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Have a crazy life? Want to organize it once and for all? Recently, we started our newest program – OYL Sales Academy.

In this class, I assist people from many forms of sales to organize it – get organized, get focused and embrace their profession.

One of my consistent areas of focus is ‘mixed messages,’ – items that are diametrically opposed to the intentions we are setting.

For example, if you are in a direct sales company and still have items from your old company then you are sending a message that you are not fully vested in your new business.OYL Sales Academy

Another example would be if you have recently lost weight and are clinging to your old, larger clothes then you are sending a signal that you are secretly in fear of re-gaining the weight.

Mixed messages ultimately can sabotage us and if we truly want to succeed, we must get rid of anything that is sending the signal that failure is an option.

In the OYL Movement, my goal is to help people organize it – anything holding them back. Together, we will clear the clutter from their lives, become more productive and create the balance they deserve.

Getting rid of things that cause mixed messages is essential and there is no better time than now to set aside time to get it done! With only a few months left to finish the year strong, creating a clearing is essential if we truly want to achieve our goals. With this in mind, here are three areas to focus on:

1. Money and Finance – Organize It!

I teach my students that if they want to improve their finances, then anything that is in conmoneyflict with their sources of income must go.

As mentioned, if you are in a business and have marketing materials from your past business, they should go. If you have stacks of unpaid bills, seek debt consolidation to minimize the amount of stress you feel.

If your old social media posts are an embodiment of a past era that you no longer feel good about, delete them.

Take a look at your current source(s) of income and purge out anything that is not in alignment with what you want. One exception to note – do not get rid of tax documents and receipts. It is essential to keep these however you can upload them to a cloud so you do not have to look at them.

relationship2. Relationships

Is your relationship challenged?

Do you have old love letters from past loves?

Do you have photos of yourself with old boyfriends, girlfriends or spouses?

Get rid of them!

This sends a clear message that you do not have enough room in your life for a fulfilling, beautiful relationship!!

3. Health

Old clothes that do not fit, old diet books, and basically anything that clearly paints a pictpick-clothesure of you where you don’t want to be, needs to go!

It is incredible what we hold onto; things that define our failures and not our successes. If, for example, you have workout VHS cassettes, that are gathering dust – get rid of them!

I teach my students that when we hold onto these things we are really saying, ‘I am holding onto a past that isn’t there.’ What if your best body and your best health is out in front of you and not behind you?

The only way that is going to be your truth is if you get rid of those things that embody your failures.

Lastly, I want you to stand in the possibility that the rest of your life could be the best of your life. I want to see your photos of how you are purging things with mixed messages.

Send them into with the subject line ‘mixed messages.’ In the email, let us know that we have your permission to re-post your photos.

I want to grow the OYL Movement and love seeing your progress.

Go for it! Let’s organize it now!

Check out my latest video for more great tips.

Are You Sending Mixed Messages?


Susan Sly is a best-selling author, speaker, trainer and entrepreneur.  She specializes in helping individuals, and organizations, become more productive.  She resides in Scottsdale, Arizona with her husband, Chris.  Susan is the mother of five children and loves her life! To connect with Susan visit.

Have You Read Susan’s Book – Organize Your Life? Get your copy now.organize-your-life-best-selling-self-help-books



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