Meet Jorge Purgly. Jorge went on vacation to a new country where he barely spoke the language and decided that he somehow wanted to stay. His first job was as an assistant janitor where he mopped floors and cleaned toilets. Jorge held onto his dream of becoming an entrepreneur and after almost a decade of learning how to be world-class at what most would consider trivial, he founded several successful ventures. This episode will inspire you to be the best at where you are, have the courage to pursue your dreams, and ultimately learn to see the joy even in sorrow.
— Jorge Purgly

Topics covered in the interview
Moving to a foreign country
From IT to assistant housekeeper
Advice on getting started in a new location
Reaching out to people
Transitioning from being an employee to a business owner
Appreciating freedom
Jorge Purgly’s Bio
Jorge Purgly (Pronounced like George or J and G sounds as the S in pleasure) is Hungarian, born and raised in Brazil, 9 years ago during his holidays in New Zealand he had a strong “back home” feeling. Jorge left behind his family to immigrate, having to start from the very beginning in his new home country and learn a new language. After 5 years of essential skills positions and immigration processes he finally got residency, a beautiful wife, a system analysis position, new investments and plans to start a new business… Then COVID-19 hit, made his position redundant and brought financial hardship. He had to start from the bottom again moving cities, starting new employment and completing business and financial certification, as well starting his company pivoting to an exciting journey towards greater successes.
Jorge strongly believes that adversity does not define who you are, but what you do in the adversity does.
Follow Jorge Purgly
Show notes
Susan Sly 00:02
So I have a question for you. What would your life look like if you moved across the world and you started from the very beginning, and built up not just one business, but multiple businesses with an eye on what is possible and a heart of passion about service? My guest today is amazing. He's an entrepreneur. He's an investor. He's the founder and CEO of Remarkables Enterprises, and the founder of Hawthorne and Huckleberry startups. And the other thing I want to say about him, we were chatting just before the show, is he gets it. He understands what it's like to start from absolutely nothing to pursue your dreams, and to do so in a way that you really help others rise up. And so, Jorge Purgly, I want to welcome you to the show, to Raw and Real Entrepreneurship, I'm so excited to have you here.
Jorge Purgly 01:00
Thank you. Thank you for having me. I'm feeling great. Thank you so much.
Susan Sly 01:05
Let's jump in. So how does someone who's born in Brazil, you know, lives in Hungary, how did they end up in New Zealand?
Jorge Purgly 01:14
Yeah, that's interesting. Because New Zealand always being inside me for unknown reasons. I don't know how to explain it. When I was kid, I didn't had internet or any kind of how can you know about New Zealand? Xena was actually one of, Xena, the war princess. Yes.
Susan Sly 01:35
So great show.
Jorge Purgly 01:36
It was, it was. And I watched and say, oh, my goodness, I think all women look like Xena. And so I'm very keen. And then as you grew and they start to have an internet that, that, how can I put, you know that feeling that to push you and draw you to somewhere gets increased? So I decided, Okay, I need you know, I will start to traveling the world. I'll start from New Zealand. And then yeah, I pretty much pop to the plane, come to New Zealand. And you know, when you have that feeling that you're back home and you feel nice and comfortable and happy. I felt that straightaway. I look like a sign to say, you know, I don't think I'll come back. So I grabbed my phone and say, Hey, Dad, Mom, sorry, I found my place, I won't come back. But then I need to start all over from the zero, you need to learn the language. You need to you know, find a job. And because the way that I came was tourist, and I wasn't planning to work with anything and to say Okay, so how can I change those things? So contact immigration say, hey, things changed, I want to stay and then find employer, you know, and my first job in New Zealand, I was actually quite happy. I was the assistant of the housekeeper. I wasn't the housekeeper, I was the assistant of the housekeeper. So to get the point that I was the housekeeper, it took me months and months because I came from IT backgrounds from the office. And it's quite physical, the job that I need to perform in that, that I did so many other jobs in New Zealand that I never thought that I will be doing.
