In life, we all go through tough times. But it’s how we react to those tough times that determines our success. So if you are looking for some inspiration, this interview is for you. Let’s talk about how you can turn a crisis into an opportunity and why having a positive mentor in your life is crucial.
A real estate and CRE technology investor, Jon Schultz has combined his passions for both real estate and technology. He is Co-Founder, and Managing Principal of Onyx Equities, LLC., with partner John Saraceno, Jr. Onyx has become one of the most diversified and active real estate investment, management, development, and property service organizations in the New York metro market. Jon leads investor capital-raising initiatives for the Onyx Phalanx Funds and strategic planning, real estate technology development, and overall investment strategy.
As a serial blogger and authentic public speaker, Jon has helped foster a new culture of tech-savviness and awareness in commercial real estate. Sharing his thoughts and experiences in everything from mentorship to real estate technologies, Jon’s weekly blogs and often outspoken social media feed, have landed him on numerous “Top Influencer” lists in both the real estate and CRE tech spaces.
—Jon Schultz

Topics covered in the interview
Jonathan’s first business
Finding a mentor
Handling stress
Lessons from recession
Jon Schultz’s Bio
A real estate and CRE technology investor, Jon Schultz has combined his passions for both real estate and technology. He is Co-Founder and Managing Principal of Onyx Equities, LLC., with partner John Saraceno, Jr. Onyx has become one of the most diversified and active real estate investment, management, development, and property service organizations in the New York metro market. Jon leads investor capital-raising initiatives for the Onyx Phalanx Funds, as well as strategic planning, real estate technology development, and overall investment strategy.
As a serial blogger and authentic public speaker, Jon has helped foster a new culture of tech savviness and awareness in commercial real estate. Sharing his thoughts and experiences in everything from mentorship to real estate technologies, Jon’s weekly blogs, and often outspoken social media feed, have landed him on numerous “Top Influencer” lists in both the real estate and CRE tech spaces.
Jon is a graduate of Syracuse University. His philanthropic efforts are a significant part of his professional and personal life, as he raises funds and sits on boards of numerous charitable organizations, raising money for both health causes and the arts. He also has sat on boards of both publicly traded and private companies in the technology arena and is a board member of the Big Apple Chapter of YPO.
Follow Jon Schultz
Show Notes
Jonathan Schultz 00:00
So I always felt a recession. Listen, I don't want them, I don't want another one. Obviously, I can't control that. And, you know, they'll come or they won't. But I always felt like that gave me the boost to be on the same playing field with any company I could go compete against and that they couldn't say, Well, we're you know, this is going really well. This is how we're doing this year. Now it's like, how are we going to pivot and do something different so I had a chance to break it?
Susan Sly 00:27
Welcome to Raw and Real Entrepreneurship, the show that dares to bring no nonsense insight to those who have the courage to start, grow and scale a business. I'm your host, Susan Sly. Well, what's up Raw and Real entrepreneurs, I hope you're having an amazing day wherever you are in the world. And so if you have ever thought about hmm, the tech sector, real estate, figuring out a way where there isn't a way, then today's episode is absolutely for you. My guest, check it out. He is a real estate and technology investor and he's combined his passions for both real estate and technology to be a co founder and managing principal of Onyx Equities, LLC with his partner John Saraceno. And this is, Onyx has become one of the most diversified and active real estate investment management, development and property service organizations in the New York area, which is highly competitive, my friends, if you've never been to New York, and he leads investor capital raising initiatives for the Onyx Phalanx Funds, as well as strategic planning, real estate technology development and overall investment strategy. On top of everything, he is an incredible speaker. He's a blogger, he is an influencer and a philanthropist. So with that, John Schultz, welcome to Raw and Real Entrepreneurship. I'm so excited to have you.
Jonathan Schultz 01:54
Well, thanks for having me. This is exciting, and your show's awesome. And what you're doing to help people is awesome. I think, you know, in this new world of communicating and us actually being, being able to do what we're doing right now is such a powerful thing for people. And I'm glad you're doing it. And I'm very happy to be on the show.
