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Organize Your Life Course: OYL Champion – Hadass E.

Hadass’s Journey in the Organize Your Life Course

How I came to be in the Organize Your Life course…

I have been a fan of Susan Sly’s for a long time. One of my most cherished possessions is a photo of a chance meeting I had with Susan in a hotel gym in Vancouver last year.

Susan probably doesn’t remember, but I was listening to a Jeffrey Combs podcast while on the treadmill, and she offered to take a selfie so she could send it to him. No wonder I’m grinning like a fool in this picture.

It took me a long time to get up the courage to join OYL – Organize Your Life. I’ve been on the Internet since before it was called that (I got my first email address in 1988 – I bet that’s before some of my classmates were born!).

I am not a naturally organized person – like so many entrepreneurs, I am more than a little inclined towards ADD. I knew I needed to get organized. I knew I needed to learn how to organize my life once and for all!

I’ve taken lots of courses and I know all the right things to do (Website! Blogging! Social Media! Mailing list! Lead magnets! Facebook ads! Making calls!), but my lack of organization and faith in myself caused me to sabotage every attempt to go beyond “playing at business”.

Many factors contributed to my finally biting the bullet and signing up for the Organize Your Life Fundamentals course, but I am incredibly happy that I did.

I have promised myself that I will find a way to take every course on the subject that Susan is willing to offer in the future. Somehow Susan and the group have ignited that courage inside me that I needed to develop, and for that I am very, very grateful.



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