Susan Sly 03:26
And, Jorge, you, you come from an IT background, you follow your heart, you end up in New Zealand and then you're an assisted housekeeper. So many people wouldn't humble themselves. But one of the things that, just in looking at your social media and talking to you, you didn't look at being an assistant housekeeper as a downgrade to your life whatsoever. How did you, has that always been your attitude? Or did you learn to appreciate things at a different level, no matter what life was throwing at you?
Jorge Purgly 04:06
I think to be honest, a little bit of both. Always, I knew that it won't be like this forever. So I always try to pursue, I need to get back to IT, I need to go back to IT. And finally actually happened, got back to IT. It was interesting because I got in a comfort zone. So all my dreams about business and great achievements got stuck. And it wasn't true until COVID. And then, actually a little bit before COVID, my wife came to me and say, Look, you need to look at this show. And I say, what's this, baby? And she sent me Undercover Billionaire with Glenn Stearns. And I was like, wow, that's the real deal. That's you know, and Glenn ever since has been like, kind of my, my platonic mentor. So I started to follow Glenn, and what he says and how he you know, because he came from a very tough background as well. So how could I change my mind and start to see my situation as a platform to grow? How can I use those situations to actually achieve things? And those see like, Oh, god, I'm so sad. I'm here housekeeping. I'm cleaning bathrooms, you know, digging holes in the middle of nowhere. So I never thought actually the situation, define who am I. Always, I keep pushing up. I define the situation, I do my choices. You can always choose be as Charlie, Captain Charlie Plumb. He is great. I sent him an email and he replied. Because I was very, very down some point, especially when one of my, my, one of my jobs that I had here didn't go so well. So in that, that I've been sent to a place that I don't want it, that I don't like it, you know, so sad and was really struggling to me to see the positive of that. What, how can I do? And then I saw, I found Charlie, Captain Charlie Plumb, and I say, hey, send him an email. That's what I'm passing through. And then he replied, and then there's that, that was the flame of hope. And then I start to follow what he says. And, you know, so those guys, even though they may not even realize that a guy in New Zealand was, you know, following and having that mentorship moment, they change things. And, but always come to yourself, you know, because all the information is out there. But if you don't take action, and do something to it, you just, you know, you're just stuck in the end, you don't move anywhere. So you need to use this information and take action and move forward, onwards.
Susan Sly 07:05
I hope everyone listening is at this in the same place I am. And it's this piece of my soul as you speak, Jorge. And no, I did not pay Jorge to talk about Glenn. So many of you who are listening know, Glenn Stearns is a dear friend of mine, and Glenn is going to be keynoting at a virtual summit that I'm hosting in January. My team tells me when it is but Glenn is, his story of what he endured. Creating a company, losing a company, then getting diagnosed with cancer, beating cancer, then all the ups and downs, and Glenn is remarkable. And Undercover Billionaire, so I don't know if you know this, Jorge. You know, in the scene where Glenn is really sick, and he's coughing and hacking in his-- Oh I was worried. Yeah. I'm like Oh my goodness! We are watching that and my youngest daughter, her name is Emery. Emery's like, Mama, will you please text Mrs. Stearns and find out if Mr. Stearns is okay. So I'm texting Mindy Glenn's, and it, the show obviously was recorded before. I'm like, Mindy, Emery is having a moment and she, and Mindy text me back. She said he actually got really sick. He was hospitalized and they were worried that he was that sick. And that show is amazing, and I love what you said, Jorge about, it's one thing to have access to all of these things, but to not take action on it. And I want to have a raw and real conversation because I'm an immigrant in America. You're an immigrant in New Zealand. And sometimes as immigrants, we see the beauty that other people take for granted. You come to a country, you're not afraid. And I cleaned, we owned a family restaurant and I cleaned bathrooms. I've been a housekeeper. I know it's disgusting, the things that people do. But your attitude was, this isn't forever. This is my stepping stone, right? And what advice would you give to someone who maybe is listening. We're in 125 countries, and maybe they're an immigrant in their country, or even if they've moved to a new city, what advice would you give them when they're first getting started somewhere new?
