To increase sales results you need to know what it is that makes or breaks a sale…
Is it simply product superiority? Is it a seductive advertising campaign filled with happy, gorgeous models?
Well, maybe those could factor in, but to increase sales results, you need to know that people are buying people as much as anything else.
Imagine a tired looking sales rep dragging into a sales presentation, clothes disheveled. Half-heartedly fighting back a yawn, he or she gives a monotonous slide show presentation filled with boring text and meaningless data. Are you buying whatever junk this person is selling? Likely not. That’s surely not the way to increase sales results.
What if, instead of that sad, lifeless body entering the room, a tidy, well-dressed, enthusiastic individual confidently strides into the room. Immediately, the salesperson engages the audience with a friendly greeting and a smile. He/she then begins by narrating a vivid story that has the audience at full attention.
In great detail, through his/her words, the people in the room are moved to think and to feel. They are now at ease; they can overcome what ails them; buying this is the right decision.
Without question, the second salesperson will have more success – be able to increase sales results – than his/her dull counterpart from the first scenario, no matter what is being sold.
The truth is, how you present yourself and the language you use can hugely impact your ultimate results. Those who are most successful in sales are aware that building a connection and getting the audience (or person) into the right mindset is essential. There are certain key phrases that anyone can use to immediately become more proficient at engaging with a target audience. Hint: a couple have already been used above.
People generally don’t want to be told what to buy. If they can be taken on a journey and picture how it would feel to have their biggest headaches suddenly resolved, then their desire to get to that point is all the persuasion necessary.
Susan Sly is a best selling author, speaker and entrepreneur. She has appeared on CNN, CNBC, Fox, Lifetime Television and the CBN. Susan is the mother of five children and resides in Scottsdale, Arizona.