Nowadays, more and more people are becoming entrepreneurs – many because they want to have more freedom. Folks are beginning to say goodbye to the corporate bureaucracy in favor of the ‘you economy.’
According to CBS News, 70 percent of U.S. workers do not feel engaged or inspired at their jobs and feel that they are not reaching their full potential.
Sometimes in the corporate world, you can get stuck in a certain position. No matter how hard you might work, you could just be spinning your wheels, with little hope for making more money or climbing the corporate ladder.
You are also stuck following the schedule of somebody else – showing up when you are told to show up and leaving only when the clock strikes 5.
Furthermore, you might have tons of great ideas, but oftentimes in larger companies, those ideas never get heard.
But before you quit your job and launch your own start-up in the hopes you will have more freedom, there are certainly some things to consider. From the outset, the entrepreneurial life can certainly pose its share of challenges.
First of all, your friends and family might think you are crazy. You are giving up a steady paycheck for uncertainty. Likewise, you are giving up health care benefits for the headache of navigating the health care system on you own. Then, you will have a much more arduous task in handling your taxes. And lastly, in the beginning, you will have to hustle like you have never dreamed.
However, for the vast majority of people who have made this transition, it is absolutely worth it. Why? FREEDOM! That’s why.
Who doesn’t want to have more freedom????
Imagine… never having to ask permission to take vacation. Always being able to attend all your children’s activities and functions. Slipping out to play a round of golf whenever you want. And not having to answer to anyone but yourself? The list could go on and on, depending on what it is that you place value on.
The bottom line is this, kicking the corporate machine to the curb in favor of an entrepreneurial life is not a decision to take lightly. In the end, for a lot of people it is worth it, but others are better suited for the corporate world. For a few more tips on entering the ‘you economy’ watch the video below.
Susan Sly is a best selling author, work life balance expert, speaker and entrepreneur. She has appeared on CNN, CNBC, Fox, Lifetime Television and the CBN. Susan is the mother of five children and resides in Scottsdale, Arizona.