Jorge Purgly 09:25
First, keep hope. Keep that flame inside of you. Never give up. For more than, same thing, people looking backwards and say, oh maybe should go back. Never.
Jorge Purgly 09:37
Not even have this thought. You need to keep moving. Keep pushing forward. If you believe then you're in the right place, you're in the right place, you won't come back. And it does happen. I thought, I mean, using a phone line going to 10 years. I never came back even, and I need to see my parents but I want to bring my parents because that feeling that to go back, it doesn't match me. So we need to keep moving forward. So it's not easy. My first paycheck that I had was, was I think was $12 an hour. Was like this, I saw my paycheck, say, Oh my goodness, how can I pay things? How can I, you know, survive in here? I live in Queenstown. And Queenstown is so expensive, you know, and then you go outside to have a coffee and it's a $5 coffee. $5 coffee, it can be, you know, hurting for someone that you know, working so hard. So take actions, don't think too much. Actions move you forward. So just that decision that you have in your heart and push, and make friends, you know, go outside, expand your network. Most people when, and I know because I know a lot of people who came from the same place as me, and they stick with with themselves, and they have that little group, and they never go out. What happens is, you're living in your old country, among the same people, and you don't open your network. So you don't know how the culture works, how they, how people operate, and you isolate yourself. So there's not a great deal. So you need to open. Who is from from New Zealand? I want to know these people. How they talk, how they behave, and become, you know. I decided to become a Kiwi. So what New Zealand is like, Oh, we like rugby. So I watch rugby, see the All Blacks, and it's incredible how they, you know, and the haka, and you feel that, so you feel that thing. End up that I'm, I became so part of it, that when I talk with my parents, we can see the difference. I'm unable to speak Portuguese very well. I'm forgetting things and I need to speak to my father in English because he speaks English. My mom is not very happy because it's her language and she feels like, but that's how the mind. And so whatever you put in your mind and you set yourself to do it, you become that. That's, that, and I can testify this. It's true, because I've changed from one culture to another and from one person that used to live in there to a completely different one. Today I'm in Susan Sly's show you know. So who told me back in the days that when was vacuuming the flow and cleaning bathroom, that one day it's gonna happen? But that feeling inside you know, things are gonna get better. You will reach your goals, you'll reach your dreams, it will happen.
Susan Sly 12:59
That is such amazing advice. So stay in hope, right? And then take action. Don't just sit there and even if you, what I'm hearing from you, even if you feel sorry for yourself, even if you're frustrated, take action. Take action and then, and make friends and immerse yourself in a culture. And I know my son listens to the show, my nephews listen to the show, like college kids listen to the show. It doesn't matter if you're going to a new school, a new you know, a new city, a new work environment, your network is your net worth. And that is a, that's a huge game changer. So how did you go about meeting people for business? Because you were working before you started businesses. So how did you go about expanding your network in that way? It's one thing to talk to people when you're looking for a job or you're looking for a next opportunity. How did you meet those people?
Jorge Purgly 13:53
I'm quite old school sometimes. One of the times when just COVID hits, I decided, Okay, I need to do something. How can I benefit my town? How can I help Queenstown? So I grabbed the phone, and I called the council say, look, I want to talk with the mayor. And I was like, how can I just call and ask to talk to the mayor? And they started making questions saying, Oh, the mayor is very busy, blah, blah. I say no, I need to talk. Who do you want to talk to? I say, it's with the mayor, I can you know, always very polite obviously. But ended up that I get in a meeting with the mayor. So what I do is actually grab the phone if I have the way to, and contact or LinkedInvites. Usually I don't, I should, but I don't write too much. I flick and if you know, and I get the content, then I flick a message to say Hey, my name is Jorge and they're doing such a thing. And how I do, just get in touch. We tend to feel scared and oh what, if what if, and then we, analysis, paralysis by analysis, you start thinking too much, and we don't, we don't take action. And it's just a phone call, you know, for more than someone else is very busy out there. Maybe it's actually the right time. They actually need us, you know, they're expecting something that you might be offering and you know, you only know, if you take that action, if you flick that email, if you flick that to DM, you know, or use the form.