Susan Sly 02:15
Well Jon, I am so excited to have you here. And you and I have a mutual friend, Brandon Steiner. Brandon has been a repeat guest and talk about, he always keeps it raw and real. So I want to jump in with the first question. What was your first business?
Jonathan Schultz 02:30
So my first business, so I always was a real estate, sort of minded person. Why? Because my father was a developer, and he built office buildings. And, you know, when I had the chance to go to camp in the summers, I would choose to actually go work for my father on whether it's a construction site, I was just always fascinated about how things were made, built. And I guess, you know, one of my character traits is being curious. So I had that at a young age. So for me, I always felt real estate was something I just had such an interest in for a couple reasons. One, it's tangible, right? Like, I watched my father built buildings from nothing in the ground to these gigantic, you know, beautiful structures. And it was cool to see from you know, cradle to grave, how that got done. The other thing is, I never wanted to sit at a desk, like one of my things about business was yes, I love business, want to be in it. But I never want to sit in any one place too long. And real estate gave you that, right? You can go out and look at properties, see how things made from industrial real estate, office real estate, retail real estate. I mean, real estate is a core component of everything we do in our lives. I mean, I'm sitting right now in a building, doing this podcast, right? When I leave here, I may go shopping and pick up some, some presents for Valentine's Day for my wife. So like, we use it all the time. And that's why I enjoy it so much.
Susan Sly 03:59
So Jon, the you know, there are a lot of misperceptions about real estate. So I would like to take you back in time to when you first started in the profession, right? So what would be something that is surprising to people? Like they look at you, you're so accomplished, if you, if we went in the time machine, the Wayback, if we went in the Wayback and we went back to your early beginnings in real estate, what would something you know, if we can look at you now and think oh, my gosh, he's so accomplished, What would surprise us about your early beginnings? Did you make any mistakes, do you, you know.
Jonathan Schultz 04:42
Well, yeah, I mean, listen, I think that, you know, I can look back now, which is the good thing, right? And sometimes we get so stuck in what we're doing in our little, you know, sort of roadmap that we create for ourselves that you know, you know, we don't let our subconscious look at ourselves in a way that it should. And at the beginning, you know, when you first get out of school, when you want to get your first job, you know, everything's the prove it model, like, I got to prove that I can do this, I got to prove that I can be better than that next person, I got to prove that I can work longer hours than that next person. And I think that's all good, because it's a focused approach to learning when you're young. But, you know, as I got through my career, I realized that, you know, it's not always the best model, because at the end of the day, we really don't control in, you know, everything we think we do. And the more open I am to suggestion, which I think I was a little less open those days, I had my way of doing it, and I wanted to achieve it so I could say I did it being young, rather than someone helping me. So I think I probably didn't take enough help because I was stubborn. And I wanted to say I did it myself. I had a very successful father. So you know, I had more of that, actually, where I wanted to think that I could do it on my own. And I was good enough, right? It's a whole good enough thing that we all go through. And I think, you know, we continue to go through that our whole lives, right, in different things that we do, and we try. So today, being that I see that my greatest accomplishments came from me listening, me asking for help, iterating, pivoting, trying, failing, and then ultimately, it worked out the way it should have. And if I look back to see what that means, it means I was mostly wrong on what I thought I was going to do to work out the way it should have. So I guess, I don't know if that fully answers your question, but I think the listening thing, the being open to being helped, mentored, you just can't replace that, especially at a young age.
Susan Sly 06:46
Did anyone take you aside and call you out on your crap? Yeah. People have over the years with me when I was young. Yeah, yeah.
