layaway so she could sell that same gold chain over and over and over again. And then when somebody took it off layaway, she would drive to Atlanta, pick up one just like it, and then bring it back to them. And so that’s how she provided for our family. And so she was a hustler. You know, she worked her butt off and she provided for her family. And so I realize now that I have that same DNA inside of me. And so from that standpoint, my brother became an entrepreneur. My sister runs my mom’s company now. And I think it was just something that was kind of instilled in me.
For the exact moment that I knew that I wanted to be an entrepreneur. Wow. There’s so many. I don’t know. I think every job, I probably knew every time I clocked in, right? Every time I actually had to clock in and clock out on a timecard, I think there was something in the back of my head that said, this is it, this is a part of it. But I think it was when I hired my first employee, when you hire your first employee, there’s something special about that. And it says that you feel like you’ve created something, right? And you know, for my faith, I believe that God was a crater and we were created in his image. And so I feel like I’m made to create. And so to be able to create a job for someone, you know, that really stuck with me. And I think that’s when it kind of lit me on fire to say, okay, you know, we can kind of build a community and create jobs and go and build something pretty special. So, you know, there’s a thousand moments that light me up every day about being an entrepreneur, but I think that’s probably one of the best ones.
That’s so beautiful, and how innovative of your mom? I mean, no, it’s on layaway and you’re, and I mean that hustle. I read a statistic that immigrants are 40% more likely to be business owners than non-immigrants. And I think part of the reason is that when people come often, depending wherever you are in the world, but they come from another country, sometimes their designations and different things are left behind. I mean, how many, I can count, you know how many taxi drivers I ever had that had PhDs from another country, but they were driving taxis and growing up in a family of entrepreneurs like you, my dad and my grandma ran this Chinese restaurant. My grandmother taught me how to trade stocks when I was a little kid and it was just this constant, you know, you work hard to create a life for you and your family.
And it wasn’t about opulence but it was about education, going to church on Sundays, making sure everyone gets a good education, making sure that you have those family meals, you’re respectful and one of the things I’m so grateful for is being able to pay that forward for my kids and those same values. Let’s talk about Called Higher and what you’re doing. There’s a lot to talk about, you’re doing a crowdfunding, we’re going to talk about that, but let’s talk about Called Higher in general because if people don’t know about it, so what is it?
So Called Higher studios, it’s a family based and faith-based movie studio. And so I partnered with another co-founder of mine, a gentleman named Ash Greyson, who’s worked on some phenomenal films. He’s worked on films like I Can Only Imagine, and God’s Not Dead, I Still Believe, which is coming out in March. And so he’s really kind of been a titan in that industry. And so for us, you know, we really wanted to look and find a better way to go make family and faith based films. And so that’s kind of our model and what we’re trying to do. At the same time, you know, we keep our faith at the core of what we do. And we really looked at a different model in the sense that I studied crowdfunding about four years ago and we really started to look and say, okay, if you can build a community of people, it’s such a better model because, right?
So most people go out and go to the movie studio or go to the movie theater and they vote with their dollars, right? They vote with their dollars on what they want to go see, what kind of merchandise they want to buy. And so we had a light bulb kind of go off and said, if we can build a community of these people and just ask them what they want it would be, it would put us so much closer to the end consumer and then we could bring them along for the journey and allow them to help make the movies, whether that is voting on actors or voting on stories, they can actually participate and be a part of it. And so then when we put those movies out, they could be a part of it. They could go to the movies and look up and say, I was a part of that. And we just thought that was a very cool thing. And so we launched it and it kind of caught fire and you know, we’re doing great and we have a lot of people involved right now.
let’s get into the weeds for a moment. I love that vision and that’s why I wanted to have you on the show. One of the things that I always want to do when I’m bringing guests on the show is bring people that have a huge vision in their life. Whether it’s a huge vision, they’re an a entrepreneur and they have a huge vision in their personal life, or you know, they just have a huge vision in their business life that visionaries tend to have visions in all areas of their life. That’s what makes them so unique. For some people, because you and I had met and you gave some statistics and I was actually blown away. So for the average movie, how much does it cost to make it, like, we’re not talking about a Hollywood blockbuster, but we’re talking about a movie that’s coming out of the studio. How much does it cost?
Yeah. So it really varies, right? But if you look at some of the last faith-based films like Overcomer, and I Can Only Imagine, and films like that, anywhere from two to $5 million is a good average for some of the budgets that are getting put into these types of films.
So two to 5 million. And then is every movie like an instant success or do you find that some movies require more marketing than other movies?