Susan Sly 15:31
Jorge, I love that. And I think, you know, I think about how often people do get in their head, and they tell themselves a story. And here you are. In New Zealand, your first language isn't English, apparently, it's not Portuguese anymore.
Susan Sly 15:51
And, and, and, and just calling to speak to the mayor. And that a lot of people would say, wow, you know, I don't have that courage, but that courage is developed over time. So can you talk about, since this is Raw and Real Entrepreneurship, can you talk about a time that didn't work? So you picked up the phone and maybe someone hung up on you or they said something mean to you.
Jorge Purgly 16:16
Ah, actually, I feel this when doesn't work when people don't reply to my emails. There's a lady. I, I saw her and I say, Well, she's such a great entrepreneur, and I need a mentor. So I flick her an email say, Hey, my name is Jorge, I'm looking for a mentor, would you be interested to mentor me? And it's like, yes or no, you know. See I've always, try to avoid the No's, but at this time, I want a feedback. So I wasn't looking for a real Yes. I just wanted that validation. Someone actually read my email and say, No, I'm sorry, I'm too busy. But it didn't happen. So I send another one and say, Hey, I would like to follow up that you may blahdy blahdy, blah. I know you're busy, but just give me a feedback. And it didn't happen. I said, Oh, goodness. So that feeling of being ignored, somehow. I tried to think like, oh, maybe it's the wrong email? Or maybe they couldn't see because there's too many emails. But yeah, to me, especially because email is something that I'm kind of expecting, sometimes have an answer, like, that didn't work, it kind of keep it pushing, push a little bit down. But we can't. We need to be, we need to be like a birthday, birthday candle, you know, the old school birthdays, you blow and then they grow again, and they blow and, you need to have that. So as intrapreneurs we need to be that flame, always coming back. No matter how many No's or being ignored. We need to keep lighting.
Susan Sly 17:57
Your perspective is so unique. And that is why I know that you are going to be so, you're already successful, but the next level of success. Because I want everyone to grasp what Jorge just said. When I don't get the email back, then I'm going to send another email and I would rather get a no just to know that this person is acknowledging me than not hear at all. And most people, they don't want that no. And that's the, this show is about highlighting people's unique abilities or how they, how they transcend challenges. And you've certainly transcended many. Let's talk about how you started your first business in New Zealand, right? And I'll tell Glenn, the story when I speak to him. I'm talking to him in a couple weeks.
Jorge Purgly 18:47
Nice, nice send my Hello. Actually, my first was very interesting, because when you start working in New Zealand you need to be sponsored by your employer, and I was sponsored by a supermarket. And then I decided, you know what, I want to open my business, I need to take action. So I go to the internet and say, how to operate business in New Zealand? And I opened my business right there in a moment, pay the fees, everything. And I say okay, now I have my IT business. And now I couldn't run my business. Because I can, I cannot get paid. And it's like, because you have what they call his IoT code, which is kind of a social number in United States. So you need to have 'that attached to your payment. And because you're sponsored, you only can have money from your sponsor, you cannot have money from somewhere else. And I got to that situation and say, Okay, I have my business and I cannot run my business because I'm sponsored. And I was expecting this system to tell me, no, you cannot open a business because you, you've whatever, you are sponsored from someone. So I have to call immigration and say hey, that's what happened. Said, no, you cannot run your business. And they take everything very seriously. So everything, it could actually be detrimental to your situation, say, No, I didn't know it. So what I've done, I go to the Chamber of Commerce and say, hey, there's a situation. So they gave me some advice. And I had to close. So my business was probably a week. And then I have to shut out I was so terribly sad because I was so proud of myself. I open a business by myself. But yeah, and then was few for inexperience. So I've learned how to do. So when I opened my other company, it was much easier. So it was cool, but it was exciting and sad at the same, at the same time.
