Growing up in rural Arizona in a trailer park, Krisstina Wise knew that she wanted more. Deciding that her surroundings were not going to dictate her destiny. Through a series of decisions, and almost losing her life, Krisstina went onto become one of the top 100 most influential real estate leaders in the country, amassing a significant amount of income, be recognized by Apple, Evernote, and featured in USA Today, all while dedicating her time to teaching others how to master money.
— Krisstina Wise
Topics covered in the interview
Breaking free from the small town mentality
Importance of a mentor
Hunger for knowledge
Krisstina’s advice on money
Krisstina Wise’s Bio
Krisstina Wise has made it her life’s work to master money. She is a self-made multimillionaire with the equivalent of at least two PhDs of intense study with some of the business world’s most sage and seasoned mentors. Her training and experience has built proven systems that work– in both good and challenging times.
After nearly losing her life in 2013 and spending almost half a million dollars to recover, her mission is now to inspire others to build extraordinary wealth and optimalhealth.
Named one of the 100 Most Influential Real Estate Leaders in the country, she has been featured in USA TODAY and recognized by Apple and Evernote for her creative leadership with emerging technologies.
Krisstina is an international speaker and award winning author of the Amazon bestseller “Falling For Money,” a romance novel for your bank account.
She may wear athletic clothes and a baseball cap for almost any occasion, but don’t let that fool you…Financial sovereignty means the freedom to choose. Krisstina chooses to show up in a baseball cap instead of a Lamborghini, even though she could choose the latter. Learn more about her money school for micro-business owners at
Follow Krisstina Wise
Show Notes
Susan Sly 00:01
So the question for you, what would you do if you grew up in a really small town where your career path was not looking so good and everyone around you seem to be underperforming? Would you kind of go with it? Would you make excuses? Would you perhaps allow your surroundings to dictate your success? Well, my guest today didn't do that. And in fact,
Susan Sly 00:25
she left that town, went on to become a self made multi millionaire. And in fact, she's been featured in USA Today, she's been recognized by Apple and Evernote for her Creative Leadership in emerging technologies and check it out. She's made her life's work
Susan Sly 00:39
not just to master money. But to teach other people to do the same. I have to say, I'm a little bit excited just holding back, for those of you who know me. In addition to that, she's the equivalent of at least two PhDs of intense study with some of the business world's most sage in seasoned mentors. Her training experience has built proven systems that work in both good and challenging times. After nearly losing her life in 2013, one of many things we have in common, and spending almost half a million dollars to recover, her mission is to now inspire others to build extraordinary wealth, and optimal health. So with that, Krisstina Wise, welcome to the Susan Sly project. I'm so excited to have you here.
Krisstina Wise 01:18
I'm so excited to have this conversation. Thank you. Okay,
Susan Sly 01:23
we, prior to starting the show, and what's up everyone? I think we're in 125 countries, I don't know, they tell me every week, I don't even know. So wherever you are, welcome, welcome,
Susan Sly 01:34
I want to, we were, just before we went into the show, we were talking about the fact that you grew up about 90 minutes from where I live, and very humble beginning in a town with not even a traffic light. And there are people listening right now, who are in Africa, they're in the Philippines, they're in India, they're saying, that sounds like the life I'm living. There's not a lot of prospects here. Tell us about that journey. How did you, when did you decide that that wasn't going to be your life and how did you transition out of there?
