The most successful businesses are ones that people love, and who doesn’t have a hobby? Join me this week as I interview Diana Frerick about how she was able to turn her pastime into an iconic multi-million dollar business years ago. She also shares what technology would have made it easier for today’s entrepreneurs like herself back then.
— Diana Frerick

Topics covered in the interview
From hobby to business
Walking in faith
From a tiny business to a multimillion dollar business
Buying a business
Being ready to sacrifice
Live streaming
Being a subject matter expert
Google My Business
Diana Frerick’s Bio
- Started her career in sales and training for two Fortune 500 companies.
- She Launched a multi-million dollar brick and mortar and online business with 20 employees.
- She has been featured in INC, Magazine, Wired Magazine, the Wall Street Journal on Home & Garden TV.
- She has been the President of Agency 8 for almost 4 years.
- Her passion is helping small business owners succeed by leveraging the power of automation and digital marketing.
Follow Diana Frerick
Show Notes
Susan Sly 00:03
Hey everyone, what's
Diana Frerick 00:04
up? I
Susan Sly 00:04
hope you are having an amazing, amazing day. You are not going to want to miss the upcoming episode. I'm going to be interviewing a phenomenal woman who, check this out, was working for a Fortune 500 company and started a multimillion dollar business, part time. She's going to share how she did it. Then she's also going to share if she could be building a business in present times, what are the tools she'd be using now? So you will not want to miss this next episode of Raw and Real Entrepreneurship. I'm Susan Sly, and let's get started. That's perfect. All right, all nevel I'll do a countdown and you can get rid of this video but no, we love you. Alright 321 Okay, so maybe you're watching and you have a full time job and you're thinking I want to start a side business or maybe you are a stay at home mom, a stay at home dad and, you're thinking, I love these children, but I need something more. Whatever it is Raw and Real Entrepreneurship, the message is yes, you can. Yes, you can start a business. Yes, you can be successful. Yes, you can be profitable. And this channel is all about showing you how to do it. So I'm Susan Sly. If you don't know anything about me, I'm an entrepreneur. I'm a tech investor. I'm also a mom and multipreneur. And this channel is about getting raw and real. So we don't just talk about the good stuff. We talk about the challenging stuff, too. And first and foremost, hit the subscribe button, hit the like button. Make sure you comment. We read all your comments, we comment back to you. And if you have a burning question on entrepreneurship, go to, just submit a question, I'd be happy to make a video for you. So my guest today, check this out. She was featured in Ink magazine, Wired magazine, The Wall Street Journal and Home and Garden TV like oh my goodness/ She launched her career in sales and marketing for two Fortune 500 companies. And most people don't even do that with one. She did it with two because she's a slight overachiever, one of many things I love about her. She launched a multi million dollar brick and mortar business and online business with 20 employees. And she started that business part time. She's also the president of Agency8, and just always up on the latest trends on entrepreneurship, how to help small business owners succeed. And she has a passion for helping people just like you. So Diana Frerick, thanks for being here.
Diana Frerick 02:42
Thank you, Susan. And I just love your topic. It's like near and dear to me. Entrepreneurs, I just love them.
Susan Sly 02:47
I know you do. And you're I mean, you, you live it, you breathe it. There are a lot of people who are you know, talk about entrepreneurship, but they have never really done it. Let's go back in time. You started a multimillion dollar business while you were working full time. And for people who don't know your story, can
Susan Sly 03:07
you walk us through that?