Susan Sly 20:47
Yes. And if, if anyone has immigrated to a country, that's exactly how it works. So when we came to America, we had business visas, so to operate a business in America, but I couldn't go work at a supermarket because I could only work for my own business. So it depends on the kind of visa that you have. So I'm really curious, how did you change that? Because for anyone who is listening who's never immigrated, you might not know the complexity of it. It's not so simple. Like you don't just say, hey, I want to come to the United States, or you know, wherever it is that you want to go. And New Zealand, New Zealand has a new visa. I was talking to my friend John about this. So it's called the no questions asked visa. And if you pay $10 million, you can come in, no questions asked. But for the rest of the people who aren't spending the $10 million who come in like Jorge to a country and you have a job. So how did you change that situation? It's not so easy to change your visa so I'm very curious.
Jorge Purgly 21:49
It took, it took, it took ages. It took five years. So every year, because I was on. So every year, I need to renew that visa. So what happened when you renew a visa, they will advertise your role. So they need to give that role to someone in New Zealand say, Hey, I look, I want to work that, so you lose your job and you need to probably come back. So that tension is constant every year. So every year I was panicking, because they need to advertise my role. And maybe someone could apply and I need to go back. So during five years, I've been on this drama until a company, actually a friend of mine who works for a company said hey, we need a water prater, why don't you come and you know, and say I haven't experienced in water. He said, yeah, you'll be alright. So I did an interview. And the funny thing is, after the interview, they didn't hire me. It took six months, I'm calling every single Tuesday to call to follow up. And they say sorry, next week, sorry, next week, sorry, next week, and that then manager didn't stop working on that company. And one of my visits to follow up, I go then, I met that guy. He's from Scotland, and then he, we're chatting, you know, say I'm looking for this, the manager such as such, because he offered me this job. And then he said, Oh, he's not working here anymore. Actually, I took his place. And he's like, Oh, really? So we kind of did a quick interview and then he said, You know what? I like enthusiasm. So what I'll do, so they offer me what they call a talent visa . So the talent visa was the most special for me, because it means that the company wants to use so badly that they will give you a residency. So you work for two years and after two years, you apply for your residency, and then after the residency, then you're free. So it was challenging because during those two years also many ups and downs and a lot of things happened. But I'm very grateful for that company on that day that they changed. I still need to work for them for that two years, but after two years, I was free. I could go wherever I want to do whatever I wanted. It's hard to move to a different country. You kind of become a prisoner, you know you need to follow the restrictions and is not pleasant. They will find things you know, they will read everything about you, they will scrutinize your whole life. Which someone who's born in here, doesn't have to pass through it and they get so granted Oh yeah, I's born in Queenstown then, did not even see the beauty of Queenstown anymore because they're so used to it. New Zealand is a gorgeous place. Most people don't even realize it. Yeah,
Susan Sly 24:59
You, five years you wait, and then you work at a job for two years. And I hope everyone understands this. Because it's, you were, you said it yourself. There was something about going to New Zealand. And so often we feel these nudges of our hearts. And we, we, you know, we're like, oh, yes, I want to follow this nudge, I want to start a business, I want to, I want to start a podcast, I want to do whatever it is. And then when things get challenging, most people give up, but you didn't. And you endured it to get to the point where you could actually start a business, right? And, and, and I love what you said, you know, in two years, I'd be free. And the number one reason as you know, people start a business is to be free. But it sounds like to me, you appreciated that freedom differently than a lot of people do.
Jorge Purgly 25:55
Yeah, yeah, yeah. People tend to enslave themselves, and that freedom fueling that freedom vision, and they put that, but it doesn't really happen like that. So when you you live the thing in your flesh, and you have that, you know, things happening to you, you just cannot live the flow and, and just go with the flow, you need to take action and you need to stand by what you believe. I think, yeah, most people cannot understand just because they, they're from there. They grew up and, a changing culture is not easy. As opening a business is not easy. Become successful people. But you need to feed your mind, become in your mind inside you. And then things will happen outside.