Yeah. So what’s interesting is most movies, well there’s a lot of independent film makers out there who are making films and you know, they just don’t have either the budget or the relationships to get distribution. And so a lot of those great films never get seen. And so something that I learned 10 years ago when I made my first movie was, it doesn’t matter how great your movie is if you don’t have kind of the second leg of the stool in place from a marketing standpoint, your movie is not going to get seen. And so what people don’t realize is, even in the faith based and family world, a movie may cost two or $3 million to make, right? But then a lot of times they will put another three or four or five or $6 million in advertising just to draft the distribution and the awareness of that film. And so, I would recommend to anyone who’s out there making movies, unless you have the marketing money set up after you make the film, I wouldn’t even begin to start making the film without understanding the entire plan from a to Z.
And how we met and many shouts out of love to Dennis Yu, because we were having this conversation as marketers like Dennis and I and Mark and going, how can we help Jason market these movies? And looking at it… From even looking at it from micro-influencers or targeted advertising. So it’s not the kind of 3 to $4 million spend, but spending strategically and knowing that like attracts like. So being able to do some creative things, like take everyone who’s crowdfunded and then advertise all the movies to their friends, right? So suddenly you might have like 500 people, but then by the time you add their friends and someone you have a whole audience of like minded people. And so that’s something we’re working on in the background with Jason. But I think I have a friend Jason, who made a movie and she has been going, leaving her kids going to film festival after film festival, after film festival.
And you know, two years later the movie has not been picked up by a major studio. And she had people invested in the movie. She and her husband invested a lot in the movie and I’m praying for her every day that someone’s going to pick it up. But to your point, and I love that you said that, there are a lot of amazing movies out there that just aren’t marketed properly. It’s the same with books. It’s the same with people. There are a lot of beautiful pastors out there and speakers out there, but they don’t know how to market themselves and it’s sad. And I know that’s one of my purposes that God put on my heart is really to help people get their message out to the world, right?
Let me ask you, you decided to do crowdfunding. Now traditional funding, I’ll just disclaim this so people understand or delineate, so traditional funding would be someone has to be a qualified investor. So in the United States they would have to have $1 million in assets outside of their home or a personal income of $250000 a year. There are all these key metrics. Crowdfunding in the last several years has taken on just this whole life of its own because people who don’t have those levels of income or assets can invest, and you, with your connections and Ash’s connections, you could have gone and said, yeah, we’re just, we want people to write $250000 checks. But you didn’t. So can you talk about that?
Absolutely. So I read an article in 2016 by a guy named Ethan Mollick and it was in the Harvard Business Review and in that article he talks about the power of crowdfunding is not the money, the power of crowdfunding and the benefit of crowdfunding is the community. And so that really made an impact on me. We could have absolutely went and raised money outside of crowdfunding and we probably could have done it a lot easier with less regulatory oversight from the securities exchange commission and probably a lot cheaper to be honest with you. But what we would not have had was thousands upon thousands of passionate fans that we could communicate with and that we could do it together with. And so that is 100%, 199%, the reason that we chose crowdfunding was 100% behind the community. I always go back and laugh if you’ve seen the movie Gladiator, he talks to the main character and said, win the crowd, win your freedom, and I honestly believe that applies so much to our company because the bigger that our crowd gets, the more influential we get.
The more power that we have in the industry to really take a property and, or a piece of intellectual property and put it out there and talk about it. You know, and it’s probably the same in your business. You know, you still have to make a great product, right? You have to make great content, you have to write a great book. So we still have to go and find those people to make a phenomenal movie. But afterwards, it really is the word of mouth. And so there is no better way that we know to do word of mouth than to tell, 20000 of your family and friends, right, who’s your community, and then let them go tell 10 people who are in their community. And so that’s why we chose crowdfunding to do it just because we kind of wanted to do it together as a family. And so it’s made it pretty fun so far.
That’s awesome. And what for an investor, what’s the difference for the investor if they do crowdfunding versus traditional investing?
It’s kind of similar. So what happened is in 2016, Obama signing the jobs act. Prior to 2016, all crowdfunding was donation based. So if you went to Kickstarter or Indiegogo or things of that nature, you could crowdfund something, but all you got was, is something along the lines of a perk, a thank you, a tee shirt. Maybe you’ve got a prototype of the product, but it was illegal for you to share in the profits.
In 2016, equity crowd funding got signed into law and for companies that actually go through the process and file with the Security Exchange Commission like ours, they created something called regulation CF and also regulation A. They kind of put us through the ringer because they really want to try to protect investors, so you know, audited or reviewed financial statements. You know, we have to go through background checks, we have to submit a lot of stuff through the security exchange commission in order to be qualified. The SEC doesn’t approve or disprove, they just qualify your application. And so once you’re qualified, then you can actually sell a security to someone. So you know, they can actually buy stock in our company. And so it’s not a donation, they become a stockholder.