Jonathan Schultz 06:56
Well, the one great thing— So like, I just actually wrote a blog called Conflict is Necessary, right? Because we're all so scared to have a conflict with a friend or family member, relative, because then you're worried like, Oh, my God, are they gonna like me anymore? Am I gonna ruin my relationship? So you never, like yours is raw and real, like, relationships need to be raw and real, right? My best relationships were with someone who I actually had an argument with, and got through it. So I think that for me, you know, is something that's so important to have in business. And that's why mentors that I choose to go after are people that are raw and real and tell it like it is. I want someone to tell me what's bad, not good. Not that it's bad, how I can improve, how's that, it's better word. What's my challenge to be better? Not just everything's good because of, those relationships don't help you grow. I mean, they don't challenge you to— And I think like, learning about yourself is the most important thing you can do for your life and career. So the earlier in years that you get used to, you know, wanting someone to give you that raw and real advice, the better. And it's not easy, and I wasn't good at it. It took a lot of practice, like everything else, you know, you get a little sometimes upset when you hear things you don't want to hear. But it's only made me better, even though it's not always the greatest feeling. But
Susan Sly 08:22
how did you turn it around? Like, was there one person? You know, because we don't, you know, it's, I look at a lot of entrepreneurs, whether they're in their early 20s, or their, you know, in their early 60s. And there are those people who are so arrogant that they, they don't take that feedback. But usually there's a refining moment, or there's one person who takes you aside and comes alongside and says, I can see your talent, but here's something you've got to change. So was there a person for you or—
Jonathan Schultz 08:53
You're bringing, it's so funny how when you ask question, things get brought up in your, your, your world so, so I had an uncle. He was like a father to me. He was a second father. And why I loved him was he was the most authentic person I've ever met in my life. He lived life to the fullest. And that doesn't mean he did everything perfect. Because like, no one's perfect, right? Like, we all have our stuff. But there was something about him that where maybe I wouldn't go to my father to be told something. It was just so easy to hear him in his authentic way. Tell me like, stop dwelling Jon, get your ass out there and fix it. Or why do you think anyone really cares about you enough to think about you? Like these are quotes that he would tell me. And I used to go to him once a month and just have coffee just so I could get a dose of him. And he was all through my 20s and unfortunately, I still think about, think about him to this day, he passed early, earlier in life than he should have. And I feel like he's with me all the time. But, you know, he was definitely a game changing voice in my head for real. And then also he still lives with me today. And, and I think that's another thing that's, you know, you think about, you don't always want to hear the advice from people that you think you do, and sometimes searching out for that person that, you know, you just feel is so authentic and has that energy. And I, you know, the other great thing about him, like, I never felt he was judging me, regardless of what he said. So what he taught me is like, no one's really judging you, they're trying to help you, right? So you gotta, you got to get that stuff out of your head and just allow yourself to embrace. And I even hate constructive criticism, just new ways to flow through what you're doing. That's, that's a better way to say it.
Susan Sly 10:53
It really is the perception. It's so funny, because one of our big fans, raving fans, his name is Murray, and he's an investor and an entrepreneur. And I was at a cocktail party with Murray and his wife. And he's like, you just, Susan, sometimes you just know, and you just keep going until the guests will answer. And I had a sense, Jon, that we needed to talk about your uncle, it turns out, because there is that person. And the other reason is, as people are listening, if you're not getting the results you want, step back and ask yourself, is there someone who you admire who's been trying to tell you something and you're just not listening? You know, for me over the years, I remember my friend David, David was a very successful investor. He was the lead trainer for T. Harv Eker. So you know, he'd have thousands of people in a room and brightly breaking arrows on their throat. And it was David who actually taught me how to do the arrow break, as a trainer. And one of the first times I met David, we just collided Jon, because I was like, I could tell he was trying to break me down. Because often personal development trainers are really good, they'll do that. And I said, I'm not going to be a notch in your belt. And then he looked at me and he said, I don't trust you. And I said, Why don't you trust me? And he told me, and it changed my life, because I realized that I wasn't showing up authentically in certain business situations. And that was, gosh, that was like, maybe 17 years ago. And so I thank him all the time, because there are those people in our lives and they're just like, sometimes it doesn't sit right with us, but it's exactly where we need to go.
Jonathan Schultz 12:28
You know, and it's very interesting. So now that like, I'm bringing my uncle up, and I'm seeing, you know, you mentioned my partner, who I love, John Saraceno, and he has those same traits, the more I'm thinking about it. I think it's why you know, we're great partners, we respect each other. We've had, we've had a great career together and he's like one of the other most authentic people I know. He says it how it is and you know, with empathy and he's just such a great person, one of the most caring people I know. And you know, I'm thinking back like wow, like it actually shows up in other parts of your life if you embrace those types of traits. They show up in your life and they keep going, right? Even though my uncle's not here you know, other people will fill those, fill those, those gaps, those shoes, however you want to say it.