Susan Sly 26:54
As we shift internally, the things we experience shift. And I love, I love the wisdom that you're sharing. It makes me think of, so one of the longtime listeners and fans of the show, her name is Jessica. And Jessica moved from the New York City area to Phoenix, Arizona last year during COVID. And her family was saying, You're crazy. Why are you leaving? She knew maybe a couple of people here, myself included. And the first thing she joins meetup groups, and she joins a church. She's like, you know, suddenly, I'm texting her, how are you doing? She's like, Oh, well, I'm going hiking five times this weekend with all these different people. And I'm doing this and the next day, you know, and, and, and it's that immersion. And that's what's so important in business. And when we make these life changes. A lot of people listening, they're, they're trying to develop the courage to even start a business. And they think it's hard, even though they live somewhere where they don't have the constraints of a visa, or perhaps they don't have government sort of over you know, looking over their shoulder. They have the freedom to do it and they're so scared and paralyzed. But what I'm hearing from you is just, just jump in. So tell everyone about your business now. I know that you've got a new startup, and it's like your baby. So tell everyone what you're doing.
Jorge Purgly 28:17
Actually I get excited. Hawthorne is, I pretty much started from zero as usual. And then at this stage it's pretty much me. So I'm, I'm the market guy. I'm the developer. I am the CEO. I'm the cleaner. I'm everybody. But it's digital assets. So the way that I see is, I see as a first, the idea was born because I'm a customer, I wasn't happy the way that things was being done with my my soft copies. You know, when you buy a game or book or DVD, you're free to choose if you want to sell it or if you want to give it but to teach the contents. It doesn't have the same way. You stuck with it. Whatever, if you don't have the console anymore, you start with that you can do anything. So Hawthorne, born with this idea. How can we change this? How can we actually make a digital copy? Certificated, unique, not, but not unique, unique as in FTS, but a fungible. So, because Mona Lisa is a non fungible. There's only one Mona Lisa you can have. But if I get a dollar, say Susan, you want to change this dollar to this dollar, is the same thing. So the value is the same. So how can we bring this to the digital content? So that's, that my mind is stacked Okay, we can do this, we can do that. And But yeah, I need a, I need a co founder. I need a tech guy who helped me jump over because I have the whole thing, but I can't do all together. But once again there's no excuses. So I'm doing everything. So I'm doing the website, and I'm doing, actually started coding, because-- Which language
Susan Sly 30:07
are you coding?
Jorge Purgly 30:08
I was going to do, actually start Swift. I love Swift. But c++ seems more, but c++ also a safety, get c++. So I'm kind of, so I started in c++. And I want to bring back to Swift. I really wanted to in Swift, most because I'm an Apple person. I do have share, so I don't feel embarrassed or shy or anything to say Apple, because I do have shares. So please buy Apple.
Susan Sly 30:42
Yeah, I own shares of Apple. Yeah.
Jorge Purgly 30:44
So I went to my business girl. So I want to do in Swift. But I'm thinking about the developers out there who might not be a Swift guy. So I want to make it easier. So I kind of have a one part of the code in Swift, one oart in C. And, yeah, but I'm not a developer. So I'm pretty sure when they come and see, how did you get this and say, well, no excuse, I need to do it. So I'm doing my best as I can and and put my own efforts and learning to make this happen.