Diana Frerick 03:09
Well, yes, I was, I had a dream job in corporate America, actually, I couldn't have asked. It was incredible. I got to do everything I love for a company that was so much fun, you would know the company if I said it. And and it just so happened, I got a side hobby like, listen to what I'm saying here. It's a hobby. And I got into it so much that it suddenly became kind of, became this little side business. And then suddenly, things, doors started opening. And we started meeting people in that industry. And then the next thing, you know, we had an opportunity to buy into a very small, little company. It was tiny, for a lot of different reasons. But they were, they were willing to sell it to us and I didn't have that money. And in my other half didn't have that money. And I said, Let's be creative. How can we figure out how to get the money? How can we buy this business? And so we just kind of thought about it and said why don't we just make an offer of paying them X amount per month for you know, three years. And at the end of it as a balloon note. We'll figure it out then. And really that's what, it was very bold. You know, I always say Fortune favors the bold and then that case that was true. And I've also learned something else, Susan is that when you walk in faith, especially if you walk with this attitude that the universe is conspiring for your favor, opportunities seem to fall in your lap. I mean, I just really feel that the universe of God, whatever you want to call it, rewards that kind of thought process. A victim mentality will never get you anywhere. But that feeling of, even when things aren't necessarily going exactly the way they should, you say to yourself, wow, there's a reason this is happening. I can't wait to see what it is. And when you do that, it's like opportunity reigns on you and that's exactly what happened in that situation. We walked in there, did not expect them to accept our offer. It was so crazy, when I think about it now. They go, Yes. So we're, we, I'll never forget when we walked out of that meeting, my other half, Kevin and I, we were just jumping up and down for joy because we just bought this tiny, little business wasn't doing very much per year. And then we dove in and we built it up to a multimillion dollar company. So that's really kind of how it started. I just really believe it's faith and boldness and, doing things that most people weren't willing to do. And that's what got it going.
Susan Sly 05:32
I love that. I love what you said. Fortune favors the bold. I mean, that's, that's massive. And I had done another video on YouTube about Should I buy a business or should I start a business? And one of the things I said is never buy a business you don't understand. Like, don't buy a McDonald's franchise, if you don't like to eat at McDonald's, right? And you're, you have this hobby first and that just reaffirm that. You had a hobby, then you got into the business, which is huge. What was, you know, this channel's Raw and Real Entrepreneurship like, what was the toughest thing that you endured while still working full time and having a part time business? Because a lot of people, they, you know, for some people that taxes their relationship, it can lead to divorce, or they feel guilty as parents or it affects their health or working long hours. What was it for you?
Diana Frerick 06:28
Well, I always tell people, starting off in a business there's sacrifice on the front end, and a lot of people aren't willing to do that. But we understood. In the beginning, we didn't collect a paycheck. I didn't collect a paycheck from my own company for five years. A lot of people don't understand that sacrifice, and, and we had to consolidate our homes. He had his own home, I had mine and we had to go to my smaller home to save money. And it was kind of crazy, because we had animals, mutually. Often it was way too small. But um, so there's sacrifices you're going to need to make on the front end if you want the rewards on the back end. So those were probably the hardest things we had to do. Fortunately, like you said, I can't, when I think about it now it's insane. I was working 80 hours a week because I worked a full time job there and, at night I would leave and, you know, I didn't even work 40 hours for the company. I love what I did. I didn't really ever want to leave but I probably put in 50 maybe 60 hours there because I love what I did. And then I came in at night, work till midnight sometimes with the other business. So it's just, it's not for everybody. You sacrifice a lot. You mean, you might not, if you want to have kids, that might not be the best time to have a kid. But anyway that, Yeah, the sacrifices on the front end. And then you got to be willing to cut expenses and not take a paycheck and then sometimes it gets a little scary with money. I will tell you that. There's peaks and valleys with the income as it comes in. And I could tell you stories about that.
Susan Sly 08:00
Well, I want to go there. Like we had a, and for the viewers, one of the top shows we've had is my interview with Blake York. You can either listen to it on iTunes or Spotify or you can watch it on YouTube. And Blake, if you don't know his story, he's working full time as a nurse. He's doing a master's degree at night, he has little boy. At the time, his wife was a hairstylist, and then he would go three days without sleeping. And on top of it, he had a side business and a dream like he wanted to open a med spa. And I'm gonna ask you the same question I asked him. On the toughest days, Diana when you were exhausted, right? And you're still working, you're, it's nighttime, you've got this business. You're now, you don't have your own space because now you're living with your business partner, how did you keep yourself going mentally?