Similarly, if they would’ve went to the S&P 500 or something and bought Apple stock, so they actually own stock. The difference is there’s not a secondary market yet for REC CF shares, I believe that will change in the next five or 10 years. But it is very similar just to investing in everyday on the stock market or through a broker. And so you’re actually buying shares of the company unless other people do a debt mechanism where you know, you can actually loan and fund the company. But that’s the main difference, is it’s not a donation, you become an owner in the company. And so in our particular case you have class A voting common stock and you know, you kind of lock arms with everyone else and you know, we all go do it together.
That’s so amazing. And I love that change, right? Because not everyone’s aware of the change because maybe they crowdfunded before, but they were like, Oh, I just, you know, like you said, they got a tee shirt, they got a sticker, they got something. But this is investing for everyday folks. You don’t have that level of income yet. I like to use the word yet, happy face. Right. Smiley. And so what are you guys doing with the money that you’re raising right now? Where’s it going?
Absolutely. And so we are laying the foundation of our company, right? And so we are actively looking at projects right now that we can invest in. We’re developing our own projects. We have an application that is being built that we hope to launch, I believe in the next two months. And so almost, all of that money, pretty much most of that money is going into the company and going into laying the foundation to go in and to distribute these movies. You know, we know that we want to have a big megaphone before we actually go and make a big bet on a film ourselves. And so that’s what a lot of the dollars in the capital deployment is going to right now, is to put in the mechanisms so that we can actually communicate with our fans and be able to advertise the films when we produce them. And so we’re trying to think ahead and look and say, okay, what are we going to need three years from now, four years from now to be able to have a successful film, and so that’s what we’re doing. So we need people like Dennis Yu, you and Susan sly and you know, a lot of the other infrastructure in place for us to go out and to market our films.
That’s awesome. And how much are you raising in this round?
Yeah, so under regulation CF we are capped at 1 million and $70000 so the SEC puts a limit on it, and so we’re only allowed to raise up to that amount.
And so, and where are you at now in the raise?
So we are very thankful that we are close to, I think $750000 approximately as of today, somewhere around there. And so we have, I think about 2600 investors and we’ve raised about 70% of that amount today. We’re just so happy that people, there’s a demand for it. And if I could, there’s so many comments that we get on social media of people talking about, I invested in this, I don’t care about the return, but I just want to see good quality films for my grandkids. You know, I want to see someone come to Christ. And so I think there’s a real movement of people who, they would be willing to donate, right? So just to be able to invest in something like this is a plus for them. And so it’s been pretty amazing to see.
And what’s the minimum amount someone can invest? So say someone’s watching, they’re like, Oh my gosh, this is so resonating with me and I want to create a legacy. So what, what’s the minimum they can invest?
So it’s a huge amount. No, actually the SEC makes it very affordable for people. And so the minimum on our investment is $100, and Start Engine, which is the platform that we’re on, sometimes you can go a little lower, but that’s the minimum that they would allow us to do. And so it’s a $100 and it’s one time. A lot of questions people say is it an ongoing thing every month? It’s not a monthly or recurring thing, while the round is open, if you make the choice to invest in the company, then you know you get to choose your amount. But it is a one time investment.
That’s awesome. And I’ve done, like I’m on the We Fender Platform, and it’s so much fun. As you know, many people know in the startup that I have, we did the traditional rounds and you know, one of the things I said to Jason, it’d be fun to sit down either in Phoenix or Nashville and trade those stories. You know, when people are looking at, Oh like in our case the minimum was 25000 and it’s a different conversation versus saying, Hey, but we’re raising a lot more money as well.
But it’s a different conversation and I love that ordinary folks who are just working super hard can have investment opportunities now that were previously closed to them. And so I have some, We Funder things I have to run like 250 bucks or 500 bucks. And it’s so fun when the company hits their raise amount you get the… They notify you and you know, we did it and, and it’s amazing. And Jason, I’m so excited for you. So if someone wants to invest, where do they go?
Yeah, so there’s a couple of different ways to get to the starting page. So you can either visit Start Engine, which is S-T-A-R-T engine, E-N-G-I-N-E, I think. And then when you search through the companies you will find our company called Higher Studios or you can just Google Called Higher Studios. Either our start engine link or our website called will pop up. And if you make it to our website, there’s a little button on the right hand corner, that says invest. If you click that, it’ll take you right to the start engine page where you can find out everything about our company and everything that the SEC requires us to give to you guys like a form C and all the disclosures and you know, videos and marketing stuff and you can learn all about us and everything that we’ve done.
That’s awesome. Yeah, we’ll definitely, we’ll get that link out. I want to ask you a final question. So we started with this notion of your calling and you know, you’ve spoken about the first employee you hired, you just knew you wanted to change lives. What would you say to someone who is watching, listening right now and going, Jason, I don’t know, I don’t know what my calling is. I don’t know what my why is. I just feel like there’s this part of me that wants to be an entrepreneur or there’s this part of me that wants to help people, but I can’t articulate it like you can. You’re going to build this massive community of people and you’re going to get these incredible faith-based movies out to the world and really inspire people to change their life. I mean, but let’s say that person doesn’t know. What would you say to them?