Susan Sly 31:18
So I met Jorge online. No excuses, and, and that, and we just started this dialogue. And I love interviewing people who are at the early stage of founding a company and hearing their stories. And for those of you who don't know, so one of the things that, that I always say in terms of companies I invest in, is you invest in people, right? There's lots of great technology out there. But someone like Jorge who has endured challenges, who always figures out a way, who's not afraid to pick up a phone or in this case, write in multiple, you know, languages, or maybe you know, who knows, maybe tomorrow he's going to be coding in Python, some people still do, you know, we still do at radius. But you know, it's just this whole willingness, and you know he's going to be successful. Right? And, and some of the startups that I mentor, we're doing crowdfunding raises on WeFunder. And again, there's a lot of great technology. But do you have the right person at the helm? Do you have the right people? Are they humble enough? Are they willing to pick themselves up after they fall down? And so when I met Jorge online, and I don't often invite people to be on the show, because we, I just had a meeting today, Jorge and my assistant, May she's like, got this list of people, I'm like, Yes, Yes, No, Yes. You know, and but she's like, Who is this Jorge person that applied? She said, you sent him. I said he did. I did send him, like, I want him to be on the show, because I knew there was something special about you. My question is this. You know, there, there are people who are listening right now who are going through some really tough times. There's a lot of uncertainty. We don't know if the Delta variant is going to lock people in again, there are people who maybe don't want to go back to their job because they don't want to be in an office or whatever is going on. What advice would you give to that person who's really struggling right now and says, You know what, Jorge, I'd love to start a business. I'd love to, you know, have a different kind of freedom, quote, unquote, what advice would you give to them?
Jorge Purgly 33:24
Oh, I'll answer this with the story. And it happened a few weeks ago. It is sad, but it ends up happy. So a few weeks ago, my wife texted me and say, Hey, can you reach out to my sister? She's not replying. And she sent me a weird letter to her ex husband. And then I say, hey, sis, how you doing? And she didn't reply, and my wife was freaking out. So I came back home, go for a shower. Then she came screaming, my sister killed herself. And I said, what? My sister killed herself. She cut her wrists. And she started crying and screaming, crying on my shoulder I wish I was in a better situation because I was fully naked, wet, and she was hugging me. And she was crying and crying and crying. I said, oh my goodness. And say Baby, it's okay. Keep testing, talk, call someone. And then she, she goes on this mission to find out what happened with her sister. So she called people and it was very, very busy. And after that, because the police, when they got there, they say sorry, there's nothing that we can do. So they already considered her dead. But she said no, no, you check on her and then she asked her friend to go and check. So and take her of the hospital. When they moved her, she shows signs of consciousness. So she's still alive. So they grabbed her quickly to the hospital. And it took hours, hours. So imagine how, here, without reaching her because she's in China, to figure out things. So and that long story short, they put blood on her, and she, she's still alive. And I wasn't going to work or do anything the next day. I was planning to stay with my wife and support her. But next morning, she wake up and she was getting ready to school. And I say, well, and she and she said, Well, you're not going to do your stuff? And I say, No, I was going to stay with you. No, I'm fine. Her thing was, she didn't lose her sister. Her sister was well and alive. So we move on, we keep things running. And I say, You know what? You're right? So I go out, and I started doing my things. And interestingly enough, on that day, I had a meeting with a guy who was thinking, get a mentorship from him. And he was late. 20 minutes late. He called me and say, hey, look, sorry, I'll be late. And I learned from Steve Sims like, you need to be respectful with your time and people's time. So when he called me and say, I'm late, and I said, hold on, this is the second time and said, it's not working. So I tried to calm down myself. And I call him and say, Look, that's what happened with me yesterday. And I'm here to have this meeting. And you just don't feel like, you're not, you know, excited enough. That's not how it works. So I don't think it will ever happen again. Because it just doesn't work this way. So thank you for you know, the chance, but I don't want to carry on. So bad things happen. But the way that you move things and you make them differently, it depends only on you. Glenn always said, try to see the silver lines. And I was like, how can I see the silver lines? You know, my sister-in-law just tried to kill yourself. And you know, but it does, because then when my wife said, I'm going to school and she was happy because her sister was alive. I said that's it, there's a silver line. You know, things happen. But we cannot have the luxury to, to be bent over by the situation. You need to stand, to stand tall and fight and move forward.