Diana Frerick 08:58
Wow, well, I think it's just you can't do some, you have to love it. You absolutely have to love what you're doing. Because I don't know if I, to me, it was more than a business. It was, we were consumed with it and creating this really incredible company. And so it didn't feel like work. That's number one, it didn't. But also, you know, when the bad times would happen and there'd be months where things were very prosperous and then, but you have to you keep putting money back into your company. And then something unexpected will happen the next month and you know, there are times I would literally go into a bit a little recording studio and I'd go in there and I sit on the floor and cry. You know, I'll give you, if you want raw and real, I'll give you some raw and real. You know, we wouldn't, we would just be rocking and rolling and then some. Without getting into all the stuff, there'd be some stuff that happened to us. Really bad stuff that really was no, of not our doing. Fraud happens in business and people do stuff. And we were in a position like I can't even believe I'm telling this story, that our phone lines, we have four phone lines that were ringing pretty much nonstop. That was the lifeblood of our business, all the calls for sales coming in. And literally our, we're behind and our phone bill was big. And we'd fallen behind and I was getting the money to pay that bill. And we had no, they shut it. They shut my phone lines down. And all of a sudden woosh, you know, your lifeblood of your business is shut down and your employees are just kind of looking at you like, and I take a break breath. And I went into the studio and I just cried. And sometimes you do that. You just cry, get it up, and you get up and you come on, say All right, I'll get those lines on, give me, give me an hour, I'll get it figured out, and I would. I would just find, you find a way. So stuff like that happens. And I know a lot of entrepreneurs and people that have grown into massive companies and they can tell you similar stories, right? Of things like that, really hard things to get through and you wonder, am I going to make it? Are we going to have to shut the doors, you know? Where you're just a few days away from them putting locks on your door. You know, we had that happen once and you know, landlords aren't necessarily the most warm and fuzzy people. Because when they come lock the doors, they lock the doors with everything inside and you can't run your business. And so maybe, Susan you can relate to some of these stories because I know you've owned businesses too. And you know, you know it can be tough. Yeah it is. You mentioned
Susan Sly 11:31
the padlock on the door, the you know, and uhm, on Good Friday, in the year 2000, I walk into my health club and there's a padlock on the door. And there's, the landlord had locked us out. And you know, there was so many things. Renting a brick and mortar business I, it was a health club. The air conditioning went out. The landlord's like, it's not my responsibility to fix it. It was 40 freaking thousand dollars. And I'm like, I can't have people in the summer doing aerobics. You know, this is the 90s. I can't have them doing that. And before the padlocks ended up on the door, we were getting calls from creditors. There were times when I was working two side hustles just to pay our employees, my adrenals were burned out, I gave myself multiple sclerosis. And I know it is so hard. And that's why this channel, I'm not going to be the channel where it's like, oh, yeah, just start your business. You're gonna make all this money doing funnels and all this stuff. That's what you want to hear. It's not what you need to hear. What you need to hear, there are going to be wall kicking moments. Now Diana, one of the things that you and I've been talking about recently, is there are so many new tools. And businesses actually more inexpensive than ever. Like you and I, Okay, let's do rapid fire. How much is the most you ever spent on a yellow pages at?
Diana Frerick 13:01
I want to say $1300 a month? Okay, so
Susan Sly 13:05
$1300 a month, everyone listening, some of you don't even know what the yellow pages is. It was like a big business directory paper. So you remember, if you remember the yellow pages, and you're on YouTube, just go ahead below and say Yellow Pages, and I'm gonna do a little heart emoji.
Diana Frerick 13:24
What is that in today's dollars? Because this would have been back in the 90s.