Susan Sly 13:18
Yeah, absolutely. And that, and thank you for sharing that because it's, isn't it interesting that your uncle is this powerhouse in your life where he was, God rest his soul. And now you have this partner, who's you know, not afraid to call you out which obviously is making you better. How do you handle— real estate is stressful, let's just say. Let's just call it. This is Raw and Real Entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship is stressful. How do you handle stress?
Jonathan Schultz 13:45
Listen, I work— I do all the outside things that you know, I was told my whole life. I love working out, I you know, I play golf, I have hobbies, I try to do things that maybe is not my day job that has and lets me do and be creative. Because like, I love reading, I love, I love doing creative things. I love all that. I think that helps. And I also feel just understanding. If you start thinking the world is for you, not against you, which is very hard and different times and, of your life and you know, different times of where the world is. If you start saying that to yourself enough, you start believing it, right? Because I think we are what we say. And you know, you don't worry as much like the stress actually dissipates. I also, like, it's hard— it is always going to come, it's just how do you make it last less? So like when a stressful situation comes in, I always you know, I use breathing. I mean, like I'll literally start taking bigger breaths, deeper breaths. And I'll say, you know, this is probably an illusion and I'm having thoughts that probably are future thoughts that I'm going to be wrong anyway. Just take a step back, and honestly see what really is happening. And so it's diffusing it, it doesn't go away. I wish there was some magic potion, but there is none. It's learning how to not let stress dwell too long, continually. And understanding that most of the time, and I have a little journal I write like my most stressful moments, I'll write down. This is what's happening. This is what I think, this is how I feel, right? Most of the time after that event, it's— nothing's what happened, and I didn't have to feel all that. So why did I, right? So it's sort of more letting life come to you in that way and not going out and letting your brain think of all these things that most likely are not going to appear or be true. But it's also learning how to, you know, hit them head on if it's, if it's, there is, there are real things that happen. It's just how you're going to deal with them. What questions you're going to ask yourself, and how are you going to move through it? I think that's how either people are always stressed or stressed less. I don't think anyone's never stressed. I think that's probably not a real thing.
Susan Sly 16:09
Well, I think Tony Robbins says this, like stress is unstressed is the wealthy person's way of saying, you know, like, whatever they say, like, I can't, I can't remember what Tony says about it. But it's so funny, because there's, there's, as entrepreneurs, there's this ethos of stress that we all kind of ride and then suddenly, when it's not there, we often look for ways to create more stress in our lives. I want to ask you, so we're living in some really interesting time. So you know, depending on when someone's listening to this, we have potentially Russia invading Ukraine, China invading Taiwan, we have inflation that hasn't been this high in 40 years. We have, you know, like all this crazy going on. I want to go back to the recession, right? So if you are listening to Jon and I, you can't see us, we look really good for our age like, we do. But if you're on YouTube, y'all know, the, you know, Jon, obviously was in business during the recession. So I, Glenn Stearns is a great friend of mine. Glenn and Mindy, love them, you know, he had an epic crash in the recession, but man Oh, man, you know, came back and—
Jonathan Schultz 17:21
I watched his show, the billionaire, whatever it was called, it was— Undercover Billionaire. He was so funny in that show. I mean, that was, that was a great show. I liked it at least. He almost
Susan Sly 17:30
died for real. So I'm gonna ask a question, but I'll just share a quick story with you since you know, it's Raw and Real Entrepreneurship. So we're watching the show, and I have my littlest daughter Emery, and I'm thinking you know, Jon— Glenn and Mindy are great friends of mine. Like let's watch Mr. Stearns on TV. And so the episode where he's really sick and he's coughing and coughing in the car, Emery is like, Oh, my gosh, Mommy, Mommy, can you message Mrs. Stearns? Is he okay? So I message— she doesn't know it's pre recorded, right? So I'm messaging Mindy. I'm like, Emery is really worried about Glenn. And he was talking to Glenn after he almost died. And they wanted him to stop filming. He had pneumonia really badly. He was in the hospital. They want him to stop filming. He said, No, we're sticking with the timeline. And that's who he is. He is the nicest, kindest, smartest person I know. He's
Jonathan Schultz 18:24
seems very cool in the show. He is, it was a great— I really enjoyed the show, it's like a great show.