Wow, we could do an entire podcast just on this. I think I would say a few things, right? I think I would say, understand that your calling could be anywhere on the spectrum, right? I’ve known people who they love their, they may not love their job, but they may work at a job, but their calling is volunteering outside of their job, right? And so they go and they volunteer at a children’s hospital and that’s their calling, right? That’s what lights them up. And so they go to work every day and you know, they may or may not love it, but then when they go and volunteer, that’s what lights them up. And so I would say that it doesn’t necessarily have to be your occupation, right? You can find your calling in anything. You know, me leaning on my faith, I would always say pray about it, and you know, find out what kind of passion do you have.
The other thing I would say is, don’t be afraid to try, right? Don’t be afraid to try different things, because I think today, so many times we’re afraid to try because we’re afraid to fail. And failure to me is the most data rich stream of information that you can find. And so don’t be afraid to fail because you know, those failures are the things that you’ll look back on and say, Oh, okay, maybe God, maybe, maybe God or whatever you believe in is preparing you for something. I always go back to Jamie Fox, I watched an interview with Jamie Fox and he talks about how his grandmother made him learn piano. And she would beat his knuckles with a rule and he absolutely hated it. And so he, later on in life, it’s when he realized, he said, little did I know that God was preparing me to play Ray.
Right. And so I would say that, look at the things in your life that you’ve done in the past and you know, look and maybe you can find those little things where, you’d been prepared to do your calling later on. I didn’t realize, God has been preparing me for 10 or 15 years just to do this. And so when you look at it from that standpoint, I think that it makes it a little bit easier. But then, just find what lights you up and what gets you out of bed in the morning and what you’re passionate about. And you know, if you’re diligent and you really look at it, I think you’ll be able to find, you know, something that lights you up and you know, and warms you up when you go and do it.
That’s beautiful. And I love how you said it’s a spectrum because so many people think they are going to have a Burning Bush moment. They’re going to go, Oh, that’s it, I know my life’s purpose. And some people do, you know, their names were Moses. Not everyone is that person. And, it goes back to that mustard seed analogy, right? That calling might initially be a mustard seed. It might be so small and then it grows into something bigger. And I think about Sarah Blakely as an example. You know how she started Spanx. I had her husband, Jesse Itzler on the show last year. And just to how, you know, that notion, she hadn’t realized that she would build this movement and women would come up to her like in public places and start crying. And I can think of every huge company that started and you look at these multi billion dollar companies and often it was just this little notion to help a few people, right? And you can’t keep good news quiet for long.
Do you think that most people’s calling or calling usually is wrapped around helping others or contributing to other people’s lives?
I think anything that’s going to last for a really long time initially is that. We can look at companies like McDonald’s and some people would say, well Susan, that wasn’t the case. But if you look at the movie, The Founder, you read the book, The Founder, and you look at Ray Crock and what he was trying to accomplish in the beginning, which was simply helping families have meals of convenience so they could spend more time together. Or Sam Walton with Walmart, just things that were affordable. Or Howard Schultz with Starbucks to say, Hey, I want to take these coffee places that they have in Italy and I want to replicate that in the United States so people can come together, have these espresso style drinks and you know, have great music and make the coffee shop the hangout. These were all very noble beginnings for what are now massive, massive companies, right? And I think that not every huge company started with a noble beginning, but I think at some point in every great company, a judgment day happens and when that company isn’t aligned with the purpose of ultimately helping people, you can name company after company that eventually fall because of that. So that’s, that’s my opinion.
No, that’s good. I feel like I just, I learned so much on this on the podcast.
Well Jason, I can’t thank you enough for being here and you know, I’m praying over your raise. I’m sure it’s going to be absolutely amazing. And if this show has been helpful to you in any way or just lifted your heart, I read all the comments. I’ll send the link to Jason, Hugo go and our guests always go on and they always comment and they read all your comments. We will be posting the link if you do want to contribute. And by no means am I saying you should or you shouldn’t, it’s totally up to you. Just do whatever is on your heart. And with that, I want to, you know, thank you all so much for being here. Thank you, especially to those of you who tune in every single week. This show is my mission and it’s just serving all of you and giving you hope, upliftment, and skills and tools to go out there and do great things in the world. So thank you all for being here. Thank you, Jason. It’s been amazing to have you.
Yeah, thank you guys so much. Thank you to all your fans. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be here and you know what you guys are doing is amazing. So kudos to you guys. Thanks so much.
Thanks everyone.
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