Susan Sly 13:28
Oh, yeah. So with inflation, so $1300 a month, so let's go 15,000 a year. So we're talking today's dollars, at least around 20 to $23,000. And any of the economists who are watching, finance people, just go ahead and correct me. But yeah, the, ours, our biggest one was about $15,000. And so we also had music licensing fees. So every time we played a popular song, like a Spice Girl song or whatever, in an aerobics class, we had to pay royalties on that, staffing costs, taxes, oh, we also had inventory. I don't know if you're still, now the whole world gets to hear our conversation. Diana, and I've been friends for a very, very, very long time. I don't think I've ever told you this. So we had a, we had a pro shop in our health club and we sold Danskin workout clothes. And so I would have to buy those, you know, 30, $40,000 in advance trying to anticipate what my gym members were going to buy. And then we'd have you know, faffed, we have all sorts of things. So at the peak of it when I just couldn't keep holding everything together, I had to pay my staff. So that was always my first priority. Just keep my staff. Because if the staff's not there, the business isn't there. Pay the rent, you know, pay all the marketing fees, do all this stuff. And it just got to a point where we couldn't keep up with large chains that were moving into our location because when we would buy one treadmill, it was $14,000. A chain would buy the same treadmill and they get them for $7,000 each. We just couldn't compete. And, that's why I vowed Diana, when that business collapsed, and I ended up homeless, I vowed, never, ever, ever, ever again, would I ever go through that, again, that was number one. And number two, it was to really look for ways to optimize. Because in those olden days, you know, you just didn't have that.
Diana Frerick 15:25
And you brought up something there that I forgot completely about, inventory. The differenc is back then, you had to have inventory, you had to. There was, and now you can run a business without inventory. Because you can drop ship, there's all kinds of affiliate off, there's all kinds of stuff. If anyone knew the pain of inventory, like, it's, it's like, you have to warehouse it, you have to manage it and take inventory of the inventory and, and then buy a bunch of stuff nobody buys and put it in storage. And I hate to say I probably still have some of it in storage. So it's your head. I know it's bad. But yeah, that's a huge one right there. What makes things so different?
Susan Sly 16:05
Oh, yeah. And things have, things have changed so much. Like you mentioned phone bills. So in, I remember a business I started. My monthly phone bill was $1500 a month with long distance charges, right? And that was a home based business. And so by the time I was running ads, and USA Today, those were $1500 every Friday for like a little, little ad, I was also running ads in the Robb report, Luxury magazine. So I had an ad spend that was, you know, 5, $6,000. Then I have this phone bill, that was another, you know, $1500 plus. And it's like, you know, people today, they have no idea how inexpensive it is to run a business. So let me ask you this, like, you know, sort of just like on the Wayback Machine, we can look at websites from the olden days, if you had that business with the demand now, and the tools you have today, what are some of those tools you'll be using?
Diana Frerick 17:08
Well, I wrote down four things, because I knew we're gonna talk about this. And I have to tell you, I constantly, there isn't probably a week that doesn't go by where I go, Oh, I wish I would have had this, Oh, I wish I would have had this, I would have made a billion dollars, right? Because really anyone who starts a business now, things are so much easier, you have no idea. One thing for sure, I will tell you is creating a relationship with your client has never been easier. Contacts, managing your contacts, your customer base, segmentation of your customer base. In the old days, I used to have everything, all my customers on a spreadsheet, they come in, they'd write their email address, we did have email. And then we would take little, you know, put it all in a little computer spreadsheet. And if I could, I would start logging their purchases preferences. Like in my business, it was music. And so I would log what kind of music styles they liked as best I could on a manual spreadsheet. I had 60,000 clients I managed on a manual spreadsheet. Nowadays, nowadays, you can simply put them in a CRM, tag them, and they get emails with their name, you can even customize what they see in the email based on their preferences. If I could have only, Susan, had that back then that's number one.
