Ever wonder how some people are able to achieve more than others?
What is it that sets people apart? How can some people consistently achieve greatness and achieve more? While others, seem destined for mediocrity?
Likewise, is there more to being able to achieve more than just being born with a silver spoon?
In fact, many of the greatest achievers and wealthiest people came from humble or disadvantaged beginnings. People like Oprah, Tony Robbins, Ralph Lauren, just to name a few.
What is it that sets them apart from Average Joe and Average Jane? What is it that empowers them to achieve more?
We all have the same opportunity. However, achievers do certain things that differentiate them from the throngs of people satisfied with mediocrity. One thing they do, which can be multi-faceted, is create habits consistent with becoming successful.
A favorite saying of mine is, “If you want to create 7 figure results, you can’t have 10 cent habits.” Laziness and lack of discipline will never make you a millionaire. Unless that is, you plan on winning the lottery. Best of luck there.
A very prime example of the contrasting habits of rich and poor – and those who are able to achieve more – would be the dichotomy between reading books and watching television.
The overwhelming majority of multi-millionaires and billionaires are not watching The Real Housewives of Ypsilanti, Michigan. I can tell you that much. On the other hand, they are reading books and feeding their minds with knowledge.
That is just one poignant example of the habits successful people create on their path to greater abundance in their lives.
Truthfully, there are many more habits that are more likely to be adopted by the ‘haves’ than the ‘have nots.’ Prosperous people are always looking to accomplish, achieve more, to improve, to better themselves.
Check out my latest Business Basics video to find out what those who are able to achieve more do before they go to sleep.
Susan Sly is a Balanced Living and Productivity Expert. She is an author, speaker and entrepreneur. She has appeared on CNN, CNBC, Fox and Lifetime Television. Susan is the mother of five children. She, and her husband, Chris, reside in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Join author, speaker and entrepreneur Susan Sly as she delves into the topic of organization and how it can improve both your business and your every day life. Organize Your Life is presented in a simple format and covers the nuts and bolts of organization and productivity, making it your ultimate resource for creating an ideal lifestyle. Learn more….