Jorge Purgly 37:48
Yeah, so if you feel down, don't let that feeling get you down, stand up. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts a lot, but started doing things, pick up your phone. You know, check, watch out for media as well, because we, back there we watch a lot of drama, especially my wife, she loves drama. And I say baby, our life is dramatic. Because we're watching too much drama, stop watching drama. And it's changing today. She was listening how to empower girls in developing. And she's not IT at all, but how you know, how you teach girls to developing and encoding. It's like, Oh, that's great, because she did me a lot of things even though she's on counseling, and she can't counsel. But she, our relationship is based very interesting how we help each other daily and support each other. So don't feel down. Keep moving. You know, have your dream and your goals. You know, see what moves you, what makes your heart sing. You know that thing that make your heart sing it and stick to it and stick to again make it and make it happen. Take action.
Susan Sly 39:06
Jorge, you have such a beautiful soul. And I want everyone to remember this interview because when Jorge is on the cover of Forbes and Fortune, one thing I'm actually really good at is talent spotting and, and I knew it from day one. And Jorge mentioned Steve Sims, the concierge to billionaires. A lot of the guests have listened to that particular show with Steve and it's funny, that's one. I love Steve. He's one of my favorite humans. And definitely it's a great, great show. So Jorge, thank you so much for being here. I am so excited for you in this journey with your new company. I can't wait to check in with you and see if you're coding in 13 languages in a couple of week. Because it could happen and I just, I'm half joking but, not totally joking, because I know what happens with IT and you get in there and you start-- I'm not IT so much anymore. I've been to investors meeting and then they, they see a businessman in front of them and they want to, they want a techy guy. That's why I'm so desperate to find that guy because they like me, they were like, but they said, No, you are a business guy, because this particular one was composed by tech guys, and they want someone who speaks IT. I'm not that guy anymore. I'm business. So it's interesting. Hopefully, I get things figured out. You will and and for anyone who's watching or listening, if you want to be Jorge's tech guy, message him on LinkedIn. Yeah, you never know. And that I love, and I just say this with my whole heart, that your humility, your tenacity. I know I'm inspired today. I love this conversation, I want to have you back in a couple of months, we're gonna check in and keep checking in with where the company is. And in front of thousands of people around the world, here's my commitment to you, once you get your funding. I will introduce you to Glenn Sterans. Awesome. Yay! You never know. You might be a future Undercover Billionaire, right? Actually,
Jorge Purgly 41:27
I proposed to Discovery, and say hey, look, how about now you got to undercover proof. So you can make someone who's been successful to do it again? How about test the mentorship, take someone and take the mentor and put that together to see how it works. They didn't reply yet. But it was maybe, it's out there.
Susan Sly 41:51
Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And Glenn has a second show on Discovery plus, as well. And for those of you watching and listening, if you go to, the agency I own, you can find out about the event that Glenn is speaking at virtually so everyone's invited. And Jorge , thanks again for being here. You have just, you're destined for success. So that's the bottom line. What's the best way for everyone to connect with you and follow you?
Jorge Purgly 42:20
Everywhere. Facebook. You name it, YouTube, TikTok. I don't post much on TikTok. But I did open accounts in TikTok. Everywhere, pretty much. You just, Jorge with the J Purgly, and that's me.
Susan Sly 42:38
Yes, absolutely. Follow Jorge and not the other Jorge Purgly on Instagram, because that's not the same Jorge Purgly. Just and FYI.
Jorge Purgly 42:47
It's my father. If it's a beared, a big bearded. That's my father. We have the same. So if you see someone younger, that's me.
Susan Sly 43:00
You can follow Jorge's father too. Suddenly your dad--
Jorge Purgly 43:02
I'm on Instagram as well. But I think I put Mr. J, because then it was only me.
Susan Sly 43:11
Yes. Well, thank you so much, Jorge. It's been wonderful to have you and I'm so excited for all of your adventures. For everyone watching, listening, go ahead and give Jorge and I, we'd love a five star review. Reach out. Don't forget to DM, email, do anything, go to If you have comments about the show or questions, I'd love to get back to you because my team actually sends all of them to me. So with that, God bless, go rock your day, and we'll see you in a future episode.