Susan Sly 18:25
Yeah. Wouldn't you agree? Oh, my goodness, like, Oh, yeah, we're having like, in the olden days, if you're having a sale or something, you know, you're taking out you know, ads and you're like, going you know, direct marketing and all these different things. Meanwhile, you have this customer base that you have no way to communicate with. So I love that. Definitely a CRM. Okay, what's number two?
Diana Frerick 18:51
Well, number two, I only wish I could have had this tool back then. Live Streaming. Because I think this is, business under use this. They're either too shy to get in front of camera, they don't know what to say. Let me tell you what, if I'd had this I'd have been live streaming all over the place. I would have you know, you'd learn to get comfortable on camera. Guess what, guys? I'm going to tell you right now. I was never a girl who wanted to be on camera. I was always behind the scenes. I didn't want to be and then I had to be. And after a few times doing it, then it's just like talking to a friend. That's how I look at. I look pretty comfortable, what you say Susan, you wouldn't know I was shy, but I really was. I didn't want to do it. And so I did. But if I only had live stream, I would have been doing some. to feature my company. I would have done YouTube videos, how to videos on topics in my business. I would have done little videos on TikTok to get attention to my business. I would have done stuff on Instagram and Facebook live streams because live, when you do a live stream, it gets a lot more attention in the eyes of the people that follow you than just a post would. And I know Susan, you leverage livestream. Would you agree that they're one of the most powerful tools on social media?
Susan Sly 20:03
Absolutely. And I know that live stream is interesting because you pick up different people who might not otherwise follow you. And I know that, you know, I'll even tell you guys like, I'm not doing as many live streams. I used to do a weekly live stream. And then Facebook, in their infinite wisdom, made some changes to their, their backend UI for doing the live streams and it was very glitchy for a period of time. But I have friends, they use Streamyard, they use all sorts of different ways to communicate live with the audience. I do live coaching, and I think the word live is very important. People want that access. And Diana, I'll tell you something, like, futuristic. I have a friend who's launching a company in the music space. And she was showing me their platform, which is run on the blockchain, okay? And the, I want you to imagine that if you're a fan of like, whatever musician that someone's a fan of, I'm just gonna make this I don't know, Gwen Stefani just popped out of my mind just because she just got married. So you're a fan of Gwen Stefani. You actually see this catalog with Gwen and there's like, all these different like, moving parts, the best stuff like all these when she was with No Doubt, but it's, it's like you're having like an intimate experience. And then you get to go into a live room with Gwen within this experience. And so what this is going to do, it's going to bring the fan base to the musicians, it's going to help younger musicians come up. And it's not, I mean, when I saw it, I was like, this is not anything the world's ever seen before. And so technologies are changing but live is here to stay for a very, very long time. And I'm gonna, I'm just, I, not to get political but I'm going to say that I, the next election, the candidates who are willing to go live to do you know lives on different social media platforms, that is going to be the game changer for them. Because people want that access. They want to feel that connection. So I love it, lives. Okay, what's the next one? All right,
Diana Frerick 22:14
this is somewhat related, but a little bit more of a spin on it, is that, I think there's such a better, more conducive environment to working with media, whether it be TV, radio, print, or online. And more streamlined. What I mean by that is, I got a lot of, I did a lot with the media in my company, and I got a lot of free publicity that way. But it wasn't easy. I had to like hit the streets, go knock on their door, send them a physical something in the mail, then with email you know, is more prevalent, I started trying to figure out how to email them and once you build those relationships, then they can just blossom and, they did for us. But there's so much, there's, so much easier for businesses to reach out to the media and they love it. And there's, I just want to give this tip because I only wish I would have had this back then. And it's a site called And what it is, it's like a clearinghouse where reporters go because they want to write a stor and they're looking for the right subject matter expert. And I believe we're in the days and, I mentioned this last, this last tip, subject matter experts, that is so huge. The How To Videos, being that voice of authority in your niche or industry. You really got to be that and showcase that anyway you can, leverage the tools, whether it be live stream or getting in front of the press. But I think more than ever, being that subject matter expert, and taking advantage of like, the tools. Like And let me tell you what that is. There's a free subscription to that but, if you pay there's like a little payment you could do. They will alert you when your keywords are put out there because it's first to market with that industry. They want, when they want to write a story, they want it, find their subject matter expert right away. And then you get an email and you can attack it right then. So that's my next tip. And I think it's really right for the picking right now for