Krisstina Wise 02:11
Wow, what a big question. Yeah, I mean, my beginning started in a trailer home and it wasn't even like a double wide. This was a travel trailer on the back of somebody else's land that we were able to, I don't know, my parents, somehow were able to put the little trailer on there. And so very humble beginning and, you know, even a beginning, some alcoholism, you know, just a dysfunctional background. And, you know, there's certainly good in there, I don't want to make it sound like it was just bad. But the small town, small town mentality, small town gossip, I never quite fit in, I was the one that actually was, because we were kind of poor and other things I was, I was the kind of subject or object of a lot of teasing and high water, Krisstina, or wow, you know, because our clothes are always hand me downs. And so you know, as a kid, it's just, I just, this constant wanting to fit in and be liked, and be included, but I wasn't. And, you know, just throughout that entire experience, I just say it just never really, I just wanted something more, and I didn't know what that meant. And, you know, it's such a small town, also, I wasn't exposed to any what's possible, you know, I didn't have any, any examples of how you can turn this little life into a big life. So I don't know what it was, I think it just came from us just so dissatisfied and unhappy. And, and just wanted out, you know, and, you know, my parents left at a young age. And so I really figured out my way, by the time I was 14, and you know, lived on my own and made my way and figured out how to make money. So a lot of it, I think was survival, while at the same time having this innate desire that there has to be something more than this. So I don't know where that came from, but that fire was always burning, and I always wanted to do something or be something. And I think maybe it was that that ultimately just, you know, pulled me and then I think the other piece to that like looking back, I haven't thought about this, it's such an interesting question. But there was also just this desire to want, to take you know, to one something, you know, and then combined with being scared to death on one hand, but you know, when we're in these places, when you know how to survive, you really can do anything like, because you make things happen. And I think it was that type of resiliency combined with desire, combined with this belief that I could do something. I could do something more without knowing what that meant. And you know, so I think it's just, in such as conquering that fear and just going into these unknown futures that were super scary, but not letting that fear stop me you know, just getting past it. Just going towards something that must be out there somewhere.
Susan Sly 05:02
That's so beautiful. Because I'm thinking about we have, you know, I'm very proud that I don't have an explicit rating on iTunes. But I'm thinking about a lot of people will listen to the show with our kids. And I'm thinking about the kid listening to this right now going, I know there's something more for me. And the difference between the knowing and acting on it. You acted on it. I left home when I was 15, right? So I get it. I get it's that sense of there's something more for me and being courageous and taking the first step. What were your first steps? I mean, living on your own at a very early age, but what did you do first to begin to shift the reality? Because of that, shift started here and hear in your head, your heart, but then how did you take action?
Krisstina Wise 05:49
You know, I mean, again, I think we're learning more and more to get out of our head. I can be very heady, and I'm very left brain, analytical, you know, logical. So that certainly rolled me for a good portion of my life. And then, you know, working on the other side now to be more focused more on my intuition and making decisions there and coming more out of heart versus head and, but I think at that young age, a lot of it was following that intuition and the sense of just going where, you know what that calling was, because my head didn't know enough. The small, podunk town I grew up in, it was a poor education. When I finally got to college, and you know, I was in these social circles. I mean, people say, did you grow up in a breadbox? I was so naive and so ignorant. I knew, nothing. And it's just, I even still reflect back on how little I knew about life. But again, just that desire, and then also the part of that intuition. I remember, like in high school, you know, there are all these trade schools, because I didn't know that college was, not only was the first person in my family to go to college, like nobody talked about college. It wasn't even, it wasn't even in the repertoire of what was possible for our family. I mean, that's where we grew up in. But these trade school ideas would come to our high school, but it'd be like, it just doesn't feel right. But I didn't know what else was possible. And then, you know, I did well in school, that was part of what I did is like, if I can get A's and do well at school, maybe that's my way out, you know. And it really was because I ended up getting scholarships to a few different scholarships. And then when I got to visit a campus, I visited just a couple, just Arizona campuses, where I grew up. And one was in Flagstaff, Arizona, and one was in Phoenix, or Tempe, Arizona, and one was in Tucson, Arizona. And so I got this opportunity to go visit these schools, because the schools were trying to get me because I was straight A 4.0. Student. And so it was that when I visited the campuses, it was that experience that exposure, I'm like, Ah, this is what's possible, this is what I can do. And that it just touched me. And that was it. So it's just, it was creating, I guess that opportunity just through grades at the time that exposed me to this new possibility. And that was that then I, you know, got myself into college and went through that experience. And, but so I think it's all those things combined. But I still wonder I could have, you and I talked about this, like, how I didn't wind up stuck in the town, pregnant at a young age, and maybe you know, not working, flipping burgers, I really don't know how I, you know, didn't end up there because I could have. But it was all those other things I think that combined that, with the luck of being exposed to this different possibility, that kind of changed everything for me and sent me on, you know, the track that brought me ultimately where I am today.