Susan Sly 18:30
Well, well, we'll talk you know, all of my guests become really close friends, I'll introduce you to Glenn. So going back to the recession, right? That recession isn't going to be the last recession. Like I said, you know, this pandemic isn't the last pandemic, it just we have inflow. So what did the last recession teach you that you're implementing now? And if you can, turn it around and give advice to everyone listening.
Jonathan Schultz 18:57
Well, I'm going to give experience because my advice is probably crappy. You know, I'll give you what I went through. And hopefully, it can resonate with you. So I'm old enough now to have been through some recessions and let— you know, no matter when they happen, they're not good. They don't feel good, and nobody wants them. But what I learned through them, and my experience taught me is when everything's going well, right, it's easy, like so, so basically, the best products win and they're easy, and people are buying them. And if you're someone trying to break in as a new entrepreneur, you know, it's, it's CYA. It's like, I'm gonna go with this product, not that product, because it's easy. We're making money, everything's going well. I found when during a recession, everyone goes back to an even playing field, because everything doesn't look good anymore. The companies that were doing well are also not doing as well, right. A lot of stuff gets unmasked during a recession that you didn't really think was happening. So I always felt a recession, and listen, I don't want them. I don't want another one. Obviously, I can't control that. And, you know, they'll come or they won't. But I always felt like that gave me the boost to be on the same playing field with any company I could go compete against and that they couldn't say, Well, we're, you know, this is going really well, this is how we're doing this year. Now it's like, how are we going to pivot and do something different, so I had a chance to break in? That was my mindset, it actually let me feel as a smaller entrepreneur, that I can compete against much bigger companies. And it was all about how was I going to show and be different, and it made my creativity have to even be stronger, but it allowed me that opening. It's easy— because no one wants to make a change. But in bad times, people will are way more open to change, like, oh my god, maybe we can do this differently. Oh, my God, we have to do this differently. So that's my experience. And I, you know, I remember the first one. And it allowed my company when I started it to actually get market share that I know for a fact I never would have gotten market share otherwise. So that's what I felt was something that worked for me.
Susan Sly 21:11
I love that you said that. So I don't think your advice was crappy. I thought it was outstanding, because it's, it evens the playing field. Yes. And and that can be said, I think that is you know, obviously everyone who knows the show, we make quote cards out of you know, all the like mic drops that our guests have, that is a huge one right there. Because when you think about it, whether it's what's going on with crypto right now, whether it's, you know, what's going on with the stock market right now, you have a you know, I think Google's gonna do a 21 or is it a 40 to 1 stock split? I can't remember. I'm— it was 20. Yeah, 20. I'm not sure. I'm a shareholder, I have to disclose all this stuff. So you know, they're doing a split. I'm sure Tesla will do another one soon. Apple, you know, when they did their split, their most recent one, they're almost trading at what they were. But then when these things happen and these economic events happen, if you are a person who's diligent with your money, you're being smart about it, you're not going out and doing stupid things, you can enter a market that you might not have been able to enter. Now, you know, let's not talk about buying a house right now or buying a car right now. But in other things, there is a reset happening. I love that you said that it's amazing shift.
