Are you someone who really believes nothing is impossible? Or when faced with new ideas and opportunity, does your mind immediately go to the challenges?
The happiest people are those who believe that nothing is impossible. At least not completely.
These people believe that with dedication, perseverance, and some creativity – there is very little that is not possible in some form. They do believe, in fact, that nothing is impossible in its entirety.
A very special Step into Your Power ™ Call as Susan Sly welcomes Camille Lawson.
Camille Lawson – RN, Sexuality, Hormone and Health Consultant
Has anyone ever told you that you are too old, too young, the wrong gender, not qualified and just ‘not right’ for something? We have all been there and for some, it knocks them out of the game.
Well, we are asking you to suspend disbelief. To consider that truly, nothing is impossible.
Listen to this ultra-inspiring podcast with Susan’s guest, author, trainer, speaker, and endurance athlete Molly Sheridan. In the call, she shares her tips for how an ordinary person can do extraordinary things.