Susan Sly 05:50
It's so interesting, you say about like trusting your intuition, right? Because even though there's an aspect of wealth creation, that is systematic, right? We're going to do things that are going to make money and we're going to take that money and we're gonna invest the money and we're gonna make more money. I was just talking to my husband about this. Yesterday, when I was on this business trip, I brought the book. It's called Homeless to Billionaire, and it's by Andreas Pira. And so he's talking about the emotional side of attracting wealth. And a lot of people don't talk about that, right? There's this aspect of the heart space, as you said, where we are trusting. Because people would look at you or they might look at me and say we've taken a lot of risks as women and as entrepreneurs. I think it's more risky to stay with a small town mentality of this is all there is for me. To me that terrifies me more than taking risks. Now you go off to Arizona state, so I'm a proud Arizona State parent, my daughter graduated WP Carey School of Business and then how did you start your career after that? Because I'm sure during college, a lot of that naivete you had from Camp Verde
Susan Sly 10:05
got washed away.
Susan Sly 10:07
You're seeing this big world. What was your first career?
Krisstina Wise 10:11
Well my first career, even before that, I think it's something that's important for the broad audience that you have, is that in college, you know, I certainly motivated by grades because it made, it got me aware, because I was on that track to compete. Now I need to get good grades, get the job and get the next thing, the next thing. Kind of that linear path that, you know, we're all kind of told to follow. But what really set me up differently in college even was I really, I had this yearning for mentorship. I had this yearning for those that knew more than I did, to learn from them. So it wasn't so much academic in the book knowledge, which, you know, I did okay in college as well, and got an accounting double major in accounting and finance, because I want to learn this money thing. Because I grew up without it, and thought that was the way. But the best thing that came, and again, just this exposure, and getting in the minds of people that were doing things or could think the way that I wanted to think. And I thought I developed some really good relationships in college with professors that really shaped me and helped grow like just the way I saw things, you know. And, of course, I went up to ask, and they ended up you know, I had a handful. I saved three that ended up just being such a big part of that, again, from the small mentality to expose myself to bigger mentalities and experiences that again, I could see what was possible. So I just share that because, you know, so much, we spend so much time alone or reading books or doing these things, and just the mentorship or that piece is such an important, and when you know, with those actually want to teach and help others, you know, they aspire. They want the younger or those who actually have this desire, ambition, and to do something with their life. They want to help and be part of that growth. So I think that was a big part, that my first job out of college was actually with the big six at the time, it's a big eight accounting firm, because that's what I thought was I should do. I go to college, I got an accounting degree, I should sit for my CPA and I should go work for this firm. And because I did well in college, I got offered a job at a college in Phoenix, actually. But I worked there for like three months, and I hated it. I hated it. I just again, I just kind of was this free spirit at that point. And I so I quit I quit this job, but everybody's like, What are you talking about? Like, why would you quit this great job? And I actually moved to Aspen Colorado and, and waited tables, and concierge, and skied, and it kept following this intuition. I was just like, I don't want to follow this plan, I don't want to do what everybody else is doing. I'm kind of doing the same thing, of this mentality of what everybody else is doing or tells me I shouldn't be doing. And so I just took off and that ended up being this great experience. And then from there, I moved to Costa Rica to learn Spanish and to expose myself to the world because again, I grew up, I've been two places, Camp Verde, Arizona and pretty much Tempe. So I had another mentor that said, Krisstina, go learn through other cultures or go learn. Like get out and spread your wings. You have this entire life to go get a job and get, you know, figure out how to work and like make money. So again, it was just I just say exposure. And then I just again, I just keep teaming up with people that knew more than I did. And so in all my success, I'm a hard worker, I'm a Type A I'm, you know, kind of one of those overachiever so much of my life, you know, just like you, ran marathons, did triathlon, you know, just and worked five jobs and raised children into this, you know, and, and, and, and, but it was, you know, in all of that hard work and resiliency, and, you know, crises and breakdowns, and nearly losing my life. And I mean, I've made every mistake known to man. Lots of traumas in there are just that, you know, so many of this is experienced traumas, there's been these enormous traumas that nobody should have to go through. But despite all of that, you know, it was just this constant desire that I could always be better and I could learn. And this desire, and always this teaming up with mentors. It was the mentors that was those, like people that I really put myself in their environment and asked, like, I'll empty your trash cans, if you'll spend time with me and whatever I can do, you know? So it's that. It's like that exposure and the mentorship and being on the shoulders of giants. You know, that book, for example of that, again, it was just, wherever I got, being with a mentor exposed to this next level of thinking, different type of mindset, different, you know, beliefs of
Krisstina Wise 14:52
what was possible. It's like, oh, okay, now I can see that possibility. I could have seen it on my own, but that I was exposed to tha through these different mentors and teachers in my life. That's always what's kind of carried me to that next stage with the next place by being able to see possibility. So when we get stuck, it's because we get stuck because we don't see more possibility than what we're in right now. And then kind of having that courage, like, well, I don't know, and getting over that self talk, like, Who am I or I'm just this small town person that knows nothing. Like, why could I be successful getting beyond those stories we tell ourselves and just doing it anyway. And going, if I fail, I fail. But you know, I don't want to stay here, you know. So, you know, that combination of mentors and teachers and always searching for that, and you know, getting close to that, while at the same time, just having the courage to just jump into that next thing that was really scary.