Jonathan Schultz 22:30
Well, if you look at it, any great entrepreneur, the best stories are what didn't go well and how that made something happen that would have never happened if it did go well. I mean, how many people say like, I won't change a thing. Like, like, it was the worst thing that ever happened to me, but I will never change a thing. This is, and again, I don't want to recession like, but they come. And you can look at it two ways. And I always feel like it's how you act and and move forward through something that happens, not what is actually happening. Because you can go two ways. You can crawl up in a ball and do nothing. Or you can say maybe this is a chance for me to learn and grow and do something different. And I'd rather do that just because it makes me feel better. Like I can actually have a little control over maybe something that is going to happen going forward. Yet you know, we all know, that's an unknown, right? You just got to do, do, do, do. Go with the flow and move forward. And, you know, you know, we'll see what happens. I mean, you know, it's a, it's a big world out there with lots of change, too. So I also think what's nice, is, you know, post COVID, people are gonna be way more used to changing things than they ever were before. Like an amplified change. Most people are afraid to change. We had an unfortunate lesson of learning what like dramatic change feels like, right? So and there's all silver linings with it, and for it, and also it was devastating and horrible and chaotic, and you wish it would never happen. But I think you know, learning how to change and move through your life with a mindset that feels like it could be good for you is a really good powerful thing. And if anything, it just decreases your stress and makes you happier longer. Because I believe our whole goal is figure out how to be happy the longest during the day that we possibly can because we're, like so that's a game, right? How do I do that? Right? So how do I— and I wouldn't even say happy I think it's like joyful, right? Because happy could be anything but like how do you stay as joyful as you possibly can, as long as you can all day. And a lot of that's doing things that you're you know, you enjoy and having fun in your life.
Susan Sly 24:49
How do you stay happy as long as you can throughout the day? Right? And I think that from a, you know that wisdom doesn't have anything to do with age. It has to do with applying the lessons we learned, the knowledge and saying, okay, it happened. And to your point, you know, when I was on your show, and you did such a beautiful job in the interview, Yeah, I was homeless and broke and everything else, but I wouldn't go back and change it. It was so hard. But I wouldn't have the success I have now had I not gone through that. Right? And I think it's that, that preparation piece that if we're, we know, the, it's very pollyanish to think the economy is, you know, that we're going to see, you know, years and years and years of stock market gains. And even the day we're recording the show, the pre market was down almost 200 points. And it's like, you can't get upset about that. You have to say, what is the opportunity today? And as an entrepreneur, go out there and get it. So let me ask you this, you have an incredible mindset. What trainers, what books, like for the people listening, they're like, oh, my gosh, Jon is so positive. Not only is he successful, he's positive. What you know, what, what books, you know, have made a difference for you, what trainers have really impacted your life?
Jonathan Schultz 26:12
I think so, listen, the one good thing, I enjoy people, you know. I want to be around people smarter than me, better than me. You know, even when I play golf, right? Like if I'm playing with with low handicappers, my game rises, like, if I'm in a gym training with someone that's way more in shape than me, it inspires me. So at a young age, and it was maybe easier because I do enjoy being around people, I built my mentor network, and it wasn't just a work, like, I wanted to find people that could support me in a way that like, when I have those moments, like I'm not on my own dealing with it by myself. And like, I've created an unbelievable web of people in that, you know, arena. And I, you know, some come in, some come out, some are, for different reasons, purposes, you know, you know, nothing's fixed, like, they're like, that's the fixed mindset, that nothing's fixed. It's all flowing. But I'm constantly seeking out that premise. And I think without those people, it would have been harder for me to get through what I was going through at any one time from family, friends, business networks. And I think that's like, a critical component of me. So like, like, like, I always have someone that I trust I can call and reach out to, and just like spew my crap all over them as far as problems that I have for that day. And they'll either tell me shut up, you know, like, you know, or they'll you know, and most of them just listen, but the bottom line is like, having that as a resource is irreplaceable.
Jonathan Schultz 27:56
So in the, I love that, the mentor network, right and in which is huge.