Diana Frerick 24:07
Susan Sly 24:08
Yeah, I love that, Diana. The, it's interesting you mentioned that. I was having a conversation the other day with a colleague of mine, who is an associate professor at ASU in robotics, and he was saying, he's telling his PhD students that they need to brand themselves. Because what's happening when these PhD candidates are going and they're looking for grants, they're looking for their, you know, next opportunity, that companies, schools, everything, they're looking at this person's brand identity. And I want everyone to think about their brand identity as a footprint. Essentially, it's a footprint you're leaving digitally, throughout the world. And it's, um, you know, when I look at young people, it's like, oh, yeah, well, no one's gonna care 10 years from now if I post a photo of my booty in a thong. Yes, they do. Yes, they do. And in fact, some of the things you're archiving, you think you're archiving, or you think you're deleting, they don't get deleted. And there are many ways people can see that stuff. So your brand identity is very important no matter what kind of business you're in. I love that. What else? Alright, alright,
Diana Frerick 25:23
this is my last tip. And I think it's, I'm saving the best for last, because I really think this is the most powerful, and it doesn't cost you really anything to do way to market your business, especially if you're a local business. And you don't even have to have a physical location. That's a misnomer on this. It's called Google My Business. And what is Google My Business? I want you to think about, it's kind of like the yellow pages we talked about before on steroids. You know, I only wish I could have had Google My Business back in the day. But I'm going to give you an example of how, how powerful it is. So our air conditioner, I know you had kind of a such, everyone in Arizona, we have air conditioner issues every year. But both my units went out about a month apart. But I went right away to the internet. Isn't that what you do? Your air conditioner goes, you go to the internet. And what do you do, Susan? You Google air conditioning in Phoenix, right? Or Air Conditioning Repair near me. That's what every buddy does. In fact, let me give you some statistics. There are over 3.5 billion searches a day on Google and Susan, wait to hear this, 46% of those are for local businesses. Wow. I didn't even know that. I am shocked by that. So what happens when someone does a local business search, Google knows, because Google's everything. They know where you're at and they know that you are physically in Phoenix, and they will show you Phoenix air conditioning near you. And so you're probably wondering, how did they do that? Well, they, they know you're your IP address, and but they also use what's called Google My Business. And these are businesses that have gone in and filled out this online process to be listed. And they have to verify they're legit. There's way Google does that, by sending a postcard of the physical address, verify that you do have a place there. And then you get a listing there, and your client reviews are there. Just all kinds of really good stuff, your hours, how to contact, your website, and it's all free. So did you just hear what I said? 46% of 3.5 billion searches for local businesses are on there. If your business isn't on there, you are missing all kinds of free. It's the most powerful place people go looking for you. And I'm not just talking going to their desktop. I'm talking like, my other half Kevin, he does this, hey, Google, where's the closest you know, hotdog stand or whatever he's looking for, to me right now. And that's the power of it. And I will tell you, Susan, I wish I could have had Google My Business back in the day. That I used to pay. I mean, I paid a million dollars total, almost about 900 and some thousand to Google to get ranked listing on their site for my business. And you can get it for free. If you build it, you know, work on it and get the, you can pay for positioning, right? But you can also get free positioning, if you do it right. Now, I will tell you this, as just as a side note, because at the agency, we have it, you know, we do have a service that will we can audit and it's really affordable. So anyone wants to do that, we can put a link below here in the comments that they can get a free or not a free but, it's a very affordable little audit to see if you are maximizing your Google My Business. Because that would be the best money you spend on anything like that.