Susan Sly 15:48
I love that you mentioned that about being just this, this hunger for knowledge and this hunger for what else is there. And I was just, it's so funny, we're having this conversation, because our mutual friend Mitzi Perdue, when I was talking to her earlier, I said, you know, Mitzi, where does it come from? I mean, the woman's doing a master's degree in computer science in 1965, before women were doing master's degrees in computer science. And she said to me, Krisstina, I have to take a course every year, I have to learn. There's, you know, it's this hunger for knowledge. And I love that about you that whether it's mentors, or it's courses, it's this learning. And I'm the exact same way.Mmy most recent course was cyber security at MIT. My next one is going to be economics. And it doesn't matter to me, whether it's learning how to change a carburetor, or its coding, or it's whatever it is. I feel like, if I'm not learning, I'm not growing. And this year, I challenged myself to read two books per month, because I know when my biggest revenue years that's what I was reading. So let me ask you this. Because there's so many things I want to ask you. For everyone listening, as you were hungry for this mentorship. Um, you know, and I know you've read a lot of books, attended seminars, different things. What would you say are some of the top, whether it's books or teachers, that really helped you shift your thinking around money?
Krisstina Wise 17:30
Yeah, well, one of my college professors right before his graduating college, he was one of my mentors. And his name was Chris Mack of all things, I'm just remembering this. And he was, again, I became friends with him. And he sent me this book, is called the Peaceful Warrior. And in that, I still have it, I think I gave it to my son, and it finally fell apart. I don't have any more. But the last time I really read through that book and read the, you know, what he wrote to me that I hadn't even remembered, he had written that to me for like, 15 years, or 20 years before. He said, Krisstina, you are a Peaceful Warrior. Go live life as this Peaceful Warrior. So it's, you know, reflecting back on this, like, Wow, he saw that Peaceful Warrior in me. So that book was such, this first book, like after college that again, that expose me to this whole different way of living life outside of the norm. And I think that's a big piece is that falling into the status quo norm, and getting kind of comfortable in that is what robs us of our potential and what we're what we're here to do. And again, because it gets comfortable. It gets fearful, like what if I do something different and I lose this? But that was such a great starting place. And then of course, there's always the timeless books, for Atlas Shrugged, really changed to reshape my thinking, which really reshaped my thinking. And then it just expanded, I guess, kept expanding. So it says timeless books, The Greatest Salesman In The World is a must read. But all this is just based on ancient wisdom. And it's the ancient wisdom that's really, and I call it, it's the opposite of conventional wisdom. The wisdom that's handed to us, the programming that's handed to us. So there's all these books that was just empworing books at this age. And again, just to, is this heart expansion of, Whoa, really, you can do this and this is possible in this way of thinking? But also at the same time I'd say it's it wasn't easy. Because it was such a, it was so outside of the normal way of being and thinking that you know, there was that Apple commercial. I resonated with Apple because it was, you know, some of the commercials at the time were apples for all the Misfits in the world. All those that don't fit in. And so much of my life was that wanting to fit in but realize I never quite. Tried to push myself to fit and, just always be in a little bit of outside and finally I just came to terms with that because every, all these authors that I've read, were outside of the norm, you know, and I just resonated and fit. Like, okay, I just have to go create my own way. I can't care so much about what everybody else thinks. I'm going to stop trying to fit in and just go do my own path. But I realized after I lost, you know, I didn't lose it, I actually quit that first job. I just wasn't meant for a job either. I wanted to do, I wanted to do my own thing, I wanted to forge my own path and just continue to grow to see at any stage of life, what I was capable of. So it's always that self challenge, you know, that you have and, and again, I love the word when you use hunger. Just the hunger. Hunger to learn, A hunger to, and it's right. I have a hunger that the learning, the desire, the hunger for knowledge and to learn, isn't just to learn, it's just to be able to experience more life through knowing more than I know now. Like through, because the more we know, every time we learn something new, expands what we can do. It expands who we are, it expands what we see, because we can only see with what we know, you know. And so when we get, again, when we quit learning, we can't see and we can't create any more than what we've already created. So it's that next stage of unknowing. And then that turns into knowing that opens up everything that's new. And as long as we can see possibility, we can move towards possibilities when we can't see possibility, which is where things you know, start to stagnate, or we just kind of lose that that fire. So that just became my entrepreneurial journey. I've been an entrepreneur, and business, I've never had a consistent paycheck in my life, you know? And you know-- it's the first three months at the accounting. Pretty much right, yeah. Those three consistent paychecks were nice. But again, it wasn't about the money either. I mean, you know, that it was like, I gave up the great paying job, because I just wanted to create more possibility for myself than stuck in a dungeon and doing what I was told to do and just put hours and hours and hours. It just didn't make sense. It's like, this is not the life I signed up for. I didn't escape the little town just to do this.