Jonathan Schultz 28:01
I always say like Charlotte's Web, like my web of, you know, people that are around me, that care about me, you know, I, you know, not judging, and you'll find those. And listen, organization like, like, I've always joined, like, the organizations in the industries I'm in. I always wanted to be around helping the industry or community I'm involved in. I feel like when you're involved, and you're giving, you know, you just get so much more out of what you're doing every day when you sort of take the pursuit of business off the table and put the giving hat on, like, Okay, I'm gonna get a lot out of this industry. For me, how do I get back to it, plus, by creating a better, broader, bigger network? And when I was younger, I used to join the young person's networks within the networks, because I felt it was a way I'd be able to meet a Susan one day. Because she's in that network, and she's already accomplished, but I can go like put on an event or help on an event or try to add value to something that like I'm taking from, and then I'm going to meet someone that I, you know, maybe wouldn't have. And that was one of the things that actually got me a lot of relationships I would have never had. And that also helped me build my network in a big way. So after I did one like, wow, this is pretty cool. So I sometimes it'd be two or three. And I felt very nourished by it, because I felt like I was helping. And I wasn't just taking especially at a young person, like all you can do is like, sort of like take from what you're learning, from the you're, you're, you're in a, you're in a process of learning your career, right? So I felt that was a way that I felt like I could also contribute while I'm learning. And I still do it to this day.
Susan Sly 29:48
I love that. So let me ask you this, the Wall Street Journal on the weekend, they always feature someone and they'll show their personal board of directors. There's always four people there, right? So it's really, Jon, for me, when I look at that I'm like, Okay, who, who is my personal board of directors right now. So Harvey Mackay is my personal mentor. So he's like, right at the top of of that. I have a new person in my life. She's the head of AI for a massive company. There are very few women in AI. So we're like unicorns, so like, she's on that list now, too. So rapid fire. If I was reading about you in the Wall Street Journal on the weekend, and they're listening, you're four people who are your personal board of directors, who are there?
Jonathan Schultz 30:34
Wow. I have so many. I mean, you know, an organization I'm in which is a CEO organization, YPO, I have that actually. And they're, they're amazing. But personal. Listen, my partner is one of them, comes bang, right into my mind. My father, God bless him still, you know, very active, and you know, he's one of them. Let me think who else? I gotta take my wife. I like I, you know, we have many, many conversations that are amazing. And then for the fourth, I would say, everyone else, because like, like I said, like, like, I don't have just four that are set in stone, except people that I'm around every day. I move around, and I try to learn from everybody. But you know, those people I mentioned are the people that I speak to the most. And, you know, I just, I could say that's who it is.
Susan Sly 31:45
I, I'm going to add my husband to my, you just inspired me to do that. Because he is my person. You know, there's no question. Yeah, listen— brilliant, brilliant, man. Oh, yeah. What's your wife's first name? Allison. Allison, shout out to you. I can't wait to read the Wall Street Journal and your name is going to be there. It's gonna be awesome. You are doing incredible things. And some of the things I'm taking away from this show are, I love what you said about a recession is a great reset. It's an equalizer, it shifts the opportunity zone. And that, I love that narrative. It was huge. And I hope everyone's taking this away. Start to quantify it. I love anything we can quantify. At MIT, I always joke like, if they'll put math on anything, so I'll do this too. So start to figure out like, how happy are you every day? Is it you know, a minute, two minutes, maybe it's zero, whatever it is, and start to increase that. I love what you said about that, Jon, because it's huge. That's something people can take away. And then the third thing is get your personal mentorship web of people and who are those four people, right? And if you don't have them yet, make that your goal this year, because it's so true that your network determines your net worth. That's the bottom line. And I know everything in my life that I've ever achieved, has come through my network. It's that you know, that's it. So Jon, you are absolutely amazing. Thank you for being here. Any final words to the audience?
Jonathan Schultz 33:18
Don't take yourself too seriously, because I try not to. And this is all one big fun, hopefully, game of life that you know, doesn't last that long. And you know, as you get older, you feel that more. So but, enjoy yourselves, have a great 2022, and hopefully everyone on the show will find at least one thing to direct themselves towards that, gets to that being happy more every day, and that'd be terrific.
Susan Sly 33:46
I love it. Well, thanks so much Jon for being here. And check out Jon on social, on Twitter, it's JonSchultz_Onyx, I love, that's awesome. And then he's also on LinkedIn as JohnSchultz1, so check him out. Follow him on social. Tag us. And if you are on iTunes, Jon and I would love a five star review. I've got lots of them. Let's keep the party going. If this episode has been helpful, please do share it, tag me on all the social. With that, God bless. Go rock your day and I'll see you in a future episode of Raw and Real Entrepreneurship.