If you are dealing with hormones out of balance, it can affect many areas of your life.
Having hormones out of balance takes its toll on relationships and even hinder your ability to be happy.
Camille has been empowering clients in the healthcare profession for over 25 years. If you have hormones out of balance, she is your person. She is a Registered Nurse, a Hormone Educator and Consultant, Nutrition Expert, and is a private practice Educator specializing in sexuality and relationships.
Camille is a committed life-long learner and in her journey has had the opportunity to work at The Regional Women’s Health Centre at the renowned Women’s College Hospital (Toronto) as a Sexuality Counsellor/RN.
A highlight for her was training with Dr. John Gray (Men are from Mars, Women Are from Venus)! Camille learned about the integration of nutrition, brain chemistry, sexuality and romance; truly a holistic view.
She has trained at the Graduate Intensive Sex therapy programs at University of Guelph as well for ongoing education after obtaining her MEd (Counseling Psych) at The University of Toronto. She sits on the medical advisory board for femMED.
Camille speaks professionally to a wide variety of groups with the overall goal of empowering people to be the best they can be!
Camille is solution focused, compassionate, and provides clarity. Her company, The Eros Group, is groundbreaking in the area of Hormones Out of Balance, Health and Sexuality – these change lives physically, mentally and emotionally. She is also a writer and her articles appear in various publications and on the internet. (2014)
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