Susan Sly 21:56
Yeah, yeah. And there's, I think there's an aspect of once you said, we, you know, we were talking, you know, you're not looking in the rearview mirror anymore. Once you leave that town, there's still that temptation at times for that small town girl to question, you know, but at the same point, I love what you said, we can only see with what we know.
Susan Sly 22:18
So let me ask you this, how did you make your first million?
Krisstina Wise 22:21
Oh, my first, a lot of effin hard work is what that was. But I made my first million and I lost my first million. So I made my first 5 million and I lost my second 5 million because even though, you know, what I didn't know at the time isI was really great at making money because I really didn't have any, my mind said, because I've been exposed to multi millionaires that I studied under, I knew and I was learning from them. I didn't have any limited mindset, like I couldn't create it. So that was the first piece. I think when we have those limited mindsets, that we're only capable of something that you know, that again, puts a ceiling on things. So I didn't have that. I was really great at making money. I was expected that I could and I would and, but you know, I didn't know how to keep it. I didn't know that some of these other financial laws, principles, and even the spiritual aspects of money. And a lot of it is I think, deep down, you know, while I believe this to be true now after I've done so much work, but I didn't believe I deserved it. So even if I was great at making it, because I didn't have any limited mindsets of how much money I could make, deep down I didn't feel like I deserved it. I'm still that poor girl that didn't deserve to have this money. And so I was just really good at losing it. So, you know, I made my first million by the time you know, as part of time I was 30. And but yeah, and you know, I went on to have a net worth of 10 million and lost most of that and had to start over again. But all of it was a great journey. And all of it's really brought me to what I do now, which is to teach money from this way of, it's just a radically different approach to understand money. And when money is not about the chase, and it's not about what we buy or our status or how we compare and it just becomes a soulful journey of possibility. It really changes our relationship with it. And then you know, getting over the shame, getting over the guilt, getting over these childhood beliefs, you know. Money was always conflict in our family. They argue about money all the time. I mean, you know, we had to move out. We had to move to bad places because we didn't have the money. Aarents got divorced because this money. So I had lots of trauma and lots of issues and lots of programming and lots of beliefs around money is not something you know, my family has. So you know a lot of cleanup that turned into that and a lot of lessons and you know, now I'm good at making it and keeping it and you know, created a place of financial independence which is nice. And I love talking to women about this too. Because I'm you know, I'm a single female and, I built this, I've lost it, like I said, I've built it again. A big portion of my losing it was being in, you know, in dysfunctional relationships, I would say that kind of mirrored some of my growing up. Because if we don't clean up our childhood, we'll repeat it. And I was completely repeating my childhood patterns despite all this great stuff I was doing at the same time as self sabotaging, and kind of disrupting as much. So I was kind of doing all this great stuff on one side, and then the other side of disrupt, you know, kind of sabotage and everything. So it's just this constant tension and constant struggle and constant hardship. And I was creating that for myself. So yeah, a lot of that was just cleaning up the baggage from, you know, my childhood. And we have money baggage, just like we have any other baggage that we bring up. Especially like you and I and others that come from, you know, more difficult beginnings, it's great. And, you know, I think you resonate with this, that I can, I mean, I believe I can survive almost anything, you know, nothing's gonna keep me down for long because I've come out of coming out of the ashes so many times. But also, I create a lot of hardships for myself, unconsciously, without, you know, that I didn't need to create for myself. Like, I think I was in a mindset of life had to be a struggle to succeed, or, you know, whatever the case is. So, yeah, just, you know, the real, when everything became easy, you know, easy, I mean, easy in relative terms, of course, is when I just, I let go of, I'm just cleaned up all that old **** that was underneath that, you know, like I said, was destroying everything I was creating.