Susan Sly 28:52
Diana, that's awesome. And if people want to audit their business, just go to, get the business audit. And then not only is there an audit, there's also a path to cleaning things up. I can't emphasize this enough. I can throw a stone and hit 10 life coaches, right? But do you want your business to stand out? And if you think just posting stuff about yourself on Instagram is going to be enough to set yourself apart, No, because someone once told me this, a mentor of mine. They said Susan, people Google problems. And you know when they Google problems? At night when they're feeling desperate. So they're googling how you know, how do I treat a headache at night. They're googling when it's really hot in Phoenix, when they have problems, hot air conditioning repair, plumbing repair, whatever it is you do. And you may say, Well, do I have a business that needs to be, I'm going to make up a word, Googleable? Is that a word? Googleable? It's a new word. It's an adjective. It's so, you know, Yes, you do. Yes, you do need to have that. And the, you know, the biggest thing I want to also say is, always control the optics on your brand. I can't emphasize that enough. The optics on your brand or how people see you. And if you aren't in control with Google, you're not controlling it. And you're either controlling your brand or someone else's. Diana, I have a final question. So I love those tips. And you guys can connect with Diana just go to The, let's say there's a person here and they have a business. And they're, sometimes they're building it, and sometimes they're not. What do you want to say to them about a sense of urgency?
Diana Frerick 30:57
Well, that's a hobby. Let's be honest, I can't imagine me not, you know, just not, it was the rare moment that I didn't build my business really, honestly. We, it might have been a forced shutdown because of a holiday, that might have been my day off, frankly. So that's what you got to be honest with yourself. You really got to say, Is this a hobby or a real business? And then if it is, and you really are, then you got to be committed, and you have to have an action plan. You have to know what day, what are you doing each day, what is your objective, what's your goal for that week, what's your goal for that month, what's your goal for the year? Celebrate those goals and milestones, super important. I know at the agency, we do that. I know with our company, the year, the first year, we hit a million for the year, whatever point that was, we had a big celebration cake and we had a big, we had an employee sign this plaque with a million dollar bill in it, I still have it. And then the first day, we had 2 million in a year, I think it was in November of one year, we're like, yeah, we hit, we hit it. And you know, they were excited about it, too. We, they're all part of it, they all had a part of it. And we signed that as well. So you've got to understand, you've got to really know where you're at, what your goals are, and celebrate those milestones and have daily, weekly, monthly goals. It's super important and you can't just work a part time. I don't, like that's not a business. No,
Susan Sly 32:16
no, it's not. It's definitely not a business and, and that, the thing I want to say to everyone is, I have seen more people dabble and beat themselves up and beat themselves up and beat themselves up and, never get to where they're capable of being. And the reality is, I believe you wouldn't be watching my channel if you weren't a generous person. If you weren't a good person. If you are neither of those things, go to a different channel, this isn't the channel for you. The thing I want to say is, if you want to be more generous, if you want to do more good in the world, get your butt in gear. Now is the time. Build your business with a fervor, save your money, use the tools, use the, use the tools that are going to help you, do get your business audit, figure out where you are. And then from there, you know just go, go, go. And even if you're working full time and your business is part time, make yourself full time in that part time. And what I mean by that is, just go all in and those hours that you're scheduling to build your business because now is the time. Diana and I are on a mission to change the number of businesses that fail. 50% by year number five, only 30% make it to your 10, only 7% get to seven figures and so we want to change those statistics. So Diana, thank you so much for being here. Thank you, Susan
Diana Frerick 33:44
for having me. I will always come and talk about this subject, I love it
Susan Sly 33:48
All right well thanks so much. And with that guys, don't forget, if you haven't subscribed the channel, like this video, share it on your social, tag Diana and I. Go get your business audited, go to With that, God bless. This has been another episode of Raw and Real Entrepreneurship and I'll see you in the next video. Okay, you have the recording sister.