Susan Sly 23:44
Yeah, I still get that.
Susan Sly 26:45
I made, like you, you know, I made my first million, in my 20s I was a millionaire. And then I lost it. And then, you know, I could make money and I, was just a manifestation, you know? Like it was just so easy. And then when I sat back, and I said, Why am I doing this? And you can make money for the wrong reasons and you won't keep it for the right reasons, if that makes sense. And that was me. And so I really had to clean up not just the obvious things that were there, the obvious baggage, but the stuff I didn't even realize that was there. You know, the proving, the feeling, you know, of belonging. And that's why, you know, I love what you're doing. And I was on your website, and we're gonna send everyone there, because there's some amazing resources there. But super quick. I want to just, you know, final question. If someone is listening right now, and they're going, Oh, my gosh, I resonate with this so much. I get money, and then the money is gone. What would you say is the first most important step they can take? Because one of the things I always want to give the listeners is something tangible that they could go, I can do that right now. What would that first thing be?
Krisstina Wise 28:06
Yeah, I mean, there's what I found in my work today is that there, there's these different, you know, we're kind of sit in one of these different camps. One camp, like we've talked about is that, just can't make enough money, you know, so that's one thing. And so is getting the source of what is the beliefs and mindsets that are these limiting beliefs, or mindsets or stories that keeps us from being able to really grow into our potential. Because money is easy to make. I mean money is really easy to make, I mean, we can attract it, pull it in, by being creators, and innovators and workers, like whatever we do. So it's available to everyone. Nobody's, money is not limited, it's truly abundant. So there's always something underneath that's, the work is underneath, like, what's the source of those beliefs. And so that would be the place.Like if we're in the camp of just so much struggling, no matter how hard we work, or how many hours we put in, we just can't make enough money. There's beliefs and story underneath that. So it's just getting to the bottom of that, then, you know, I'm not good enough, or I'm not smart enough. Or, you know, if I make a lot of money, what will my friends and parents think, you know, because we're when we feel like, you know, we're naturally, as humans, we need the sense of belonging. We want to fit in. If there's something underneath that thinks we might be outcast or something by virtue of making money, then we'll, again we'll keep ourselves in these situations. The other camp is are those like us who are great at making it but don't know how to keep it. And usually underneath that is some belief like, I don't deserve it. I'm not good enough. What will others think? It just kind of goes back to these core things. So again, one first step is just to look underneath like, what is that? The second piece is what I call the skill set of money is that there are obvious, that was obvious about money is what actually sabotages us with money because the obvious part of money is we make it, we spend it. But there's actually, like with anything else, there's a skill. Money has laws and principles that we have to follow. Like every nature has laws and principles. You know, we use the example gravity that you know us why do we not let our three year olds walk alone on a, you know, 30 storey building that has no railing. They don't have the knowledge of not going off, right? They don't understand. They've not learned yet that there's this thing called gravity. And if you go off the side of a 30, storey building your you know, squashed. So, money has these invisible principles as well. And so any aspect, if money is not working for us in life, it's one, looking at what are those underlying beliefs? And also, what do I not know about money? Like when you go learn about a carburetor, if you don't know, you can't do anything a carburetor. You don't even know what a carburetor is. You can maybe you can look at it and say, I think that's it. But everything in life has these knowledge aspects to it. And so with that, what I'd say is, just go learn about money that just read some books, start learning and start applying because money is a life skill that affects every part of your life. And so I just claimed that if there's truth, that it is a life skill, that meaning we have to know things and do things to, to be able to create the wealth that we want. And wealth is different than income, many of us, you know, we make our income, but we know nothing about wealth. And wealth is a totally different, wealth creation is a totally different game and strategy. It's like, I want to be wealthy. And then the next place says, okay, how? What do I need to go learn to do it? And again, there's no shortage of books, there's no shortage of people, there's no shortage of podcasts. There's, you know, there's an abundance of people that have done it, you know, to to learn from.
Susan Sly 31:54
Well, Krisstina, thank you so much for that. And so, what I'm hearing is, firstly, you got to go deep, because if you keep on doing the same thing you're doing, you're gonna get the same result. And then, you know, start reading the books, don't avoid them, listen to the podcast. A lot of people with podcasts, they gravitate toward the salacious entertainment or the mysteries or whatever, is that going to make your life better? Probably not. If you're not learning, you're not growing, if you're not growing, you're not growing your money, and you're not going to keep it, right? So
Krisstina Wise 32:27
If we get back to the hunger too like, a hunger for wealth, you know, but there's this feeling this like, oh, hunger for wealth, that's a bad thing. Oops, right, there's a sign, right? Because if it's hunger for wealth is a good thing, then we are allowed to have that hunger and then that again, that's going to drive us. Have a hunger. And then you know, the final piece to that too, is our relationships, you know. Our relationship with money. My book Falling For Money is all about the relationship piece is understanding. Even though I had millions, I had a very unhealthy relationship with money for most of my life, and I nearly had to die. I'm not kidding you, like my lifestyle. And because what what nearly killed me was my pursuit of more. It was more in every aspect of my life, because I was so dissatisfied. I didn't know what satisfaction was, I had to push myself harder and harder and harder again, on all this childhood stuff, the kind of this need to prove myself or say, hey, look at me and look at me, look at me, which are these inside stories that I didn't know were present. Sounds like you went through something similar. But I was always in the chase, I was always in the push. It was like this velocity, like I had to run a race as fast as I could all the time. And it just took me out. And the big lesson there was my pursuit of money and more, because I never felt good enough, no matter where it was, and I couldn't be satisfied with anything, like happiness, or something must be at the next run. So no matter how successful I got, no matter how much money I had, it just never was good enough. So getting to a place of good enough, and satisfaction became a big part of spiritual journey. But when I was dying, so much of my life had been in that pursuit and that chase, that I missed my life. And so then now I'm standing in a place where I'm just stuck with remorse, in grief, and guilt and sadness, darkness, such dark sadness and grief. The remorse was, like, overwhelming and like, Oh, my God, and it just became so obvious that my whole life was this chase of more, and I miss life, you know. I wasn't slowing down to enjoy or be grateful or just spend time with the accomplishments and the things that I did. And so I had to really let go, I had to grow. I mean, I had to do the work to get out of that not good enough narrative that drove me my whole life that I need to prove myself because you know, where I started from. I didn't get any attention, I didn't fit in. So that's what I was trying to do in adulthood. And then you know, money just really it just never became about the pursuit anymore. It just became about knowing these numbers and and knowing what I could do I'm just enjoying it and being grateful for what I had versus always dissatisfied with what I didn't have and you know so that was a big tipping point for me
Susan Sly 35:09
Krisstina, I want to commend you number one for the, you know, the the proof positive you are because every person out there needs their version of Roger Bannister. And if someone is you know, listening watching, if Krisstina did it, you can do it too. That's that's one. Number two is go get Krisstina's book, Falling For Money on Amazon, bestseller. Go get the book and then connect with Krisstina on and I love your resources that you have there as I mentioned. And Krisstina, thank you so much for being here. And go ahead, drop a comment below if you're watching on YouTube. I'm the one who responds to all your comments so don't forget to hit subscribe and I will connect with you. Or whatever platform you're on, if you're on iTunes, Spotify, we would love a five star review. Connect with Krisstina and I on social. Give us a shout out, what are you taking away? And Krisstina, what's your preferred shout out? If someone wants to say oh my gosh, I so get that or you know if they have a question for you.
Krisstina Wise 36:10
Which social do you prefer? I prefer Instagram @krisstinawise on Insta.
Susan Sly 36:15
Okay @krisstinawise on Insta. So with that everyone, thank you so much for being here. And on behalf of Krisstina and I, I hope you got a lot of goodness out of this because I know I did. And with that, this has been another episode
Krisstina Wise 36:29
of the Susan Sly Project.